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Syria's chemical attack, Assad or false flag?
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Mike Pence Author
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

There's skepticism and belief the gas attack (allegedly) by the Assad regime was a false flag operation made to blame the Syrian regime. Assad had a lot going for him and was winning the Syrian Civil War conventionally. He has no reason to resort to chemical weapons. Especially when the USA was finally losing interest in further involvement in the region. Without probable cause to stay a U.S. presence becomes pointless. Especially given the Syrians, Russians, and Kurds have the fighting well in hand.

Now we've got over 60 Tomahawk missiles launched at a Syrian airbase over this alleged "chemical attack" and a dreaded Russian response expected in the morning.


Warned or not, I don't expect things to be very warm.

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Beskamir Creator
Beskamir - - 7,030 comments

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a false flag.

*A leaked image of my house: Vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net

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Mike Pence Author
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

The neocons are jumping with glee and I'm here shaking my head low in disgust.

Investigations weren't even completed. Infowars.com

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rkraptor70 - - 4,975 comments

Assad is winning at most fronts right now. He doesn't need to use gas to make progress. This attack just don't add up.

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Mike Pence Author
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments


The Russians have started with their response.


Peskov also insisted that “the Syrian army doesn’t have chemical weapons,” saying this had been “observed and confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a special UN unit.”

Putin has also condemned the attack as a violation of international law.

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murauder - - 3,669 comments

Oh come on.
This is something that isn't beyond the loyalists power to do and they have proven that they're willing to use chemical weapons against anyone opposing them and they have done so through out the war. Hell, they're the only faction that can manufacture nerve agents in bulk. No, chemical weapons (especially nerve agents) are not easy to make nor can anyone just make them from their basement. You'll need special chemists to make the stuff at a dedicated facility, with specialized tools and equipment, with ingredients that are not easy to obtain, less so in a warzone. One of them (and the only one I'll name) is methylphosphonyl difluoride, which it's only use is for the manufacture of chem weapons. Christ, the rest of the ingredients are just as and more toxic than the weapon itself. It is a delicate process that can not afford mistakes in the process otherwise you'll injure or kill yourself. Something important to mention is that Sarin itself degrades when in contact with water, preferably large amounts. Doesn't mean the water doesn't become toxic; it means that it becomes less lethal. Another point is that Sarin gas is heavier than air so those vapors from clothes will sink to the ground. You'll still suffer permanent neurological damage if not treated immediately and yes there are treatments for nerve agent exposure. The primary reasons for using gas would be to flush out the al-Sham forces in the targeted area as well as attempt to terrorize, demoralize, and kill possible sympathizers and supporters there. Civilians be damned. They've done this before at Ghouta, the suburbs in Damascus, Khan al-Assal (Aleppo), Kafr Zita, and others that I can't remember right now. Just because they're winning doesn't mean they won't use chem weapons.

Also, considering the survivors accounts, footage in the aftermath, the autopsies conducted by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, as well as the scale of the attack, it makes hard to believe that this is a "false flag" operation. But hey it's your conspiracy buddy, y'all tell it how you want it.

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Mike Pence Author
Mike Pence - - 3,288 comments

1. The Assad regime no longer "possesses" chemical weapons. The United Nations did a official investigation into this with a special unit and confirmed it themselves.

2. Al Nursra, a terrorist organization, has been trained in the use of chemical weapons and is in the area this attack occurred. There is even a reporter (British) who has blamed them for shelling the area with chemical weapons, instead of Assad. In fact, Assad's forces actually did a airstrike on the mortars that did the attack.

3. Ive already provided a series of sources and links around this post and the next to go through relating this information. If you choose to turn a blind eye, your decision.

A false flag operation in this here case doesn't mean a attack never happened, but rather it was manipulated to be blamed on someone else for political reasons. Now if you happen to believe Russia and the Assad regime are Satan incarnate, that's your problem. If you're willing to trust the mainstream media who's swimming with the story like they did with the Iraq war and Hillary Clinton's trustworthiness, that's your even bigger problem. They lost my trust and aren't getting it back.

This is something that isn't beyond the loyalists power to do and they have proven that they're willing to use chemical weapons against anyone opposing them and they have done so through out the war.

Provide solid evidence then, that isn't contradicted by other intelligence sources like those chemical attacks were in 2013. German intelligence disagreed with others conclusions. This time, a investigation wasn't even completed. Trump simply ran out and attacked. Just because you know chemical weapons were used, doesn't mean you know who did it. And in this case, that's pretty important before firing multi million dollar cruise missiles off like the 4th of July at people.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,615 comments

The Assad regime has been under huge surveillance from the past decade atleast, the Americans have the best system known to man for this - they record EVERY conservation, email, SMS or telephone we use ready to be read by someone in the future. If Assad was planning something they would have known weeks in advances. What I find weird is why did Trump send in over 60 ******* tomahawk missiles to deal with this 'situation'? The base was very small and didn't require all these missiles, it seems more likely that this "chemical weapon attack" was a genuine attack by ISIS but the US has simply shifted the blame for political reasons - not altogether different from the previous 2013 "chemical attack" which was false allegations to shift blame from ISIS. We know ISIS has used them many times before: Nytimes.com But ISIS has been severely weakened thanks for to the Shia Crescent Iran/Russia/Syria tag teaming them - but the timing of this is way more than just a coincidence, days before the freaking peace talks of all possible times that this could happen. The US had no excuse to get involved unless they could get a false flag attack and strike quickly before anyone can question or vote on this in congress. If Assad gets toppled this will mean Sharia law for Syria. I wonder if there will be an Assad Gasocaust museum in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria in the future... Steve Bannon was just recently removed from the security council possibly for being against this, H. R. McMaster (neo-con who Bill Kristol likes) was placed in his seat. Trusting him, Priebus, and now Jared Kushner is BS.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,615 comments

Was the missile strike a test of the russian/syrian air-defence, or a new missile live fire test?
1. How many missile is needed to overwhelm the missile defence of a protected site.
2. what kind of warhead is needed to compensate for the missiles that don't get through.
3. What is the most effective Final Stage flight of the missiles needed to penetrate air defence.
4. Are optical sensors needed?

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NationalGuard - - 140 comments

I'm more inclined to believe that this was a false flag, I see no reason for Assad to launch gas attacks at his own people when he is already winning the war. All it would do is alienate his own people (how stupid would you have to be when you're winning?) and give the Western media a propaganda victory to ramp up the "Assad must go" rhetoric, push for further regime change and we have Iraq 2003 all over again.

The same logic applies in the 2013 Ghouta attacks, why would Assad gas his own people knowing the obvious consequences? It honestly makes more sense if the 'rebels' (mostly ISIS & Al Qaeda now) were behind the attack/s.

Also, a fact not talked about by anyone is the fact that Assad gave up all his chemical weapons in 2013-14 after US demands.

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Does anyone believe that on the eve of peace talks, just after the White House said the Syrian people should choose their own leaders, that Assad would launch a gas attack to turn the whole world against him?

See also:

U.S. 'Planned to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame It on Assad - Scribd.com