The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.


Works on GZD, LZD, Zandronum Single Player and ZDoom 2.8! Feel free to contact Kalensar via ModDb messages for any inquiries not listed in the Description below. This is Sgt Mark IV's Extermination Day megawad converted to be playable as a Vanilla wad and to be mostly safe for weapons and monster type mods. Just load this with Doom 2 as the IWAD. Works on DeltaTouch! Works in LZDoom!

EDAY 2019 Vanilla Finalized (Update Dec 08 22)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 154)
Serathis - - 469 comments

I wonder if Eday ever comes out proper!

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Hopefully soon. If not this is still really good.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
BlacklightVoid - - 31 comments

WAD needs to be finalized. It does not work with all mods. For example, it doesn't work with Combined Arms and D4V: it throws an error. Project Brutality works without problems.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

I tested out Combined Arms 2.3 and v1.4= v1.4 works fine and v2.3 complains about a Flag decoration that I'm not going to screw around with.The Flag sprite it references is used in a lot of maps and I am simply not going to hunt down every literal American Flag in the megawad to fix this issue.

D4Vclassic is what I what I tested next so I could see the error message. Well, EDay uses a custom blood texture that D4V doesn't recognize. That's a D4V problem, not an EDAY problem.

The original EDAY megawad is a very ummm specialized mapset that was designed for one thing: Brutal Doom's Campaign. This is a custom mapset that has been duct taped to work as a now Vanilla Pwad. The amount of custom work in Eday is staggering so getting it to work everything under the sun is basically just out of the cards.

I appreciate your comment and will address any errors for specific Mods as either fixable or not fixable. So consider D4V and Combined Arms 2.3 as not playable at least as far as I am going to work on it.

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minigunner_ali - - 80 comments

How much have you optimized this to run on low-end devices?

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

I make mods on a low end device= 1.4 ghz dual core with a 512 mb vidcard.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
CygnocalCorg - - 54 comments

I'm getting a "bdcheckjanitor" and "bdcheckjanitor2" scrpit error message spamming the console when I run this with Rage weapons or CSGO weapons.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

I'll give those a test because I haven't tested them and see what I can come up with.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Is it the Counterstrike Martian Offensive weapons mod?

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

So I tested Counterstrike Martian Offensive(most up to date version) and Rage Weapons for Doom. Both worked just fine for me. The Rage 2 Weapons mod hasn't been cleared to download by ModDB as of this writing.

On the Rage weapons for Doom I loaded the Rage Basepk3 and the GZDoom Rage Weapons PK3 and literally had zero game halting error messages. Tested on GZDoom 4.6.1.

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CygnocalCorg - - 54 comments

Hmm, I'll try it again later.

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CygnocalCorg - - 54 comments

I'm getting the messages when I run those weapon mods with Russian Mercenaries. Also it isn't halting the game, it's just a message that will keep popping up every time I kill an enemy.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Thats excellent that its not halting the game. I have no idea otherwise. Basically if it's working thats good.

This version of EDAY( the 2019 beta test) itself is a super specialized map that was built specifically for Brutal Doom as it's campaign mode. This is a duct taped version that allows it to run as a PWAD while keeping the mass majority of it intact and fixes the worst errors that stop progression and fixes many visual bugs. Its no surprise that small harmless bugs will crop up.

I have an entire list of working mods tested listed up in the main description.

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Guest - - 706,928 comments

The following mods work with this map:

-DoomDynMus (Dynamic music mod)
-High Noon Drifter v1.2c
-Western Patch v2
-LegenDoom Lite v4.0
-Corruption Cards v2.0

NOTE: A "bddisablemapenhancements" pops every time a new level loads but otherwise, the mapset is playable.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Thank you, I've added your list to the main description. Those are excellent choices you tested as they are pretty popular.

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Addontester - - 478 comments

hxrtc project works fine with the maps although the smoke sprites conflicts with the starter pistol( the plasma pistol when you start a new game) impact smoke sprites

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Yes! Just confirmed for myself on HXRTC Gold Edition, The smoke is amplified slightly comically.

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JMartinez2098 - - 197 comments

Bug report:
With PB 3.0, the barrel smoke effects after firing certain weapons look very bright, almost like a light sprite almost. This maybe a sprite conflict.

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JMartinez2098 - - 197 comments

Bug in action:

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Thank you very much! Yeah, thats pretty bad looking. Combined with the other Smoke bug that is from HXRTC I think I'll take a crack at this problem. Much appreciated.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Okay, I've applied an update that fixed the really weird smoke bug. Go ahead and try again.

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Guest - - 706,928 comments

did you test with a mod Call of Doom : Black Warfare

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Nope, but you are more than welcome to do that. Reason is that Call of Doom is a 1 gig file and I ain't testing something that my comp probably can't even run.

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Wally0222 - - 65 comments

Hi, I recently downloaded this WAD and tested with Call of Doom: Black Warfare (Vanilla, plus my unofficial Extra Weapons). It currently works fine for me (both HD and Lightweight), although I haven't complete this WAD yet.

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Addontester - - 478 comments

brutal doom v20b (one version with the blood.txt error fixed) refuses to load in gzdoom giving the error about tried to define class "DecorationDisabled" more than twice when i loaded the mappack first and then the mod doing it the other way around gives the error "cannot find zcommon.acs" and gives same error expect with "targetisanexplosivebarrel" when testing it with project brutality 2.03 insanity brutality 4.0 works fine

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

That one doesn't surprise me at all! The code used in EDay Vanilla that makes it stable comes directly from BDv21 so I definitely see why they would clash. The Code used in EDay Vanilla uses the ACS module of BDv21 in order to make the Boss triggers work properly. The other parts from BDv21 include some texturing and decorations that complete many maps such as beds, debris, explosions and a whole host of other oddities that are hard to see sometimes; so basically all the decorations that the error code is complaining about.

For PB2.03, its base code relies on BDv20 for its guts so that explains the clashes there. PB3.0 and others based off of that are based on BDv21 and have also migrated away from it a bit too so it relies less on BDv21 coding which is why those ones would have no issue on EDay Vanilla.

I'll update the failure list.

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Addontester - - 478 comments


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Wally0222 - - 65 comments

I finished this WAD with CODBW (Vanilla ver) after few days (I am busy in real life).
It works fine, just these "duplicate" actors because its "FileA" is basically "vanillafied" BDv20.

PS: I don't know why the level repeating in map EDAY41's normal exit is still not fixed in the original EDAY Beta 001 (I think map EDAY31 is not counted because map EDAY32 is still a placeholder).

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Basically if it's working on the first map then it'll be able to play all the way through. I thank you for doing a full run and I'll update the success list

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Guest - - 706,928 comments

Does weapon of saturn work?

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Yes. Weapons of Saturn works. Its on the list of working mods.

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Guest - - 706,928 comments

How do I get to the wolfenstein map ? I've finished the game but no other maps after that. Playing on delta touch...

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

If you open the the Console in GZdoom you can type in "Map EDAY42" and it'll take you right to it.

In all fairness I don't know how to get to that secret map in the normal way, or if it's even possible. I didn't build any of these maps. I have not screwed around with any of the map data except to replace broken items or fix broken fights. I have beaten the normal maps all the way through but I never accessed the secret levels except by level selection by use of the console.

EDAY maps are listed as EDAY then map number of EDAY01 to EDAY32
The secret levels are EDAY40, EDAY41, and EDAY42.

I'm a PC player so I don't know squat about deltatouch except for the use of GZDoom.

I think it is super cool that this map worked on DeltaTouch! Excellent News there!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Wally0222 - - 65 comments

To get to the Wolfenstein map (EDAY42), you need to find the secret exit (EDAY40) in EDAY18 first, play through EDAY40 as usual, EDAY41 has a secret exit that let you get to EDAY42.

PS: EDAY41's normal exit has a level repeating bug, it supposed to get to EDAY19...

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Hey! Thanks for that! I'll go look at the mapinfo and do a fix if it's wrong.

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Pega6us - - 112 comments

Thanks. I enjoyed to play that with other weapons set

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

You're very welcome. I enjoyed playing Project MSX and Hellrider on it. =)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Lemy-LMann - - 13 comments

Bug report:
In zandronum in the maps eday04 and eday06, zandronum closes there are other maps that happens the same but these are the ones that I highlight (sorry for the bad english and if you didn't understand me)

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

I cannot fix for zandronum at all. So this version is reccomended for GZDoom or LZdoom honestly. Zandronum does not like my computer hardware so I literally cannot test or even play it.

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Rainbowdash98 - - 209 comments

Does this work with Brutal Doom Meatgrinder ???

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

You know what? I don't know! I will go test that out and tell you!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Okay. So I actually did 2 tests.

This version of Meatgrinder works-

And I tested it in LZDoom. ;)

Both work.

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Rainbowdash98 - - 209 comments

No GZDOOM with MR.choricheese version ???

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

I don't know.You're more than welcome to test it though. Everything listed in the Success list works including BD21.

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havocparker4 - - 4 comments

Got unknown script message with project brutality 3.0 when jump and then landing

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Edit--- This was solved as of the Feb 2022 update.

Thats a clash between the Brutal Doom Code in Project Brutality and Brutal Doom code in EDay Vanilla. It's literally harmless. Its a Floor Check script that has to do with falling damage or or sound effects or some such.

I must stress that this Megawad is highly experimental because it is literally based off the beta-test version Sgt MarkIV released in 2019. Its very solid in everything it has been tested on and I personally checked every mod listed in the Success list and Failure list.

Eday Vanilla 2019 required Brutal Doom code in order to run properly and Project Brutality 3.0 is a Fork of BD21 so there is double code being run. There is no way to rectify the error message on either side, but the Eday Vanilla and PB3 run very well together regardless of such errors.

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Guest - - 706,928 comments

Oh, that's kinda disappointing. Those messages are distracting. I'm also getting them whenever I shoot anything, because of the janitor needing to check for blood or casings to clean.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

Thanks for the comment! I'll see about cleaning that annoying portion up here pretty soon because that has bugged me for a long time as well. Its been on the to-do list, but had other things higher in the pecking order.

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HatchetHound - - 29 comments

Nice. And thanks for making the wad vanilla friendly. Hell On Earth has been one of my go-to wads for a long time.

Also, I tried this out with a few mods not listed. GMOTA works just fine. Weird how it's the same author as Combined_Arms but that doesn't. I'd really like to play this with the Past-Linked set. I wonder if that's something Kegan can fix on his end?

Highway Acceleroid Booster also works, as does Treasure Tech.

DemonSteele definitely does not. Something about the CVARs isn't working correctly and the frames start dropping massively before you get far into the first level.

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kalensar Author
kalensar - - 427 comments

GMOTA,and HAB are definitely fun for sure!

I've never touched DemonSteele I have no idea on it.

As for Combined Arms, its the start of the Fail List
"List of Failures:
Combined Arms 2.3-- Literally complained about a USA Flag decoration. Not replacing the sprite decoration." To fix this would require deleting a pic file on either side, and I ain't fixing EDAY Vanilla like that because it just shows up in too many places. I don't know what it is of in Combined Arms.

Thanks for the additions to lists my friend.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
HatchetHound - - 29 comments

Oh I know. I just meant it's too bad it doesn't work. If I had to guess, C_A has a rally flag alt-fire for the Revenant Box. I think it's new to 2.0. Could be some overlap.

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