Фанат сталкера, предпочитаю группировку "Чистое небо". В принципе большего я сказать не могу... ибо я не знаю, что тебе именно нужно.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 583)
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ New Food Pack of Buns

The best feeling when you eat it while drinking hot tea..

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Dynamic NPC Armor Visuals (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2)

Hmmm, sorry if I said something wrong, but I think or with this mod stupid companions are getting stuck more often? or they are already were? Sometimes even a script for unstucking cannot help much.. no ideas why I'm suspicious about that

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [MODDED EXES] Travel with Squads [FIX 1]

Боже, я ждал этого несколько лет! Я даже не поверю что такой аддон уже существует, огромная благодарность от нас всех, любителей модов.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Air Exchange Part 1 (Recreation)

My most favourite level from HL2 Beta. Always liked this level due the atmosphere and its sky

Good karma+3 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Stalker Translation XML TOOL v3.4 [Executable version]

I see you made even an application, great job!

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ FDDA Enhanced Animations Enhanced

Вот эти анимации просто превосходны! Правда, жалко из сухпая только галеты ГГ и жрёт, идея чавканья консервы из упаковки мне нравилась больше, но это мелочи.

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Stalker Translation XML TOOL v3.4

Haha, thank you for sharing the new knowledge!

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Retrozone demo

Well, I tested this mod. What I can say? Level design is really damn great, even looks like Minecraft (no offense, but I love this game, as stalker series too!), atmosphere is great. Not enough only something like:
1) a flashlight;
2) melee weapon (or at least quick melee button.. here's enough examples how to do this, yes);
3) enemies are dealing too much damage, plus their voices are a bit loud for me (but as they're from Tarkov, plus their sweet phrases, haha, I love it), but everything is fine.
I guess also KS-23 has a bit weird position, need to move it slightly to the left. Shooting itself is great, even a bit inspires me to make the same recoil as your mod.

(ну, удачной охоты, сталкер!)

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Stalker Translation XML TOOL v3.4

Modding never ceases to amaze. No ideas, how people can deal with stupid tons of codes.. laziness, no wish etc can ruin this! a yes, again went off topic, sorry, but that tool is really great.

Good karma+3 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ JP HUD mod-friendly

Great mod. I'll use this in my doom mod then, thank you! Obviously I won't forget about crediting you.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Raising the Bar: Redux: Division 3 Demo

That would be really great.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Raising the Bar: Redux: Division 3 Demo

Holy damn crap, the THIRD demo! Gabe would be proud, plus I didn't expected for this, great job for continuing developing!

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [OUTDATED] Old World Gunslinger - Walter 99 model etc.

Aha, ironically I actually installed them manually. I'll see what I can do, because college really takes too much time for me

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [OUTDATED] Old World Gunslinger - Walter 99 model etc.

Great job, I'll put this one in my Old World modpack too and redo position (not soon), thank you!

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [MODDED EXES] Mugging Squads (UPDATE 1.4)

Just like in Call of Pripyat. Aight, time to pull out PKM and SVD and kick some *****.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Outfit Animations v1.0.2

Всему свое время. Но все равно пожелаю большой мешок удачи на будущее!

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Outfit Animations v1.0.2

Тэкс.. я все проверил, поигрался, работает все шикарно и даже тот баг к счастью исправился. Единственное, что хотелось бы слегка улучшить (по возможности, и при этом если в наличии анимации надевания шлемов) - это если у тебя надет шлем, но потом ты нацепил на себя костюм с закрытой системой дыхания, то ГГ сперва снимает шлем, потом надевает костюмчик и осматривает свои руки.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Outfit Animations v1.0.2

Прекрасно! Подожду обнову без проблем.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Outfit Animations v1.0.2

Хм, может я особенный, или это так и было (пока) задумано, но когда я надеваю броню (обычно лёгкую и среднюю) впервые, пока рук не видать, только мотания башкой. Зато если переодену, то теперь все руки вижу, и осмотреть я всегда смогу их.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ WW 2 STG 44 AR

I prefer a standalone one, haha! Nothing extra for me

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Long Range Blood Decals

I see any good blood mod - automatically rated 10/10!

Good karma+3 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ WW 2 STG 44 AR

My deepest bow. I'll be looking forward to it.

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ WW 2 STG 44 AR

Really nice gun! Always liked the old weaponry. I wish Anomaly could contain also revolver GP-100, it was in Misery too.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Chiappa Rhino 60DS revolver v.1.5

I have flashbacks from Battlefield 4. Even reload animation reminds me about BF4 too.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Gunslinger AKM/AKMS

Glad we're getting even more and more Gunslinger animations.

Good karma+3 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Guitar Animation For Full Enjoyment

YES! Finally a guitar is gonna be noice.. + immersion!

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ Dynavision Photomode

Looks awesome. If I could play on max settings DX9-11, screenshots are really could be so damn beautiful, like in video.

Good karma+2 votes
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [DLTX] v1.3 Build 1844 tir 3 test map

Yeah, I know. And I can't believe how people can easily work with that!

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [DLTX] v1.3 Build 1844 tir 3 test map

Actually, mapping is really pain in the ***, especially creating the new level. Even making a small level for DooM (like I'm doing at free time) takes too much time, I'd better keep silent about stalker.

Good karma+1 vote
BadaBoom_0325 - - 583 comments @ [DLTX] v1.3 Build 1844 tir 3 test map

Content from old stalker rules! Sucks by classEc the most interesting content is always cutting out. The same time I played and OLR and Lost Alpha (didn't liked them both, the first one has hardcore as heck gameplay, but great atmosphere! and the other one is boring and weapon balance somewhere sucks too, as for me.), waiting for Back to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but I think we can get more old levels for anomaly earlier.

Good karma+2 votes