Cool headed, boring as hell guy with negative attitude to almost anyone. Also likes music, abusing his PC and Cookies :3

RSS Reviews

Half-Life Alyx NoVR

Early access mod review

10 out of fecking 10's

Its totally playable, if feels kinda like alpha-stage of some Penumbra/Amnesia game BUT DAMN, that this game feels like a Good Half-Life game (which it is) much thanks to the modders for this awesome script. Cant wait to see whats more there to come.


Entropy : Zero - Uprising

Early access mod review

Wait a minute...This mod is about some old SM video? About a CP that went Rogue because of his GF?

Not 10 because Im an ******* and want a full game instantly and not this Episodic ******** (sorry, I am a HalfLife fan)


Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Mod review

Finally a mod for lazy people. 200 stars of 10 cyka blyat


Doom 3: Phobos

Mod review

Soooo, I FINALLY played Episode 3
It got better
Added subs and various small details made Episode 1 a lot more fun.
Episode still effing sucks because I hate your puzzles and level design here overall
But as for Episode 3
Despite a long continuation of SEWERS I liked it more. Until the Recreation moment. Where you had to find a very small but very crucial button to proceed...Barons of Hell are cool.
But the idea of merging memories between Sam/Ethan and Samantha are kinda weird and awkward.


Brutal Doom

Mod review

White Scars: - Revenge of Khan

Mod review

RAGE:World Eaters Warbands

Mod review

An Epic Sign of Approval from DarkTestaMent, your friend and a bloody comrade!


Black Mesa

Mod review