Old School Battlefield fan. Minor contributor to BF2-AIX2, that's why I have a bot named after me (FoeHammer). R.I.P. BFSP forums!

Comment History
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Open Galaxy 2.0.0 Released

Has anyone installed this yet? Also does this work as is w/ mouse + keyboard? I can't find my old joystick.

Good karma+1 vote
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battlefield Vietnam Patched Executables 2022

Sounds Cool, but what does it do? What does it add/fix?

Good karma+3 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

Oh and one other thing I keep forgetting: Infinite sprint on almost every faction. I thought it was a feature, until I read other comments, after experiencing non-infinite sprint on just one faction on one map. (Japs on Pacific-Invasion-64sp I think?) I like it though, BF1942 was very arcade like (in some ways), feels right to me, but I read that's not intended. Regardless, I'm still having fun with this less-simulator-like WW2 BF2 mod. Keep up the good work guys thanks for the cool mod!

Good karma+3 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

OK I'm positive I've followed all install instructions. I hadn't replaced the shader cache but now I'm as sure as I can be I have it all set right. I got better performance out of Carentan64sp, the lag cleared up faster. However both Dust maps still CTD before fully loading. Dust 32sp crashes at 76% (used to be helpful to know what percent was loaded to track the problem)and dust 16sp crashes at 79% loaded. The U.K. anti-tank still causes CTD anytime I try it on any map, darned PIAT was always a pain for everyone involved, (even in gaming LOL!).Thanks Again, and good luck in the future!

Good karma+3 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

Man I figured it had to be something new with this awesome/different mod, because I've never seen any other BF mod do this kind of thing. If it didn't work once it never would on other tries, lol. Also since further testing, "AS-IS" (possibly not installed right) the U.K. anti-tank kit gets me a CTD on every map, every time, when switching weapons("bring up the piat! ...Nope." lol). Hoping these comments help, fresh set of eyes always helps me out. I'll double check my install, and re-test, and report back later. Thanks for the reply, and the great mod.

Good karma+2 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

UPDATE: The U.S. anti-tank kit seems to have fixed itself on some maps I've already tested, ... ??? I dunnno' what happened. The Carentan 64sp also loaded and I managed to select a spawn point but with extreme lag for a minute. Dust 32sp still gets a CTD on load.

Good karma+2 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

OH... P.S. :
Also got a CTD on trying to load the Dust-32sp map, never got the loading bar full. Much Love guys, thanks for the hard work.

Good karma+2 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

More testing done, lots of fun, here's what I found:
1.(kits) I'm getting a CTD whenever I try to play U.S. anti-tank class and switch weapons (all those darn tigers are safe,...for now, lol). 2.(performance) The Carentan 64sp map is extremely laggy when the spawn-map is open and eventually a CTD.
(as-is)Germans are basically in god-mode with tigers/king tigers up against "Ronson" brand Shermans and no bazookas, I'll test how they fair against the commys next, lol. Thanks again for the mod guys!

Good karma+2 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 has finally released after 4 years of development!

Still love the mod after testing 4-5 maps here's what I see: Love the graphics. Love The weapons and vehicles. Love the rank system. I love how the UI is new. I Love how I get the old BF1942 feel on the old vanilla maps.
However, I'm Not a fan of Ze Germans having so many king tigers in so many maps. Sure its fun when you play Ze Germans, but trying to play the other side is always wonky. Maybe give the other side the higher numbers of tanks (reduced spawn timers?), like in history, or something, lol. Still Loving it, thanks for the mod!!

Good karma+2 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ Battleground 44 hotfix patch (Obsolete)

LOVE IT! It's what I always wanted from other WW2 mods on BF2 engine! However, and maybe I'm the only one who had the problem, but the hotfix folder name "Battleground_44" has a space in the name the original folder, its supposed to replace (I assume), doesn't have, ("Battleground44") so it doesn't replace it, it just goes right under it. I fixed it by renaming the folders and making sure everything got put in the right places (not my 1st modded-rodeo, lol). I've only tested The Midway map so far, but it seems to work just fine as I have it installed. I just looked at the folder structure and made sure everything in the hotfix replaced something in the original.
This is Not meant as a complaint (I love the mod so far!) Hoping this helps others. Thx again!

Good karma+3 votes
1FOE*HAMMER - - 12 comments @ 9/27 Update: Important-Please Read

ARVNRanger- No worries man, can't wait for the release. I agree with the other comments, real life comes 1st, but maybe you could give us an alpha version with all the quirks. I doubt many of us wanting this are still into the current BF franchise: We LIKE the older clunky BF games too, and a messy-alpha would just be par for the course for a dedicated old-school BF fan, LOL. This reminds me of "DCX" (Played it just the other day too!) tons of content, and all the things in one mod. Either way, if its not FUN, then why do it? Much Love, keep going!

Good karma+3 votes