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Thought you were done with the Mojave, Courier?

Did you really believe you could get on with your life, as if those bullets didn't scramble your brain?

Think again.

1. Features

Autumn Leaves is a Dlc-sized Quest Mod with :

  • More than 2000 Pro-Voiced Lines
  • 8 New Quests with several routes and resolutions
  • 7 to 10 Hours of Gameplay
  • 29 New Perks - with a twist!
  • Hilarious Participation of Johnny Utah, from NewGrounds fame
  • Multiple Endings with corresponding Slideshows
  • Original Soundtrack by Pablo Coma

2. Installation

Autumn Leaves

-Simply unzip the file into your /Fallout New Vegas/Data folder.
-By default, using Steam, it's in the : Steam/Steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data
-Launch Fallout New Vegas, in the starting menu, click on "Data Files" and check the "Autumn Leaves" Box.

3. Where to Start?

As soon as you get outside, your Pip-Boy will pick-up a new radio signal - as New Vegas does for all new DLCs - and add a new Marker on your World Map :
Hypatia, where Autumn Leaves takes place. You will be able to fast-travel there, if you choose so. It's east of Novac.

4. FAQ

- What's the ideal character level for playing Autumn Leaves?

Autumn Leaves content is accessible to all characters. Its rewards - New Exclusive Perks - will be interesting for Low Level and High Level characters alike.
Hypatia is situated not far from Novac for a reason, though, skill checks are mainly aimed for a low-mid level character. There is also one quest influenced by what you did in New Vegas up to that point.

It is recommended to play in Hardcore.

- What's the general feel of the mod? What are your inspirations?

The previous Fallouts, Planescape : Torment, Arcanum. These games had such an impact on how I see RPG that I wouldn’t be able to escape their influence, even if I wanted to. These games are heavily-based on investigation, skill checks, player choices and dialogs. I'm kinda old-school, that way, and wish to pay tribute to the guys that made those games.

- Who I got to thank for this?

A lot of fine people you'll see in the credits below. Everyone working on this has been doing pro-quality jobs - Most of the time because they are already professionals, often in the gaming industry. Voice Actors have been putting a lot of themselves in their roles, always exceeding what I expected for their characters. They invested a lot of time and efforts to deliver convincing lines, and make the characters even more relatable, loveable, heart-wrenching, or simply incredibly funny.

All of these people have been doing stellar jobs. If I got one thing out of this mod, it's the strong desire to work again with them, in a project with a larger scope - and budget. Again, they have been doing pro-jobs - sometimes in very hard conditions - and it pains me that they have to go unpaid.

Notable shout-outs goes to :
-JohnnyUtah, who has been kind enough to invest himself in a project with someone he barely met, when he already has enough to do with his own game. He also went out of his way to rewrite a lot of Rolland's lines, and provide us with his unparalleled dark humor. His cartoons were one of my foremost inspirations for Rolland in the first place, and I feel *very* lucky that he accepted to do this.
-Pablo Coma, the composer who also have Healer Quest in the works. If you cry sheer tears of emotion playing this, it'll be probably thanks to him.
-My significant other, for her clever advices, merciless feedbacks and constant support.

- I'm kinda stuck.

I provided a walkthrough in the files. Keep in mind that Autumn Leaves keep tracks of several of your choices, and that the critical path detailed in the Walkthrough doesn't take every possibility into account.

The lack of quest compass is deliberate. I tried to provide enough hints, through conversations, details and left-out items to let the players solve the quests in the way that they see fit.

- Who are you?

Thirty-ish belgian guy living in France, having worked for a while in PC-Gaming Online Distribution. Began working on Autumn Leaves more than 4 years ago simply because I simply love video games. I reached point in my life where I felt I had to do something to get closer to what I want to do : writing and designing games. So I began working on this project to educate myself on how to make them, to have something to show, learn how to write, learn how to script, learn how to level design. I learned as I went, usually painfully.

If it wasn't for the incredibly helping community, free resources, tools and tutorials on the Internet, I would've failed miserably.

- 7-10 Hours of Gameplay? That's DLC's scope, there, pal.

Initially, the project wasn't as big in scope as it is now. I only wanted to create a small quest-hub with funny dialogs. Things went bigger than expected, and I discovered I wanted to tell many - many more - things with Autumn Leaves. I grew attached to the characters and their struggles, and wanted to use them to explore various topics I care deeply about. Do it all in an entertaining, funny way and try to avoid any kind of pompous posturing.

- What's next?

It will depend on your feedback, ladies & gents. If Autumn Leaves is successful enough, I would like making a stand-alone version and integrate all the ridiculous ideas that couldn't fit into this version, expand on it and develop a new gameplay. I will begin to work for other mod projects and begin looking for a job into a gaming studio. I will continue to support, fix, tweak, improve Autumn Leaves, of course, so don't hesitate and report those nasty bugs to me as well as feedback on your own experience with the game.

I also intend to "let's play" the mod on Twitch, for a "Commentary Playthrough" : speak of the mod's development, reveal some secrets about the story and gameplay, and generally answer questions. Follow me on Twitter for how and when it'll happen.

- What ENB Preset did you use for your screenshots?

Dynamo ENB, with grain. Heavily recommended.


Project Lead - Writing - Scripting
Level Design - Game Design - Quest Design

Guillaume "BaronVonChateau" Verh


Pablo Coma

Creative Advisor - Trailer, Movie & Sound Editing


Additional Writing

Jeff "JohnnyUtah" Bandelin - (Rolland)



Voice Actors

Rolland - Jeff "JohnnyUtah" Bandelin
James - Adam 'BanDiGo"
Helena - Kate "LadyFabulousity" Hurford
Maintenance Bot, Narrator & Cartwright - Martin Purvis
Edgard - Colton "ThatCanadianDude" Fitzsimmons
Arthur - William "GentlemanWalrus" Harmar
Original James - Michael "Immolated Poet" Walker
Dexter - "PretzelMan781"
Cecilia - "Robberfox"

Beta Testers
Kevin "Rakanishu" Scatton
Antoine "RouxMythique"
Pablo Coma

Front Page Illustrator :

Mickael Cambefort

If you want to support all these fine people and, Endorse, Reblog, Retweet, and speak of this mod to all the people you think who'd be interested !
You can follow my future projects on Twitter here, and on Tumblr here!

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Some of you are probably familiar to the quest “Brain Dead” from “Far Harbor”, Fallout 4’s latest DLC. If not, be wary, [SPOILERS] ahoy!

A few weeks before Fallout 4’s release, Autumn Leaves, a Fallout : New Vegas Mod was published on Moddb and the Nexus. It featured a colorful cast of excentric robots, in charge of a forgotten Vault where a strange murder happened. Sounds familiar ?

Maybe, to those who played Far Harbor’s “Brain Dead.”

It was only recently that a nice fellow nicknamed “endolex” brought to my attention that there was several similarities between the two. Since I didn’t play “Brain Dead” myself, I did a bit of research on Let’s Plays and Youtube. AND SOON :



Wow, there, people. I knew that Bethesda was keeping an eye out on mods and taking the best ideas to integrate them in their future installments (like they did for Wasteland Defense for Fallout 4), but this!

Let’s take a look at it for ourselves.

The comparison :

First off, both quests begins with a discussion through an interphone with the caretaker of the Vault, a headwaiter robot with a rather distinguished persona. The big mandatory Vault Door opens, leaving the player up for the exploration of said vault.


Up till now, nothing unusual, as Vaults are popular locations in Fallout’s universe. Is all gud.



The main quest itself, which consists in investigating the murder by checking the crime scene, and speaking to every robot in the Vault :


The mysterious death of the prime financier of the Vault, who - in both cases - worked alongside Vault-Tec to build the special place.


The importance of voice modulators in the plot, to distinguish the robots between themselves.


The sexytime moment.


And of course, the mandatory “Let’s discuss paintings with a robot.”


Then, there’s the Neural Interface Matrix in BD versus the Neuro Comp Matrix in AL, the presence (and relevance to the plot) of a robotic expert in the Vault, the feel of the central atrium, the quasi-exclusive robotic cast confronted to a murder, the misleading piece of evidence (Keith/Rolland), among others.


Now, now, truth be said, I honestly thought Bethesda’s staff played Autumn Leaves, had a blast with it (I hope) took some things out of it and made their own thing for Far Harbor. And I seriously think this is perfectly okay. After all, Autumn Leaves’ inspirations are countless (Asimov’s, Cluedo, Planescape : Torment, Arcanum, older Fallouts, etc.) and being influenced is a natural part of the writing process.

Of course, it raises some questions : should modders get some recognition from the industry, compensation? How could those two dynamics - paid content and free creation - should be managed? What kind of acknowledgement should a big publisher give to small creators? What is the kind of acknowledgement they can afford?


In my case, why am I making a post of it? Well, to raise some awareness of Autumn Leaves, really. Since I witnessed the interest that “Brain Dead” had raised from the players, I thought it would be cool to jump on the occasion to tell them that more of this kind of quests exists. (Though Autumn Leaves lasts around 6 hours vs 1 for BD.)

Since Autumn Leaves was out but a few weeks before Fallout 4, I always felt that people didn’t have the occasion to discover it by the time they jumped to F4. On another note, I also fear that people who played Brain Dead would stumble on Autumn Leaves and ignore it because “Oh, hey, it’s Brain Dead all over again!"


So, if you liked Brain Dead, want to play a "Whodunit”, but with entirely different themes, different writing, different plot, different music (!) different voice acting (!!) don’t hesitate to download Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Feel free to drop by Hypatia, Autumn Leaves’ Library. You will be welcomed with open arms.

NB : Screencaps from Far Harbor were taken from Father’s Youtube Channel.

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Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Full Version 5 comments

A Dlc-sized Quest Mod for Fallout:New Vegas with : More than 2000 Pro-Voiced Lines 8 New Quests with several routes and resolutions 7 to 10 Hours of Gameplay...

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orcus_35 - - 399 comments

Woaw this makes me even more interested in the mod itself, **** those mod stealers tbh, you've got more originality & creativity than those shills.

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ANON_FAGSLAYER - - 1 comments

So Robthesda stealing mods now? wow

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Sleestakman - - 5 comments

Started this mod yesterday and I have to say, it's very cool. I'm thoroughly impressed with the effort you guys put into this. Thanks tremendously for making this mod!
(By the way, check out the radios in the café, they're all the repairable one from the Saloon at the beginning of the game.)

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johnbarleycorn - - 85 comments

If this has nothing to do with that insanely stupid quest of fallout 4 where you have to enter the virtual world of that freak brother of Valentine and playing some stupid version of tetris, that it's perfectly fine for me.

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busybeingdizzy - - 1 comments

I loved Autumn Leaves back in early 2015 when I first played it. :-) Very pleasant mod with a heck of a storyline and complex, interesting details that kept the story engaging. I would be honored to be ripped off by Bethesda themselves, because lo and behold, the mod was definitely that good. It's no wonder that they took direct themes from the mod and compiled it into their own content. It's kinda cheesy, and credit should be due to the author, but I bet it's still cool to know that you made that much of an impact to the development team and a community as a whole for a.) to be ripped off by the official dev team for Fallout 4 and b.) have the community of gamers who played AL on New Vegas to back you up and know where the original content came from.
All in all, fantastic mod, story, and content, and I hope to see more from you in time.

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Numenorean_Of_Canada - - 221 comments

I never played Brain Dead quest, I saw Alchestbreach play Autumn Leaves [one of the best mods in my opinion, very complex] and after seeing this it's very uncanny how similar this quest is with this mod.
I do hope Bethesda starts giving some recognition, and maybe give the modders a heads up/ ask for permission to utilize some features into a quest/ product, like this one

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jag648 - - 49 comments

At the very least they could put some kind of global thank you to the modding community for inspiring some content in the game at the end of the credits. It'd at least acknowledge the fact that they like to take good ideas from their community and use them to make the game better.(and make more profit)

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Ylvigrad - - 100 comments

How did I miss this?

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Guest - - 693,662 comments

I just played this mod and I LOVED it.

It was a very different New Vegas experience.

Thank you guys so much!!!

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BlueCasketBop - - 134 comments

I'm not sure why I was surprised that the song in the trailer was Autumn Leaves (Derp) but I was really happy to hear it haha. As someone who played jazz all through high school, that song has some deep sentimental value to me.

As for the mod itself, looks incredible. Definitely going to try it out :) Not asking for spoilers, but will we learn the signifcance of the song/title to the story? Because that has me intrigued

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BaronVonChateau Creator
BaronVonChateau - - 9 comments

Glad you love the song! I actually also have a soft spot for it. (Love Eva Cassidy and Zoot Sims' intepretations, amongst others, of course.)

Yep, there are at least three occurences in the game where "Autumn Leaves" is important or relevant. Sometimes, it's symbolic, sometimes it's a direct reference. I'll let you see for yourself.

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Guest - - 693,662 comments

loved the mod, found it very enjoyable :)

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