The original Serious Sam is a high-adrenaline arcade-action shooter heavily focused on frantic arcade-style action. In a world where cyberpunk meets fantasy-fiction and advanced technology is mixed with black magic and psycho-powers, Sam travels through the beautiful world of ancient Egypt and several diverse planets, confronting countless minions on his way to the Mental's base. [NOTE: Indie Royale's Serious Sam Lightning pack also includes The Second Encounter. Both versions are the original releases, rather than the HD remakes.]

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Serious Sam: TFE Server fix masterserver

Serious Sam: TFE Server fix masterserver

First Person Shooter

You just have to replace Engine.dll with the original one in the Serious Sam Bin folder and then you can play online.

Applejack: return of the nightmare

Applejack: return of the nightmare

First Person Shooter

its a story based mainly around Applejack and her sister that got kidnap by evil shadow of nightmare and we have to rescue her