You are a wine enthusiast who has recently purchased a new home. While the house itself is nice, what drew you was news of a large wine cellar left over by the previous owner. Unswayed by the knowledge that he died in a bout of insanity, you have moved in right away. Though you planned to wait until morning to peruse the selection, your curiosity has gotten the better of you. A quick peek--a quick sip--couldn't hurt, could it? An experimental custom story with the goal of creating scares and situations that have yet to be done in Amnesia. NOTE TO LET"S PLAYERS. There is a song in this custom story, Vesti La Giubba. It is apparently copyrighted. If you download this either through Desura or modDB, make sure to go to my modDB page and get the public domain version before doing a Let's Play. I don't want your channel to get in trouble.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 184)

CheesyDeveloper says

May contain spoilers Agree (7) Disagree


- Unique, refreshing story
- The most incredible scripting I've seen for a long time (I'm actually jealous)
- Music, ideas, details, it's all great
- Interesting quests


- A few bugs (although they are fixed in the latest patch)
- Sometimes a bit too hard when it comes to the puzzles. I sent you 2 messages to proceed, but I admit, I could probably have searched around better
- Last map had a few glitches (walls not correctly connected, water looked like a cube)

Neutral: (Own opinions/both good and bad. Does not affect the score)

- It's "Amnesia time" but yet there is a bus stop? Which time is it in this story? I'm confused
- Voice acting would be a plus. Although it was very good without it
- All the monster encounters were very easy to avoid, but the puzzles and unique last "boss" or what ever you can call it weight that up.


I don't care what other people think about it, this story is the most unique one I've played yet with the classic Amnesia theme. I fully understand why it took you so long to create and I don't often say this but I'm actually jealous of your scripting ability.

Not only is it one unique story, it's also a very deep one and I both laughed and was on the edge to fell a tear at the sad parts and that doesn't happen often in Amnesia stories.

If you have motivation for Amnesia and feel like "yeah, I want to continue mapping for Amnesia", then please do so! If this is your first story, then wow, I can't imagine how awesome the next one will be!

Highly recommended and one of my new favourites

10/10 - Masterpiece

I seriously do not know how to review this game. Sometimes I loved it, and sometimes I just wanted to rage quit it, because of the annoying moments.

First of all: The plot. One word: incredible! But seriously, it's not nice to be stuck, been obligated to read the lines because there is not left for you to do unless this. You could have worked in voice acting at least, it would be easier and more professional.

Second: I'm still thinking, this is a serious cs or just a funny one? The Humor Room screwed the ''Scary Feeling'' of the game that is present in all the other parts. But it still have been made very professionaly, I'm really impressed of your scripting skills + so many creative ideas that you have used in the levels that have become before the Level Selection Room and even after it!

I only have one thing to say that I really do not like in your game: there is no clues of what you have to do... No mementos, no nothing. In the knowledge and in the childhood room, I wanted to kill you because of this. I think that a CS is made to make people scary or to make people enjoy playing your rooms, not to be angry, looking for keys that is almost impossible to find without a Walkthrough. Luckly I was able to find everything and finish the game.

All my thoughts are very mixed about your game, but I really liked it. In the beggining I was about to give you a 10/10. After the Humor Room and the Joy Room, I was going to give you a 6/10, but after finishing the game and seeing the AMAZING Confusion Room, I decided to change my last score and to give you this honorable 8/10.

You guy is really a talented one! I hope to see more of your stuff, I'm really interested in seeing of what are you capable of! Good luck pal!

Final Score: 8/10


Positives: Story / Ideas / Scares / Enviroment / Scripting / Interesting and Creative Puzzles / Duration

Negatives: No Voice Acting / Serious-Not Serious CS / Bugs / Hard to Find Objects

I hate to give a low rating to a mod that clearly had effort put into it, but I feel this mod does a lot wrong.

This custom story focuses more on story than gameplay. Nothing wrong with that on its own, but obviously such a thing requires excellent writing... and the writing here is fundamentally flawed in so many ways, in ways one would expect out of a mod which is why most mods focus more on gameplay instead. Few people have the writing talent of thechineseroom and even they focus too little on gameplay for their own good. The story here is not at all bound by logic and the narrative doesn't try to cover it up. You're forced to accept things that should leave you thinking, "Um... ok?"

The gameplay is just... really badly designed. So much of it is scavenger hunt type gameplay: Find numerous hidden little objects to advance. This is the opposite of fun, it's boring and tedious hence why you rarely see such a design in actual games. Frictional Games never uses it. Looking behind curtains, inside bookshelves, and the like for little objects isn't very intuitive or challenging and not at all rewarding.

The scares are few and far between. This mod is known for evoking a wide range of emotions (although the story is too illogical for this and the writing quality just isn't there), it's not all horror like Amnesia. But when it does attempt to scare you, it's the same old tiring things that other modders have also done poorly. Statues appearing around you in a circle? It's just stupid and it pains me to say. Yes, it's very hard to make a custom story that scares the player in an original way, but the thing is Amnesia's type of terror hardly gets old.

It has some cool looking levels and impressively scripted gameplay segments, although much of the levels show a lack of polish, being able to see in between the tile-based walls and such (seeing the white void in between wall pieces and such). Rather immersion breaking.

At least the funny parts of this custom story are somewhat funny. The effort is there and I do appreciate that, but the design and craft are not there. Most modders are better off focusing on terrifying gameplay and atmosphere, which is a bit easier to do effectively as many other custom stories have done. But when they try to go for story over gameplay, that typically ends up underwhelming especially when the gameplay is as tedious as it is here.

Good things:
- The best story line I've ever seen in any custom story

-A lllooooooooooooooootttt of creativity

-custom music/sounds

-Being able to create something with almost no knowledge in the editor which I'm very impressed because it took me months just to figure out how to test my maps

-Good and creepy jumpscares and even a bit of humour (you're quite the joker)

-Amazing scripting

Bad things:

-Some hard puzzles

-A couple empty rooms and corridors

You know most custom stories would have a creepy story and there are scares and a creepy atmosphere but this actually gave me feelings. Not just scared but sad too. I also felt amazed by the storyline. A movie could be made out of this, or a book, honestly just make a book out of this I mean being trapped in an eternal void.. Imagine what something like that could feel like and Michel getting trapped with his PARENTS who's lifetime is so clear and everything. Hachimara plants to go to Anna's world which is apparently trapped in the void at the cause of death. I actually felt like I was Michel when I figured out the whole thing. A void between life and death being eternal darkness and being trapped in that, heeeuu, it gives me the shivers!

Dude, amazing story :D

10/10 Masterpiece!

There's no point of reviewing this. Awesome job with this one! The storyline is great and strong (but sad) and it's one of the two reasons why this should be rated 10/10. The other reason is the scripting, done by a true master. Don't let the beginning fool you, because it looks like it would be a bad CS, but it's not!

Magnificent story, full of emotional transactions and sparkled with bravura originality. I praise you for not ending the mod with a dreadful conclusion as it would have ruined the perfection of the narrative.

I wish to praise DeAngelo for making this mod, since it's quite a unique experience.I find it to be a pity that my review cannot be as positive as I had hoped since this mod also packs quite some flaws.

What first comes to mind is that the custom stories suffers from it's leveldesign. Suffering from some basic mapping issues such as flickering textures, objects not lining up correctly and overal bland/empty rooms lacking detail.

Secondly, and probably the most frustrating element in this mod, are some of the puzzle sections. Puzzles consist out of: check everything, whilst leaving you clueless over where to find such an object. The worse part is that more often than not, the objects to be found are places in extremely illogical places. Thank god for the help file in the mod's folder!

The last thing that kinda dissapointed me is the lack of voice acting. In a custom story where emotion is important and there are long conversations with a few characters, voice acting could really beef it up.

Having said this, I want to go on by praising DeAngelo for the following:
The story is unique and very well created. Some parts of the story are very memorarable and very well done! There are a lot of new things being tried in this custom story and most of these turn out very nice!

The story takes us on a journey throughout interesting and diverse areas. Although some of the maps have some flaws in them, many are quite unique and fit the story's vibe perfectly. The same goes for the music. I found it to be a good companion to your mod(with the exception of the arrogance part)

+ Unique story
+ Nice custom music
+ Unique maps

- No voice acting
- Bland and empty rooms
- Basic mapping mistakes
- Puzzle design (intensily frustrating)

It was quite a dillema rating this cs. I rated this with an 8 because I enjoyed playing through the mod and found it to be a breath of fresh air. Know that the flaws stated above prevent this from being absolutely top-notch! Keep it up!


My favorite custom story


There is a lot to like in this story. There are really cool scripted events, humor, and generally a great deal of uniqueness. Unfortunately, it gets completely ruined by obnoxious key hunts that take you out of the game. There are three separate parts of this story where you are hunting for keys and a few of them are in ridiculous places. One key is actually clipped inside an object and you can't even see it is there unless the stars align and you mouse over it. Another in the same area blends in with a wall and is next to invisible, also requiring you to use an object on a very tiny section of some machinery. Two earlier sections have keys hidden in absurd places nobody would look. Despite a lot of cool ideas, this feels like it wasn't play tested and the key hunts are just incredibly bad game design. This is worth a play if you're a big fan of Amnesia custom stories, but don't start here.


Unique and interesting.