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What's Jurassic Park Expansion Pack?

Jurassic Park: Expansion Pack is a massive modpack/total conversion of the 2003's game Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, that focus on creating your vision of Jurassic Park, but, we all already tryied to recreate the original park, the movie one, Isla Nublar, with all the 7 classic dinosaurs,etc... Now! This can be better made with the JP:ExpPack!

main changes new

What changes in JPOG with this mod?

In general, Dinosaurs (obvious); Buildings; Gameplay in general; Models; Music, sound effects and GUI; All dinosaurs inside the game got a new improved and recreated model, with the classic jpog style. But not only that, dinosaurs now share movie accurate Skins, movie accurate sounds, and new improved Behavior, according to each dinosaur in the movie...

Buildings also got new improved models, according to the movie too, some also was adapted to the Universal Orlando structures (Kiosk becomes Pizza Predatoria for example) and others got changed to new buildings (Welcome center now is just helipad/ Hatchery is now Breeding Facility)...

New gameplay stuff also include more realistic visitor needings, structure prices, more research, and improved environment, new ambient sounds and new trees models to look more like Isla Nublar! The GUI of the game also was revamped too, bringing back the classic Jurassic Style!

upcoming stuff new

After all, why JPEP is so different from other mods?

Pretty sure you're thinking, "okay a new Jurassic Park canon mod as usual, what's the new in this one?" Well, let's prepare a list here:

NEW DECORATIONS: (yes, let's be honest, just a fountain doesn't count as decorations....)

  • Paddock Signs showed in each attraction (Dilophosaurus and Trex paddock show that, just search a clip of the movie to see)
  • Jeep Wranglers (the red ones, since the safari car will be the Ford Explorer(model showed in the banner))
  • MORE Trees, now this is a thing i need to explain better, Nublar has alot of different plants and trees, and i can't put all of them as auto generated vegetation of the jpog (since we dont know how to add a new tree to the game) for this reason, the trees and plants that less appear on Nublar will be Placeable trees, just like a building...
  • Jurassic Park GATE, yoooo i know this isn't a BIG new thing but it's a good addition to the mod!


  • Breeding Facility, basecly a revamped hatchery but this time without looking like the raptor paddock..
  • Raptor Temporary paddock (yes the one from the movie was temporary, and here will be too)
  • Helipad, revamped welcome center but this time it's just the helipad area, just like in the movie :]
  • Visitor Center, now we got the real visitor center, it will work as a rest area basecly, but visitors will stay much more time inside of it

There's much more buildings coming up but i won't say all of them, let's keep it misteries :]


Please keep in mind this mod still VERY EARLY WIP, there still alot of things to do for the pack, a bunch of models to finish, textures to do, sounds to make, everything is a big job for one guy, me (Lucca2951) so i would like to count with the patience of everyone, this modDB page will be update regularly while new things comes up, you guys can follow my Twitter too, where i will be posting updates for the mod and sneak peeks, thanks for everyone who's following and supporting JPEP, and remember! SPARE NO EXPENSES!


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It's been quite long time huh? but here we are! After almost, umm, 3 months? let me count, yeah yeah 3 months of inactivity and no responses to what happened to the mod here i am back again, there was many stuff up to me not just work on the mod (well there still these stuff) but, i'm not gonna just abandon it,anyways, TO THE NEWS!

DINOSAURS: Many stuff has been done on the dinosaurs back in april and recently, specifically today lol, many of these updates are in the skin terms, revamping the skins that had some flaws or needed upgrades for accuracy, out of these, we got Dilophosaurus,Trex and Velociraptor:

evolution of skins-Raptor

As you see up here ^ the first version was made back up in november, pretty old, later on back in february of this year i updated the shading of it and added more scale details, and today(yes exactly today) i recolored all the shading to something more like the actual JP Raptor, also it's on my plans to redo the fingers and feet to something more, realistic than just flat claws lol!

Dilophosaurus render

Here you see the newest Dilophosaurus skin, the older one was, too unnatural and too much saturated, so i asked EchoGreen to use his on the mod, the model stay the same, for now, i plan to redo the fingers and feet on this little guy too, also make the frills abit bigger :P


Last but not least, Rexy got minor updates on her skin (since let's admit the damn eyes were weird af) with that Rexy is 90% complete, just needing new Behavior now (yipee!!)

ISLAND: Ok, about the island in general there isn't MUUCH news like the dinosaurs or the buildings, all the flora of the island is currently getting a massive Re-work, since most of it doesn't match much with the style of the mod, currently going to use SpeedTree to develop my own trees, some other things includes the addiction of new birdies, and new skyboxes (god finally), and that's it, maybe on the august article i can get more things but for now that's it...

VEHICLES: Oh hell yeah! 2 vehicles finally done! I present you... the Ford Explorer and the Ingen Personal Helicopter!


(The INGEN Chopper skin still a bit messy i'm still trying to get some realistic shading effect on it, specifically since the game don't have normal maps)

STRUCTURES: Ohhh hell yeah the best part! After all this period of time we finally got a new fence! i guess it's one of the first new fence models on JPOG for now, including the AOG ones, also talking about AOG, i would like to Thank SynchroLight who imported the fence into the game for me,which was a big help! Now, check out the Dilophosaurus Styled Low Fence!

If you look to the right, you will see a herd of the first dinosaurs on out tour...

I know isn't anything really spetacular, but it's already a damn progress on the mod, aaand, talking about the other structures, Visitor Center still on hold sadly since the original JPOG VC is a pretty big mess that i need to fix things here and there, to make it compatible with ours, which will take time!

If you still reading by here you're pretty interested on this mod huh? lol, now serious, thanks for everyone who is supporting the mod and for everyone that didn't lost hope when i got inactive, thanks ya'll! And remember, Spare no Expense!



12/17/17 December development updates

12/17/17 December development updates

News 9 comments

The 7 classic Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park finally added to the mod, upcoming Visitors Center model, and much more in this December Development article!

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Austro_ - - 1 comments

Can't blame the dev for leaving the mod, he also has a personal life like us, and last time I saw him/talked with him, he was a developer in another Jurassic Park project for Roblox, but since I got banned from their Discord, I don't know what happened to him.

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Lord_Lemos - - 94 comments

Bom trabalho, aparentar ser algo grande esse mod, trazer de volta o JP original, espero que tenha o mapa da ilha original do primeiro filme (Isla Nublar), com as espécies clássicas com suas skins originais.

Quando ele será lançado? A tempo previsto para ele ser concluído, aparentar estar na versão final. Se possível adicione a Ilha Nublar do primeiro filme, para se torna algo imensamente completo.

Grande mod, espero que esteja concluído...

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SupersebaGT - - 235 comments

Este mod foi abandonado há muito tempo, não espere porque eles não vão continuar

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Guest - - 706,920 comments

Aww man.. ¿Why are the best mods always canceled?

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Guest - - 706,920 comments

que paso con el progreso del mod?

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Guest - - 706,920 comments

el desarrollador lo abandono por falta de motivacion para seguir haciéndolo, el había subido una imagen con la explicacion de porque abandona al mod pero parece que la borro, una pena porque el mod se pudo convertir en el mejor mod jamas creado y lo tenia muy avanzado al progreso

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LucasAndadordecielos - - 39 comments

Creo que se pueden sacar mejores cosas sin tener necesariamente la temática de JP

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SupersebaGT - - 235 comments

Anyone know anything about what happened to the mod? Or about its author?

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Guest - - 706,920 comments

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