Game Design is my passion. You can play all my games on . Some even on the browser.

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Ant Colony [2] - Combat and Resources

Yussuf_Kobilov Blog

In the last week, I've been working on the Combat, Resources, and Quest systems of Ant Colony.

For anyone who doesn't know, Ant Colony is a story-based 2D game about Ants and Insects.

Ressource Gather System:

I only added two resources. Plants and Mudstones I plan to add more. In the top-left corner, you can also see the Quest System. I didn't do the UI Art, it's a prototype but it works systematically which I am happy with. :D

Combat System:

Combat System

For the Combat System, I added an enemy. I chose the beetle and also made him patrol around. I am happy with how the animations have turned out.

Somewhat of a Big World :

Lastly, I expanded the world and I plan on adding new resources and enemies as the next goal. In the end I also want to add workers who help you when you call them. I call it Warrior Division. That's it for this small update, if you came this far reading it, I really appreciate it.

If you like this idea and want to follow me on my Game-Dev Journey, please follow me on IndieDB and :

I wish you a very nice day.

Until next time.

Yussuf Kobilov

Ant Colony [1] - Idea and Prototype

Yussuf_Kobilov Blog

I'm thrilled to finally announce an idea that I have thought about for quite a while, to be clear I already made a small prototype.

Ant Colony is an Open World 2D game, where you help your ant colony and raid other insects or camps with your fellow ant friends.

I think that it should be a story-based game with Quests that you can do in between like in a RPG. I already have a story and I made an Info-Sheet about everything that should be in the game.

The main game mechanic is gathering resources and fighting enemy insects while following the compelling storyline.

I made a small game prototype that just included walking and gathering plants with an inventory. The game has only 3 days in development since this post was published.

In the last few days, I was more focused on the art.

What do you think about the current art? If you have suggestions about anything feel free to write a comment.

On the Game-Design I thought about some of the enemies our cute ant could face, here is what I chose:

The plan is to work on this game until the end of April and publish a fleshed-out small Demo on to see if you like this game.

I still am not a professional game designer at all. I have about six months of overall Game-Dev experience so don't expect much but I am trying my best to learn and gain experience. This game is part of my learning process.

If you like this idea and want to follow me on my Game-Dev Journey, please follow me on

I wish you a very nice day.

Until next time.

Yussuf Kobilov

A game made by gamers [0]

Yussuf_Kobilov Blog

Creating games is my passion. I was doing it on and off for like a year but in the last 3 months I worked hard on my skills and tried publishing small crappy games on but then everything changed. Two weeks ago I joined a game jam and somehow I instantly got an idea. In my earlier games this never happened but this time it was like a light bulb spawning on top of my head. So the next week I worked hard on my game and I submitted the project. The comments were nice and gave some feedback so I worked hard the next week too. Today is the penultimate day before this week ends and I have a somewhat playable game. The second prototype of the game Corporate Madness will be released on 25.03.2024 and I am hoping for some feedback. The next DevLogs will be on the Community Discord. There you can decide everything about my game. On further DevLogs on Discord, you can decide on polls and participate in small contests. Every decision will be made by the community. The first DevLog is out now on Discord.

I wish you a wholesome day.