The Battle for Middle-earth has just begun! The Edain Mod returns to the classic gameplay of the first Battle for Middle-earth, reimagined with countless new heroes, units and abilities. Journey deeper into Tolkien's world than ever before, relive the movies through meticulously crafted visuals and forge your path to victory in epic strategic battles. Follow your destiny... Middle-earth awaits.

Report RSS The Road to Edain 4.0: Lothlorien, Part 1

"O Lórien! The Winter comes, the bare and leafless Day; The leaves are falling in the stream, the River flows away. O Lórien! Too long I have dwelt upon this Hither Shore And in a fading crown have twined the golden elanor."

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The Road to Edain 4.0: Lothlorien, Part 1

Greetings, companions of Edain!

Today we present to you the first part of the long awaited update on Lothlorien. The second part on Mirkwood will follow within the next weeks.
Lothlorien is the faction that has faced the most extensive changes in both concept and design. We’ve completely reshaped the faction, always mindful of capturing the basic idea of the elven realm from the books and movies. Simultaneously we faced the challenge of adequately integrating Thranduil’s woodland realm. With two updates on Lothlorien its supporting subfaction Mirkwood we believe our goals to be fulfilled. With Lothlorien we created a masterpiece since not only does its build-up differ from any other factions, but we managed to integrate facets we haven’t implemented before.

When starting with the overhaul we questioned all our previous concepts concerning this faction. Aside from adjustment to suit to suit the plot-dependent building system the faction needed its own identity. We were no longer satisfied with the Lothlorien of Edain 3.8.1 since it featured complicated mechanics that didn’t really fit together in a harmonious fashion. Instead of fixing only the unit-composition the whole structure of the faction was reworked.
Developing Lothlorien required more conceptual rethinking than any other faction, the reason being that the current buildings had to be aligned with the designs of the books and movies, utilizing a variety of pictures and source materials. Lorien is no city or fortress in a common sense, but rather a uniform complex out of different facets coming together to create something bigger and wholesome. Since we can’t replicate the whole elven realm and are limited to military camps we couldn’t simply recreate Caras Galadhon out of the Lord-of-the-Rings movies. Something unique had to be developed that still captured the basic design.
Our first step saw every former building-model scrapped, enabling a clean new start. Afterwards the faction was built up piece by piece until finally we integrated Mirkwood for which the movie-adaptation of the Hobbit gave us lots of material.

The Fortress

Lothlorien differs in its build-up, structure and gameplay from all other factions. The core of the fortress is a big citadel which simultaneously constitutes the most important and central building of the faction. All strings are pulled from here since it’s not only responsible for recruiting heroes but produces all units and researches faction-specific upgrades.
While all other factions can place a variety of buildings on their respective buildplots Lothlorien gets only 5 plots and 4 different buildings that are linked to the citadel via bridges. They are independent buildings with their own functions, but their basic function and design is a seamless connection to the main building.

Lothlorien does not have any walls in the common sense, but a set of bridges, forming a ring to protect the fortress. The stairs at each hub allow troops to ascend to the bridges and unleash a flight of arrows down on their enemies. The disadvantage of these defences is prominent in the name: They are Bridges. Therefore the enemy can simply run through under them. Just like one of the evil factions deploys heavy walls now one of the good factions has very light defences and a unique system. For the player to be able to defend his fortress the hubs can be equipped with 3 different upgrades:

- Statue (cost: 400): Allies nearby units gain +25% damage und defence
- Lantern (cost: 400): Nearby enemies are routed
- Guard-Platform (cost: 800): Fires arrows on nearby enemies

The Camp

On maps that don’t have the room for big fortresses, Lorien’s camps don’t have bridges. The plot-count remains the same in order to enable the usage of a cost bonus:

The Buildings
In contrast to the other factions Lothlorien’s buildings serve several purposes at once: They produce ressources, unlock units and research unit-/faction-upgrades. Every structure built unlocks different functions of the citadel. The Borderguard Quarters enables production of the standard-infantry as long as the structure exists. Recruitment is done from the citadel. By destroying the connected building the respective troops are no longer available.
Every building serves as resource gatherer and levels on its own. Additionally every building provides a cost bonus. Since Lorien has less build plots than other faction the bonuses are stacked differently: 2 buildings already provide a 20% bonus, a third provides 40%. Keep in mind that placing 3 expansions of the same kind means you give up one of the 4 buildings available. To prevent them to be easily destroyed they are guarded by 1 archer at level 1 and 2 archers on level 2.
You can choose from the following buildings:

- Borderguard-Quarters: Unlocks Lorien-Swordsmen, Lorien-Archers und Lorien-Spearmen in the citadel.
-> Cost bonus for Standard-Infantry

- Galadhrim-Quarters: On level 2 unlocks 2 Galadhrim and on level 3 Caras Galadhon-Guardians in the citadel.
- > Cost bonus for Elite-Infantry

- Sanctuary: Unlocks singers in the citadel. Enables research of fortress-upgrades.
- > Cost bonus for heroes

- Forge: Researches unit upgrades.
- > Cost bonus for unit-upgrades

The Sanctuary
The sanctuary provides 4 different fortress-upgrades to compensate for the factions missing functions. The missing well is substituted by an upgrade and the recruitment-rate of the citadel can be increased since you can’t build additional barracks. Additionally the player is enabled to improve his defensive ring with Silverthorn arrows.and conceal units within the fortress through fog.
The following upgrades are available:

- Concealing Fog: All allied units within the fortress are hidden from enemy view.
- Safe Refuge: All allied units within the fortress are slowly healed.
- Silverthorns: The defensive archers are equipped with Silverthorn Arrows.
- Defenders of Lothlorien: The citadel recruits troops 50% faster.

The Sanctuary unlocks singers within the citadel, whom we want to keep after internal discussion since they portray a lot of feeling and were always well received within the community. But we removed Nature Mages, Animal Whisperers and Vine Dressers. In our opinion Lorien had too many complex singular units. In general we tried to get away from such units since they stress the attention of the player and are difficult to incorporate into the army-system while their abilities and roles can also be taken over by heroes. We focussed on the most popular of these units within Lorien, which were the singers.

Die Schmiede
The Forge provides unit-upgrades for the faction. We’re adhering to our previous concept by not incorporating heavy armor. You can research Forged Blades, Silverthorn Arrows, Longbows and Banner Bearers. To compensate for the lack of heavy armour Lorien’s Blades are now twice as powerful, meaning fully upgraded Lorien-Swordsmen overall match the respective infantry of other factions. Another change was made to the Lembas Bread upgrade of Lorien’s units. Instead of being an active ability it now provides passive healing to be unlocked at level 2.
Banner Bearers normally only substitute fallen units within the horde. With Lembas the troop itself is healed. Therefore it’s less effective in direct combat but allows a Hit&Run;-strategy enabling Lorien to withdraw and replenish their losses for another strike faster than their enemies can recover.

The Quarters
Both Quarters unlock the recruitment of units in the citadel. The roster has also undergone change since the old Border Guards were removed and the Hero-Unit of the faction will no longer be the Mirkwood Archers. The Border Guards did not fit their previously assigned role – swordsmen that are also effective against cavalry, therefore rendering standard-swordsmen useless while being difficult to manoeuvre. We decided to include standard-spearmen. It’s not that far-fetched that Lothlorien can manufacture spears. Cavalry on the other hand will not be introduced since our team decided that the Lothlorien has to get along without it.

Galadhrim will retain their weapon-switch, the Standard-Troops get access to an ability on level 1 which allows them to perform quick assaults and manoeuvres:
- Borderguard-Patrol: For 15 seconds the elves of Lothlorien move 25% faster.

The new hero-unit are the Caras Galadhon Guardians which are limited to 3 hordes. They are excellent archers and may equip Elven Cloaks and Silverthorn Arrows that knock back enemies. They also take over the functions of the obsolete Mirkwood Archers while belonging to the Lothlorien and therefore emphasizing its status within the faction. This seemed more fitting to us.

The unit is based on Galadriel’s and Celeborn’s bodyguards which are briefly shown in the movie:

The Settlements
The settlements can be fitted with either Mallorn Trees or with Ent-Moots. The Ent-Moot grants access to siege weapons, the Mallorn Trees remain resource buildings but can be improve by different upgrades:

You can still only choose one effect, so the player has to decide on a tactic and link the chosen bonus to it. Every improvement has its own advantages. The following upgrades are available for the Mallorn Trees:

- Border Guard Spypost: Doubles the line of sight of the Mallorn Tree.
- Swirling Fog: Allies around the tree are concealed.
- Protective Ward: Enemies around the Mallorn Tree suffer a 20% armor penalty.
- Spell of the Dark Queen (Perequisite: Galadriel accepted the One Ring): The Mallorn tree deals damage to nearby enemies.

Das Spellbook
The Spellbook has undergone some changes too. Manwe’s Breath was replaced by Rivendells Swirling Fog, since in our eyes the camouflage-function fitted Lorien better while the blast of wind thematically suits Elrond’s ring Vilya.
The Beornings are now located in the spellbook as a second tier spell. The team concluded that they have no higher significance within the faction and are a perfect pick for an interesting spell. Additionally the Arrow Storm will be available again since it’s very important for Lorien to have an offensive spell that can still be countered. The Arrow Storm fulfils these criteria.

The last change concerns the 3rd tier. Radagast, the brown Istari can now be found here. It’s been long discussed by the community and the team came to the same conclusion: The Spellbook is the right place for this figure from the Hobbit.
We didn’t want to create a Standard-Summon so we came up with something unique and completely new:
If Radagast the Brown is unlocked the player gains access to 3 different forms of the Istari in the Spelbook-bar. These are Radagast on Foot, on his Sledge or on his Eagle. Every form has its advantages and disadvantages.
We were looking for a possibility to satisfy a variety of preferences. This setup doesn’t remove any of the previous elements of Radagast and everybody has a free choice.

All these changes can be observed in a short video:

We are very satisfied with the overhaul of Lorien and hope that you enjoyed this update. With the new concept being unique and full of feeling Lothlorien does no longer have to hide behind the other factions.
A comprehensive announcement on the integration of Mirkwood will follow soon. It will also feature a short insight into the changes to the general concept for heroes of Lothlorien.

Your Edain-Team

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 87)
helloa2134 - - 424 comments

Awesome as always. Ive been waiting for Lothlorien for a long while. You never fail to deliver.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+16 votes
hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Thumbs Up to EDAIN!

BTW "Das Spellbook" is awesome ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
SkaarjX - - 202 comments

Das auto. Das volkswagen.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Das EDAIN!!! lol

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AragornIIElessar - - 430 comments

Deutsche Qualität ;)

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emptyDnik - - 139 comments

guuuys relax what are u doing there!! its a game jeez

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saruman_the_wise - - 1,883 comments


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JjForcebreaker - - 912 comments

Can't wait to finally play that!

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ulfricstormcloak148 - - 590 comments

Nice concept, I love the design of the Elves fortress, we'll need to put a lot of bowman in the treebridge and swordman on the ground to protect it!!!!!!Can't wait the second part hope you don't forget the stags for Mirkwood.

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Galecgo - - 150 comments

clap clap clap :)

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Tauriel15 - - 103 comments

Wow. Amazing work. Can't wait to finally play this mod. Have you considered deers as cavalry for Lothlorien? I think it would be awesome and fitting as well.

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Krabbenn - - 30 comments

Agreed. Lorien really needs cavalry, and deers would be perfect

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_Eowyn_ - - 1 comments

Yearh, it would be really great with deers. Sword/bow riders

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

If dears are to be sort of cavalry they would probably be in Mirkwood not Lothlorian.

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Ealendril Author
Ealendril - - 1,011 comments

Cavalry will be include by the subfaction mirkwood. You have to wait for Update part 2.

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SkaarjX - - 202 comments

Woooooo! :-D Thankyou santa

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Guest - - 693,709 comments

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Krüger54 - - 33 comments

I really love the design, but i think there are too few units within this faction, compared with the other factions. Cavalry would definitely make it more varying

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MikkelRavn - - 27 comments

Great update! My favorite faction. I was thinking if you could add a building more on the settlements. Maybe its silly, but i'm thinking you could build Radagast house, where you could buy animals or something? Just a suggestion

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Guest - - 693,709 comments

That's actually quite good the evil side have creatures of death , whilst the good side ( elves and mirkwood or lothlorien ) could definitely use majestic bests like bears and etc.

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EmmaBaum - - 12 comments

Sad you're splitting up the heroes, i kinda liked that in Edain 3.8.1

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French_Fry - - 2,510 comments

Amazing job with Lothlorien! I always thought the faction to be the least popular and the most complicated to play. The lack of defenses and unit production buildings would make this a very hard faction to play, but after giving another look through all the factions, I must say this is probably the first faction I would play. The way you created Lorien is amazing! It is very lore accurate and it's just something you won't see in any other mod. I'm glad you guys came up with these brilliant concepts. It's sort of a counter part of the Misty Mountains as they're a hit-and-run faction, which perfectly portrays how Lorien was during the 3rd Age due to limited numbers. The building models look quite fantastic and I must give kudos to whoever contributed into them. The Elves were always 'one' with nature and the addition of Radagast is perfect. The work and thought illustrated into this faction is just brilliant and stunning. I cannot wait for the Mirkwood update.

May the Edain Team enjoy working on the mod and come up with never-ending brilliant ideas and concepts for the mod :)

Take your precious time with the mod, as Tolkien said: “Short cuts make long delays.”

Good luck!

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Ealendril Author
Ealendril - - 1,011 comments

Thanks for this nice reply!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
sisak99 - - 10 comments

All good as expected, but... you really said everyone is satisfied with the singers? Now they are only retardesly overpowered... I think they are a good idea, but, please, change them - they contain a huge amount of bugs/unbalances in their kit.
1) If you kill a singer, it will give experience for a hero to be almost level 4 from level 1 (or for a unit squad to be level 5 instantly)
2) If you kill an already singing singer, the song effect will remain for its normall duration (WTF? A corpse can sing?)
3) If anyone stacks singers and uses 2 for leadership and like 5+ for healing againts non-archer-hero faction, you will lose, because there is really no way for like Mordor or goblins to kill a singer in a groupd of 10 Loriens battalions - give them max. 3/5 cap.
4) If 2 or more singers near start to sing the weakening aura it will stun all normall units at their range and with the combination of 2) - Do like 30s stun? O_O Well, I don't - you have already lost your army. (not meantioning taht even without 2) it's kinda OP)

So, please, totally remove them if you won't be able to at least remove 2) or tell me what to do, because not even I, as a quite a lot experienced Edain player, can deal with singer spamming or stopping the whole army...

Good luck with balancing the game, because now there are just too many unbalances and bugs like this (ehm, Gorkill...) :) I am looking forward to see your job on 4.0 :)

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origamirek - - 8 comments

Sisak99 is right. These singers are totally bugged and if you know use them, lothlorien it makes totally overpowered. I think that you should delete them and make something like well, which have all good factions.
For example Mirkwood archers with these singers are totally unkillable while they are singinging for healing.

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ElendilsCousin Creator
ElendilsCousin - - 701 comments

I don't see them saying they are satisfied with singers, they just said singers are the most popular unit compared to other micro-intensive stuff. And since the balance will be completely overhauled in 4.0, I am pretty sure they will look into this as well. Nerfing archers will already weaken this combo, but (I did not play 3.8.1 for quite some time now) I never encountered a singer spam, maybe because their archers are so damn good and nobody cares about the singers too much once you get to the late game. Capping them somewhere around four seems like a good idea though.

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sisak99 - - 10 comments

I play on GameRanger with my cousin and well... almost 50% of Loth players I see nowadays do it (before I also haven't seen it). :/

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Lord_of_Mordor Creator
Lord_of_Mordor - - 1,172 comments

We actually asked on our forums which of Lothlorien's singular units the community would most like to keep and the overwhelming majority voted for the singers. Many of your gripes with them can be fixed for version 4.0, so thanks for bringing them to our attention! Also keep in mind that spamming singers will be much more difficult now because all your units are recruited from the same building and you can't train soldiers and singers at the same time.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
sisak99 - - 10 comments

Yeah, spamming of them will be limited, you are right - that solves most of the problems. And thanks for considering it and I hope for changes/fixes (at least please fix the "corpse singing," because that really doesn't make sence and ensures that your army will have leadership bonus for the fight, no matter if your singers die).

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ulfricstormcloak148 - - 590 comments

That's because you dunno how played well against Lothlorien, in Edain Mod I like playing with Mordor against Lothlorien and the first things I do is killing singer and their building with my orcs army. if you played against Lotlorien, the first things that you must do against someone use singer is to kill them first and send a lot of orcs, uruk-hai and so on in sacrifice until their song stop after that is really easy to win the battle

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sisak99 - - 10 comments

At first I would like to say that Mordor has a big advantage againts Lothorien and it's pretty much easy againts Loth as Mordor.
But you missunderstood me ultra hard. I didn't mean it like you can't beat Lothorien as a whole faction, but that you can't beat a big army with singer spam in the center of it. You CAN do what you said, but idk againts who do you play, but I would have not allow some free orc spam to even touch a singer... Nazghuls maybe, but before they kill 10 singers Loth can have Legolas/Silverthorns/etc. and you pay for 10 singers with all your heroes. I said I am pretty experienced player so I'd be glad if you wouldn't try to teach me basic stuff here.

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Gotyam - - 325 comments

After playing more and more of BFME, i found out that in War of the ring, i feel like there are too few teams with only 2. So, if it isn't much trouble, could you try and make it possible with 3 or 4 teams in war of the ring, or is that a bit too much to ask? Anyway, I just love how the update looks soo far. Edain is the best mod out there.

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Turin_Turumbar Creator
Turin_Turumbar - - 1,320 comments

Sorry, not possible, since it is hardcoded.

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sjoerddz - - 182 comments

Amazing thank you for the news i love it :D

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Guest - - 693,709 comments

perfeck master

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Guest - - 693,709 comments

So is this version with the fortresses only available for BFME I, it says this is a ROTWK Mod though. But I have the mod and no fortresses. It is just like the BFME II with the build anywhere model. Am I missing something? Excellent overhaul on Lothlorien by the way.

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FG15 Creator
FG15 - - 3,560 comments

The updates are for Edain 4.0, which will be the next version. You can only download the actual version, which is Edain 3.81.
Edain is for RotWK, so you are not missing something, we just changed the building system in 4.0 to the BfME1 style.

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Tauriel15 - - 103 comments

Is 3 heroes (exept scout heroes) not a bit to few compared to the other factions

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

who said they have only 3 heroes??

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Tauriel15 - - 103 comments

In the video presentation, when who ever it is, is clicking on the hero icon in the fortress there is no further hero you can buy, then i just guessed that there where no more herores available. But you're right no one actually said that

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

we should count the heroes in the faction as a whole; like in Gondor you only get 3 or 4 heroes directly from the Citadel, but you can get several more from special outposts.
Lorian has Galadriel, Celeborn, Haldir, and the scout heros in the Citadel, but the faction as a whole is not yet finished. We also have Mirkwood which we can assume (almost for sure) that it will provide us with Thrunduil, Legolas, and a high probability for Tauriel (they've already presented the model^^).
That makes about 8 heroes which I guess is very enough ;)

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okaywhatspoppin - - 48 comments

But will Lothlorien and Mirkwood not be 2 different factions? Lothlorien as a whole faction and Mirkwood as a subfaction. Will the heroes not be splitted up then or am i totally wrong? :-)

And yes 8 heroes, in my opinion wuold be perfect and fitting for the faction.

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

The main factions is called Lothlorian, but it includes Mirkwood as a mini faction (same as Dale for the Dwarves).
and yeah the heroes are kind of splitted up but it's the same in all factions; heroes are splitted between the main citadel and the outposts.

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okaywhatspoppin - - 48 comments

Sorry for not understanding this completely, but does that mean that if im playing as Lorien and then capture a outpost, then i get access to the Mirkwood subfaction which include Thranduil, Legolas and Tauriel?

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

In general yes. but we'll have to wait for Part 2 to know exactly what's included with Mirkwood^^

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okaywhatspoppin - - 48 comments

Okay, i see. Thanks for the answer.

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lord_ellessar Creator
lord_ellessar - - 1,941 comments

i don't anderstand how will we make Thauriel, Thranduil and Legolas?
( and i saw that you make a new skin of buildings for dale will you make some new maps like we see on the Hobbit ?)
thanks for this awesome mod

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

You will understand when they publish Part 2 with Mirkwood.

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Guest - - 693,709 comments

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Guest - - 693,709 comments

So, did anyone else notice that the Edain team is about to finish talking about all of the factions in the game? Unless of course I missed that they added an Arnor faction and kept it in the game for this mod update. But to me, this means that the mod is almost complete and thus will be released within the next few months. I hope I'm not being too hopelessly optimistic by saying it could even come out before this next Christmas!

I am extremely excited for this next update and I have been looking forward to its release for some time now. I hope that the work that the Edain team has yet to complete will go swiftly and smoothly. Best of luck to you all!

Macht's gut!

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