Maybe final version. Found new tweaks like occlusion culling, or shadows calculated more on Gpu then Cpu.

What you may want to change:

e_lod_min. In config at 1. For max geometry detail, write 0. Also change e_lod_ratio to 4 or more. (6 s max)

r_cloudsdebug. in config at 1 (less gpu hungry). Less clouds. For more clouds, write 0 (vannila). Also change e_obj_quality to 3 for max clouds quality. You can also try r_cloudsdebug 2. Less clouds than 0 but more than 1.

e_gsm_range_step_terrain. If you are playing game in 64bit try to change it to 4. (no more clouds flickering)

cl_fov. Default 60. More adds frames but also reducing objects draw distance. Im using 55 on 2560x1080p monitor.

e_vegetation_min_size. More rocks and vegetation in general. Default Very high is 0. Gpu and cpu heavy

e_force_detail_level_for_resolution. in config at 1. You can also set this to one or two steps or whatever of your secondary four digits of your display resolution (for example 900 for 1080p screen). Nice performance boost, but if you set dense e_vegetation_min_size, the sprites of procedural vegetation are changing too close. I recomend set e_vegetation_min_size to 1.171, or try to experiment.

r_LightsSinglePass. For Dx9 set to 1( less lag, mostly in first level), but! if you are using some kind of supersampling, particles will be more gpu heavy. For Dx10 write 0.

e_particles_min_draw_pixels. The higher the value, the faster particles dissapear (more performance). Too high number will mess up laser dot. Reasonable is 4 or max 6. Default is 0.

mfx_ParticleImpactThresh. Default 2. Again the higher the number, the faster the physics will be. Too high value and you will loose physics sound. I have only six cores cpu, so i set it to 6. Feel free to experiment

FAN PATCH (launcher):

This patch improves Cpu performance. For me it fixed some lag mainly on last level. Now i can play in 64bit mode, so better utilization of memory and cpu performnce also allowing having more vegetation on screen. But still Dx10 has slower physics.

MFAA: Should double the quality of anti-aliasing, with smaller perf. hit than with true doubled quality (2xAA will look like 4xAA as close as posxsible). The AA must be enabled in-game to make it work tho:))


DirectX 10 has more optimized anti-aliasing and should have better Cpu utilization, but only with fast Ryzen or equivalent.

DirectX 9 has faster physics and works best with processors like Phenom. Also if you are user of Nvidia Inspector, you can have SGSSAA (beautiful).

Vulkan: "DXVK" mod does work in both Dx9 and Dx10 with both 32bit and 64bit, but you need latest launcher mod.


For enabling HDR support, change "OGL_DX_PRESENT_DEBUG" to 0x00080001 in Nvidia Inspector under 8-Extra section. You have to unhide hidden settings


I find out, that you need to enable texture streaming, or the engine will just crash. Also add "r_texturesstreampoolsize = 2000" to your config, otherwise you will run into problems.

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So after this last night (and 10 years) of endless tweaking the engine, I can proudly offer you, one of my last uploaded configs for this game.

This game, particularly this engine (oh this engine..:)), taught me a lot about patience, starting over and over again from scratch, and reading the complete Cvars documentation, how to achieve best results.

I’m not a programmer, so when I saw in the documentation something interesting-sounding, I Googled it up and tried to find as much information as possible. Sometimes there was nothing, so I just typed it into the console and saw the results, either positive or negative.

e_obj_quality = 2

In those 10 years, I upgraded my PC many times, and even bought a new one (not exactly; I haven’t bought a brand new PC since 2007, only used parts). But that doesn’t mean it’s not “low-performance PC” friendly.

Some people may say, “Why so much effort for one game?” Because THIS game for me is Maximum Game, Maximum Fun, Maximum FPS.

So I hope you will find this article useful. Maybe you forgot about this game. Maybe you don’t like the gameplay... I think you wouldn’t click on my article if don’t like the game.

I love you, Crytek. You changed my gaming life :)

e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 32

Ps: I personally recommend Village level config

Thanks for english correction by naryanrobinson

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My personal config

My personal config

Full Version

Config which i use. Im still working on it, trying what i can achive with my pc.



Full Version

COnfiguration file with needed variables if you are running game under Vulkan API

Maximum Optimized Hidden

Maximum Optimized Hidden

Full Version 3 comments

Hidden graphic tweaks. No graphics changes, only background engine optimalizations

Maximum Optimized Eye Candy

Maximum Optimized Eye Candy

Full Version

Still not max details, but thats why it runs better:)

Maximum Optimized Lower Spec

Maximum Optimized Lower Spec

Full Version

Lower details than before. Ssao and depthoffield are off and water on minimum. Improved lowspec water shader mod recomended. Also procedural vegetation...

Improved lowspec water shader

Improved lowspec water shader

Full Version 2 comments

Water shader for mainly low water settings. Follow instructions.

Post comment Comments
lolmao500 - - 10 comments

RTX Remix has been out for a week... I wonder how good Crysis DirectX9 version would look with path tracing. Better than the remake?

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Pfoiffee - - 17 comments

Crysis RTX Remix mod won't happen ever. This game does not run on a fixed-function pipeline (a necessity for RTX Remix to even work at all) and uses DirectX 9.0c which is not compatible.

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Trongetsoutofsystem Creator
Trongetsoutofsystem - - 76 comments

It would look cool! But i think ray tracing or path tracing on directx9 is little too much especially in higher resolutions. Dx10 handles crysis better:)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ZaliaS - - 148 comments

Why are you using the 32-Bit version, and not 64-bit?

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Trongetsoutofsystem Creator
Trongetsoutofsystem - - 76 comments

Old video. I was running on Phenom 2.It was slightly faster in 32bit. Now im using 64bit with Ryzen.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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