Complex doom is a mod for the game "doom". It replaces the enemies, weapons, items, etc. with newer versions. The enemies are stronger, the weapons need reloading and so on. It also adds special effects to make it look prettier. Zdoom (or one of it's forks like gzdoom or zandronum.) is required in order to play since complex doom uses DECORATE.


This pack uses Freedoom and also GZDoom(4.10) and Zandronum(3.1) engines, so you don't need the original Doom game, you don't need to buy or download anything else, just unzip and play. This pack contains its own launcher that allows you to easily choose the combinations of mods you want to play. This pack includes several gameplay mods (BrutalDoom v21, Brutal Doom: Black Edition, Project Brutality, ComplexDoom, Beautiful Doom), 2 HD texture replacers, 3 music packs, and more than 140 megawads and mapsets. You can also easily add your favorite mods by simply dragging and dropping them.

Doom Brutalizer: Starter Pack (with Launcher)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 107)
Jarda1203 - - 7 comments

Thank you

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

You're welcome.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
fischbitz - - 13 comments

This is great, thoroughly enjoying it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 693,662 comments

uffffff amazing job!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Randomguy7 - - 288 comments

good ****! All it needs now is brutal doom: platinum and slayer's rampage! I would also like to see Unholy Realms added, and the Compendium and Lexicon mappacks! I'd also like to see livereverb, relighting doom, immerse movement mod, and autoautosave!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

You can add all this and much more yourself. Just drag and drop it right into the appropriate section of the menu.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

@Randomguy7 I'll upload it on rutracker

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
sodomizer5637 - - 6 comments

This is great! But i have issue: launcer can`t see my maps anymore. They still there, in a folder.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

There are 2 different folders (by default) for doom1 and doom2 maps. Check out if you choose appropriate game in the launcher.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Seb212 - - 2 comments

Hi when i try opening the brutalizer.exe application it doesnt open please help

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mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

You need ".NET Framework 4.8" to run brutalizer.exe

Reply Good karma+3 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Hi what is your discord

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Can u send me the software so i create my own pack ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

Hi, I haven't discord.
You can create your own pack based on this. Just replace/delete the files you don't need with the ones you need. (Hint: turn on the "Editing mode" to change the description of your files directly in the launcher.)
You can also use any engine that supports the same command-line syntax as zdoom (-iwad "doom2.wad" -file "somefile.wad"), if you don't need gzdoom or/and zandronum. And you can also use several different versions of the same engine at the same time, the launcher will be able to distinguish them if the version numbers differ.

Or maybe you need the source code?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

I just want the "brutalizer" app only like how i have zdl
I don't have too disk space to download 3go
Can u send me the link here or in private message for personal use?
Just the installer or zipped app

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

I suppose it will be better if I leave a few files in each folder as a example. So it will be easier for you to create your own pack. What is the maximum archive size that will suit you?
I can also just shrink the archive by removing the largest files.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Yes send me the app only without the pack/wads and pk3

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments


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OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

I have a question brutalizer use the cpu?
it can lag/affect the game?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

It can't lag/affect the game.
Here is shrink version(180mb):
It contain all necessary files + brutal Doom, freedoom2 and 1 megawad as examples.
Use "zandronum" and "gzdoom" folders and don't remove "deff" files if you want portability for your Pack. "Deff" - it's actually a plain txt-file that contains settings for gzdoom and zandronum ini-files. So you can change it to your own preferred settings.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Thanks so much bro
That's what i wanted

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Hi bro
Не возражаете, если я опубликую Ваш "pack" на торрент-сайте "rutracker"?
Конечно поставлю "credit" и подробности, не переживайте

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments


Reply Good karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Should add a delete button or option to delete an undesirable pk3/wad from the app

It is more confortable to delete the file in the list than in the folder location

It would have been great to be able to create custom packs in the brutalizer application like in the WMD-master application

this way we could create fixed collections with names/profiles or pages (1,2 or custom names list) without having to modify the selections all the time
It would make some things easier
or just add the "Favorite" category

or simply saving the selections for each mod/maps without mod collection

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Should add "miscellaneous" option for pwads/maps too
because some maps don't come alone ,they have patch ,additional textures, or override or sprites addons, sounds replacer or other data like Compendium-v1.pk3 compendiumrandomizer.pk3...[DoomZero.wad -deh DOOMZERO.DEH DoomZeroHQMusic.pk3]..doom_complete.pk3 .Neural2x.pk3 doommus.wad SIGIL_SHREDS.wad Doom2Midi_sXp_Kolibri92.wad nrftl_midipack_zdoom.wad TNTmidi_smoosh.wad plutmidi_smoosh.wad ml_midipack.wad ... to finalize the maps
As i said some map is create with the music and patch separately
Some lumps are known by their names and apply to the game as a whole. Some of these are:

Sound effects
PLAYPAL: Color palettes for various situations.
COLORMAP: Map to adjust pixel values for reduced brightness.
ENDOOM: Text displayed when vanilla Doom exits.
TEXTURE1, TEXTURE2, PNAMES: Data defining the wall textures.
DEMOs: Recorded games, auto-played before any level is started."

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

Thanks for the feedback. I don't have enough time for my launcher right now, but feel free to write any other suggestions. Maybe later I'll update it and include all the interesting suggestions.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Thanks you for your answer too
-The possibility to delete unwanted file in the list
-add too the miscellaneous feature in the Maps(pWads) content (you can call it Miscellaneous or Patch) there are the most urgent of all
-Fix bug where the latest selected miscellaneous does not always get automatically ticked.
Please inc them before all

This :

Must be inc in this too :

but the source folder must be different so it will not detect and show the files of the old miscellaneous when we enter here (the list on the right) :


-Add Separate Save folders/Separate Config files

-fix bug Brutalizer.exe has stopped working when clicking on invalid http irl

-Maybee should add too the navigation Menu Button SOUND EFFECT of doom 2 could be a good idea and the possibility to desactive it especially when u click on the "Rip & Tears! Start!" and and we hear the doom switch sound it should be cool

Why it is written "megawad" for all maps while megawad is a PWAD that containing 15 or more levels whereas the software is for all types maps, should be better to call it "Map" or just "Wad"

add here too (in the editor mode) the possibilty to write or choose the types of maps *here is the list : Megawad, Slaughterwad, Single map, underground complex ,maps sets, Crater Revisited..

-There are only the minimize button and the exit button ,should add another to minimize the program to system/icon try,

-There are PORTS ,MAPS AND MEGAWADS,MUSIC ,Brutalizer ,TEXTURES and Engines in the brutalizer app: Should add screenshot and demos features too

-screenshot and demos features too inside the option but not in the same

* screenshot feature : show screenshot taken at the game and you can use the left right red navigation arrow to show the others one by one
* a list of available recorded demos and his own folder where videos/.lmp are stocked and be playable with the already selected sourceport

Here is my full list of feedback + the message i sent u to which is the last

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Guest - - 693,662 comments

Que belleza gracías....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,662 comments

Is this for MacOS???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

Windows only.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
theone1234567890 - - 9 comments

Hello is Project Brutality up-to-date? I can't install any add-ons

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mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

It's relatively old version - 19_01_22.
But are you sure that your add-ons need newest version? Maybe they are old and needs more older PB on the contrary?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
theone1234567890 - - 9 comments

The old PB version might be the reason why, the add-on I was trying to add was the Glory Kills add-on on Brutal Respository which was updated on 27-03-2022

Do you plan on updating PB any time soon?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

I have no plans to update PB anytime soon. But you can update it yourself. Just drag and drop the new version directly into the "Brutalizers" section of the launcher (but don't forget to change the file extension from ".zip" to ".pk3").

Reply Good karma+3 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

theone1234567890 @Randomguy7
I'll upload on mediafire if i'll have time my modified pack that have 2x more maps mods music and textures And all mods are up to date

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Sakata-san - - 1 comments

Thx a lot i can say my°1 favorite doom launcher

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 693,662 comments

а как можно включить дополнения для модов? в папке они есть, но в меню нигде не отображаются. вот эти Tomtefars_Extension и т.д.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 693,662 comments

mrPron спасибо за подсказку
но на мой взгляд лучше будет обьеденить все расширения в одно окно, скажем на место свистелок и пусть игрок сам обозначает галочками какие моды или расширения для модов ему хочется поставить.
это можно сделать как альтернативную версия этого замечательного лаунчера.

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Guest - - 693,662 comments

can you add the doom Raytracing mod to the launcher? i'd like to be able to play brutal doom with glorious RTX lighting so i can see all the carnage.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

<<You can add all this and much more yourself. Just drag and drop it right into the appropriate section of the menu...but don't forget to change the file extension from ".zip" to ".pk3" *if it's zip file>>

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Why not do it by yourself? it's too easy and don't take times
He's busy enough for that, and where is the sense of updating just for that.

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Guest - - 693,662 comments

I agree to all FudgeAvdventurous said. We need to be able to load multiple files (maps, etc...) at once

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

What you agree exactly?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

But he did great job, i always use his launcher app since i discovered it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

mrPron are you available for talk in messenger?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mrPron Author
mrPron - - 34 comments

Sorry, but I'm still too busy.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 693,662 comments

This is quickly turning into my favorite mod loader except for one problem. There are way too many addon-mods for Brutal Doom and all of its variants with addons for them being cross-compatible sometimes plus other gameplay mods. The best way I could see solving this is by creating a way to allow us to bundle multiple files by load order within the extensions tab (like xvme 1.3.1 a monster pack specifically for Brutal Doom V21 that has multiple files)since the miscellaneous tab is supposed to be for hud mods and other smaller mods; But even that's gunna need to be given options for organization for things like brutalized monster mods for non brutal mods and even companion mods like brutal friends or the ISABELLE companion mod. Maybe try and make an option were we can create folders in the miscellaneous tab. I don't wanna fully transfer all my mods and maps to this mod loader until I feel like I'm not putting a bunch of random .pk3s and wads into the Svist or Profile folders while still trying to keep them organized and abiding by the apps functions. I have 16gb to transfer too so finding all the correct .txt files for my maps/mods and youtube videos to link to them gets really tedious really fast.

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Guest - - 693,662 comments

I agree with this guy I have a lot of mods that I want to transfer too but found out the hard way that the misc tab doesn't have a scroll slider.
EDIT: nvm I figure out the problem. I transferred a bunch of files to the Svist folder and dragged and dropped from instead of drag and dropping into app before hand.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
OMXGAMERZ - - 298 comments

Did you try to double click in the miscellaneous? You will find all the available files you added here & swap/check

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