In the not too distant future the world is ravaged by war and left a desolate place. Roving bands of miscreants steal and loot to survive off the corpse of the old world. Out of this conflict come two main groups, the loosely connected Road Rogues who plunder without mercy and rule the highways with a V8 fist; and the Civilian Compound, a group of survivors who will stop at nothing to protect their families and a way of life that they used to know.

RSS Articles
The Wastes 5th Anniversary Sale and more!

The Wastes 5th Anniversary Sale and more!

News 4 comments

90% off Sale, The Wastes (mod) Legacy content, and more!

Welcome to TWTest - The Wastes v1.3 Play Test

Welcome to TWTest - The Wastes v1.3 Play Test

News 2 comments

After several missed deadlines you can finally play The Wastes v1.3... as a beta...

Road to The Wastes 1.3 - New Beginnings...

Road to The Wastes 1.3 - New Beginnings...


We're chipping away piece by piece to get to the future of The Wastes!

The Wastes - Released!!!

The Wastes - Released!!!

News 7 comments


A Visual Interface Guide

A Visual Interface Guide

Feature 5 comments

In this article we're going to show you the interface of The Wastes and the deep level of customization you're (hopefully) going to love.

We're on Steam®

We're on Steam®

News 12 comments

It's time. The Wastes is officially back. Plus some new screenshots. Who doesn't like seeing those?

The History of The Wastes

The History of The Wastes

Feature 7 comments

An article explaining to you, the origins of The Wastes.

Announcing... The Wastes

Announcing... The Wastes

News 1 comment

The Wastes was just unveiled at QuakeExpo 2016. Yes, it's back.