The Battle for Middle-earth has just begun! The Edain Mod returns to the classic gameplay of the first Battle for Middle-earth, reimagined with countless new heroes, units and abilities. Journey deeper into Tolkien's world than ever before, relive the movies through meticulously crafted visuals and forge your path to victory in epic strategic battles. Follow your destiny... Middle-earth awaits.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 1,607)

You could think im exxagerating the value of this mod,but i can only tell you : try with your hands.

Edain mod is without any doubt the best RTS based on the LotR series,and,but this is just my opinion,the best RTS overall.

While being much more true to tolkien than any other EA's work,it combines great complexity with good-balance in an excellent way.

But what,above all things,makes this mod stand out are the models of the units,heroes and buildings,just take a look to the gallery on the site.

Edain mod has everything in order to be BfmeIII,and while i know it is doomed to remain a mod,even though one of the greatest mod ever,i can understand that the creators have talent,and that they are being able to creat a masterpiece only with their passion.

I don't want to make any spoiler,i would ruin everything.
But i heavily suggest you to try this mod,even if you aren't a LotR fan.
It is worth it.

This review is for the mod "The Edain Mod."

Many mods add 1 faction. Other mods add units. Only the grand mods reworks nearly every skin, changes gameplay in a radical way, and adds factions all at once. The Edain Mod is certainly a grand mod. Not only are you offered a mod filled with beautiful skins for units, but also a mod that overwhelms your mind set for Rise of the Witch King.

The gameplay is completely knew and unique. Games will last longer thanks to stronger structures. Heroes are no longer suicide pieces sent into battle that can be brought back at full strength, but are rather put in a weaker state to punish you for losing them, as well as reward the other player for killing them. The Ring Hero system is fantastic, abolishing the bland system used in The Rise of the Witch King, as each faction has a unique ring hero, and many have more than one. This offers you to deviate from the regular path for your ring hero.

The skins are fantastic, and they are constantly updated. Many of the skins, I expect, will be replaced with even better ones as the mod's skinners get more experienced. The skins are breath taking.

As well, the support is amazing. You will get quick answers from the team, and even the fellow community. The mod is not dying anytime soon, as the team is full, working, and constantly updating their progress for the commmunity. It is hard to understand how these guys have already released near 10 beta's of the mod. The mod has grown so complex, and their is still more to come. As of now, this is the most active and efficient producing mod for the ENTIRE BFME series.

I have not even gone into detail about the inns in the mod, or the complex hero evolution many heroes have, nor have I mentioned some of the more unique game mechanics that make the mod so unique.

10/10 For many things including:
-Unique Ring Hero System
-Unique and Original Gameplay
-Beautiful skinning and art
-A spectacularly developed campaign
-Organized multiplayer

Best Mod for BfME II RotWK

Awesome mod Zero minud 100% plus but its german.but you can play in it method trail and error so hope you make new version soon with loot of cool stuff

Epic mod, only a fool could play this and not see how amazing this is. Without this mod ROTWK would be nothing. I don't speak German but i still love this mod. Hats off to the edain team!

this mod is better (in my opinion) than any mod i have ever seen or game for that matter i love it!

this mod is outstanding although the English translation is a long way from being done if your going to let a different language stop you from enjoying this masterpiece then i feel sorry for you i don't understand a word of German but i and my two friends have been playing this mod for 2 months now and its amazing you will eventually get the hang of it without needing to read descriptions granted it is a pain but it is well worth it every faction has its own uniqueness and feel without much balancing problems and every hero is also unique you would be hard pressed to find a hero who has the same abilities as another i give this mod a 10 for its creativity and the developers resolve to get as close as the books as possible.

Excellent Mod cant wait for the english translation

its ******* awsome

This is a good mod, it completely changes the vanilla game and adds a more personalized touch to each of te factions. The way that this mod overhauls the gameplay is phenominal. Great job guys!