Author and freelance writer, editor and web designer. Owner and content creator of

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 180)
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Is it really that time again?

Excellent work. I am finding out first hand how time consuming modding can be if you want to do it right.

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ New Zone NPC's can't see through foliage 1.8.1 DLTX

Sweet. Even if it’s not perfect (which is probably impossible) it’s bound to be better than vanilla.

Good karma+3 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Quake Epsilon Build v2.56

I played this a few years back and was blown away by how good it was. My only minor gripe was that the dynamic lights and shadows made some areas too dark to see in. Is there a flashlight addon for this (similar to the one in Quake 1.5)

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ HAR (Health Monitoring System)

Complete mod for SoC did something very much like this. I didn’t realise until I heard my SEVA suit say ‘morphine administered’. “Hello Ms HEV voice, nice to see you here”

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Re:done Swamps ARCHIVED

Thank you, much appreciated. But Monolith, in MY dilapidated hovel? This I can not tolerate! (Reaches for rusty, trusty PMM) 😜

Good karma+3 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Re:done Swamps ARCHIVED

At the risk of sounding stupid, what do you mean by something having sim?

Good karma+4 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Psy stress v0.0.5b, v0.8.3 and v1.00.01

This sounds fantastic! May I ask why it was archived? This sounds like a must-have addon to me 😎

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ [MODDED EXES] Ledge Grabbing / Mantling (UPDATE 4.4)

This is exactly what stalker has needed since day one. Fantastic addon 👍

Good karma+4 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Alternative Boars


Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ HD_model_savage_looking

Love it. And I really want the mods on your mod list - anomaly is too stable now, I need more crashes to get that authentic jankiness and instability back 😎

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Lurker Retexture V2.0

Thanks, I hate it 😜 I looks gross, which is awesome. Still not as scary as the lurkers were in Last Day 1.3, which was the first stalker mod to introduce them. Hearing them bellow from across the map knowing that if they saw or heard you from across the map they would make a bee line for you and murder and entire stalker camp to get you. Oh, and follow you from one map to the next. Fun times 😂

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Alternative Fleshes

They look ugly as sin - in a good way 😎

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Simpler throw indicator texture

Any news on the X128 engine? 😜

Good karma+5 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Back to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Looking impressive. FYI I think you are looking for the word ‘inertia’ instead of ‘inertion’

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Short Story: Intruders + English Translation


Thank you for this. There are so many great mods out there that are practically unplayable to those who only speak English. Hand translations such as this make them accessible to a whole new audience.

If you are looking for suggestions for which mods to translate next, I highly recommend Spectrum Project/Path in the Mist (which I believe are the same mod but with two different names because... reasons)

It has a machine translation, but it's inconsistent and some parts are unintelligible. This is a shame because it is an amazing mod with some amazing maps. Even Sid gets off his fat A$$ to do a little exploring ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Looking Back - (Translated)


Thank you for this. There are so many great mods out there that are practically unplayable to those who only speak English. Hand translations such as this make them accessible to a whole new audience.

If you are looking for suggestions for which mods to translate next, I highly recommend Spectrum Project/Path in the Mist (which I believe are the same mod but with two different names because... reasons)

It has a machine translation, but it's inconsistent and some parts are unintelligible. This is a shame because it is an amazing mod with some amazing maps. Even Sid gets off his fat A$$ to do a little exploring ;-)

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] [MCM] Reworked RF Receiver v1.4

Excellent work! A cool but broken gameplay mechanic is now actually playable 👍 I agree with RamseySparrow about keeping the volume constant but the beep speed increasing for the reasons they stated. If a slider is difficult then setting it to max volume by default should work and be a lot easier to do. Or, create two versions, one with variable volume, one with fixed, and players can choose for themselves which to install 👍😎

Also blinking lights for the hard of hearing as brunoagostinimariano suggested.

Can enemies her the beeps? If so, then an optional vibrate mode for when you need to be sneekie breekie would be grea too - I think there is an addon that does this for the anomaly detectors too.

Good karma+3 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Psy stress v0.0.5b, v0.8.3 and v1.00.01

Superb! I remember saying stalker needed something like this back in 2016(ish). And now you have made it happen 👍😎 If you are looking for ideas about other effects then: Hunger, thirst, and sleep deprivation increase loss of psy health. Poverty too perhaps (if your bank balance goes below 1000ru perhaps?). Companions dying. Being wet. Being cold (might be tricky in Anomaly, easier in AREA since AFIK that measures wetness and temp). Being in the dark (if it’s dark and the batteries on your nvgs or flashlight run out it would be pretty scary). If anomaly adds a sickness system then being physically unwell could reduce mental health too. Eating rotten food. Etc etc.

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ KVMA´S NEW MILITARY MODELS 2 UPDATE

Seconded 👍😊

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ New Controller abilities 0.22

How about making companions appear to be hostile NPCs and having them shoot at you because you look like a hostile to them?

More screen disorientation effects, auditory and visual hallucinations. Makes you see disturbing images flashing up on screen like in this:

Suicide as in Gunslinger (if Arszi's controller doesn't already do this)

Controllers possesses NPCs (if Arszi's controller doesn't already do this)

Good karma+3 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ CoP Movement Speed

“Gotta go fast” I think.

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Food Degradation v2.0e [1.5.1/1.5.2]

That video: mmmmm…. Yummy botulism… 😵 this sounds awesome btw 👍

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ It Has Risen - More Dimensions released

Superb work, and thank you. Now go have a rest before starting on your next project :-)

Good karma+4 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Looting takes time 0.51

Superb. I have been thinking Stalker needed something like this for years 👍

Good karma+4 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ [1.5.2] NPC Die in Emissions (For Real) (UPDATE 9)

Superb! This had been annoying me greatly, even more so considering the dying/zombifying mechanics worked in CoP. May I ask the reasoning behind NPCs blowing up in the first wave, but turning to zombies on the second?

I ask as because if there is one thing about blowouts I would like to change in general it would be to make them quicker. It appears to me that having multiple waves at present adds nothing, since anything that was going to be killed or zombified would already have been after the first wave. (Unless I’m missing something) If the number of waves was randomised and tied to another mechanic it might add something. For example, surviving single wave blowouts requires a basic building, a two-waver requires a far more sturdy and intact building, and a three-waver requires getting under ground. Perhaps the longer the randomised delay between blowouts the more likely it will be a three-waver or similar.

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ LBs LADC 1.4007 Compilation V.3

A merge of this and DCE would be superb. Keep everything from this (including the cars), add DCE’s new content, additional mutant spawns, extra missions, and swapping the earthquake machine for the psi machine and removing the stupid green hologram ghost thing. Three things that LA could really do with in general is the ability to create backpack stashes, the quick drop backpack system, and the ability to plant explosives such as mines and IEDs. There are several points in LA’s story that would be perfect for setting up traps 😎 AREA’s magazines, and Anomaly’s disassembling, crafting and repair mechanics would be the icing on the cake.

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ No more fetch upgrades/weapons tasks

Apparently you can re-enable AI dying in anomalies via the in game console. You may need to enter the command each time you load however. AIs died in anomalies in the earlier 2018 builds, but it was disabled in later updates due to NPCs blundering into them all the time - especially if using dynamic anomalies.

Good karma+3 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Toxic Rain 0.74

Sweet! I miss the radioactive and chemical fallouts from CoP AtmosFear. Apparently they had to be take out of CoC due to them causing errors, and so everything based on CoC ever since hasn't had them either.

Good karma+2 votes
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ Memories of the Great War featured on IllFatedGamingTV

Superb! Remember your friendly resident proof-reader is on hand to help 😊

Good karma+1 vote
NOMADs_Reviews - - 180 comments @ GT Dynamic Event: Rescue

I tried this out and it was pretty cool. Is it possible to alter it or create a version where only companions can revive you, if you have any that is?

Good karma+1 vote