The Clone Wars Recreated is the modification for Jedi Academy, which is made from scratch and allows you to play ALL Seven Seasons from TV Show. The idea was started in 2013 and is continued to present day. Currently there is no game available made by developers, based on the Clone Wars TV Show. Follow this mod and stay tuned for more updates to come.

Report RSS Showcase Build - Update 1.0 Including Combat Update 3.0 & Liberation Mode DLC - Review

Revolutionary Engine Update, Showcase Build Update 1.0 inc. Combat Update 3.0, Open Letter and many more new Annoucements! Details in the Article.

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Project: The Clone Wars Recreated Showcase Version Remastered - Update 1.0 including Combat Update 3.0 & Liberation Mode - Review

I would like to welcome you all very warmly to the new article, presenting the Massive Update of the Showcase Build - Which is a precursor to the Final 1.0 Build

First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support, criticism but most of all for your financial support. There's no denying that your support is invaluable, thanks to donations I can cover energy costs and get back into a working rhythm that allows me to go with it all fairly quickly.

Slowly, this hobby is starting to turn into a full-fledged job. It's thanks to you guys.Again, Thank you.
I think in the future to take into account where your money is going, what areas of the investments are going into.

This article will be divided into eight parts. I encourage you to read each of them. It's going to be intense, also substantively, and I'll reveal a lot. - Not only Project related things.

An important change in this cycle will be the GIF sequences, which allowed me to prepare everything for you much faster, and increase the picture of what is coming.

Unfortunately, due to the limits that are imposed by the site, I was forced to compress the GIF sequence to fit in the 4MB range. - Some GIF's can look bit goofy, laggy and less color saturated. It is what it is.

I hope this doesn't disrupt the overall picture.

Let's Begin.

Part One: - General Updates(No Visual Insight)

List of Updates by Chronological Order:

Clone Trooper Models:
- Improved weighting in the torso, hands, arms and neck area, fixed a rare problem of head bending and 360 spin

- Added weighting for fingers

- Over 200 New quality sounds for almost all weapons - including explosions

- 60 New projectile hit sounds - including body hits, surroundings, adaptive sound depending on the environment (rocks, flora, living tissue, armor, metal, etc.)

- Fixed fading Audio sound for the shield (EAX)

- Increased the frequency range of KHZ (Detailed description in the UI panel)

- Reduced overlaping of Mp3 sounds

- Player's footsteps sounds when running restored


- Revamped Citadel Training Map - Removed texture overlaping, activation buttons replaced with new Textures

- ARC Trooper Investigation Map Overhaul (Described In Part Two with Visuals)

- New visual weapon panel

- Added icons for expendable weapons and correct weapon naming/icons display after pickup

- Added missing Paulduron for Captain Rex

- New hyper jump graphic shader

- New UI and Tutorials/Agreement display

- New Datapad/Mission Objectives UI - Removed KotF UI leftovers


- Increased saturation and reduced skybox flickering for AMD card users

- Fixed bloom saturation on close distance (Recreated_GL)

Engine/Gameplay & Combat - OpenJK & Recreated_GL Exlusive:

Engine (Tech Update):

- Direct reading from EXE file

- New Folder and game engine structures

- Removed TM alt code naming in folder and engine dll's caused crashes and inproper load for Win 7 users

- Nvidia Cards with Tripple Buffering Option no longer causes to crash the game at startup

(The game will run in the window only once as default settings, after that we can update all options without the risk of losing or overwriting the .cfg)

- Direct read configuration files from Game folder and no longer generated by Documents/mygames

- Removed all cfg conflicts

- Automatic loading of keybinding for new features such as - grenade super throw, cover shot, side shot and

more, removed UI preset

- Increased Entity limit from 2048 to 4096 - This now gives unlimited possibilities in creating maps,

waypoints, scripts and all technical aspects of the map

- Increased bit code range (32 bit code format) for all weapons - The engine is able to support more than 192 new weapons with holsters

- Increased bit code range (32 bit code format) for all ammo slots - Now each weapon has it's own ammo slot, not overwriting existing ones.

- Improved real-time object/units display render(images at the end of part seven)

- Improved weapon holstering code responsible for weapon switching and visuals - From more than 500 lines of code per weapon to 2 (Vector coding)

- Increased performance/optimizations

- Other Minor Changes


Particle Rifle:

- Firing speed changed to One second

- Added "Projectile Drop"

- Increased Accuarcy, Damage, less spreading and more Particles Count


- Changed perk state and running speed from slow to balanced

- Main shoot speed increased to 250ms

- Fixed 100% EMP/stun Shot accuarcy when running

- Increased headshot damage perk


- Reduced Damage

- Fixed holstering placement and clipping issue, holster moved from backpacks to hips area

- Third shot type moved from USE to FORCE DRAIN key button

- Third shot reload time changed to one second

- Temporary removed EMP/stun shots caused game crash on training missions

Major Combat Changes:

- Added more headshot rewarding animations

- Changed pain/projectile hit animations

- Improved targeting and performance of all sniper sights

- Sniper targeting removes fog of war - AMD card users crash removed

- Fixed fast zoom for all sniper rifles (Instant max scope distance when pressed the button)

- Bouncing blasters from the 773 Firepuncher from now on only works in sniper mode

- Added L-60 Toydarian Blaster Rifle (Can also be used by clones and Player in Liberation Mode)

- Added Umbaran Blaster (Liberation Mode)

- Pistols mechanics changed - (Detailed description in Part Two)

- Changed Master Yoda abilities - more agression, jumping, flexibility and force powers using

- Revive System V2 - Added randomization to the knockdowns and Injury factors - light and critical Traumatic Shock - Temporary slowdown of time and immunity to enemy fire, giving you time to escape or perform precise headshots

- Slightly increased Headshot Damage Factor (0.4%)

Liberation Mode (Non-Spoil)

- New Outposts
- Techno-Union Facility, Gunship Crash Area, Radar Station, Technology Center, Crystal Factory, Command Center & Vault

- New AAT skins, Techno Union Aerial Droid, CIS Fast Reponse Forces, Droid Snipers, Droid Hunters, Shadow Company DLC pack

Toydarians - Toydarian Soldier, Toydarian Scout

End of General Updates.

combat 3 0

Part Two: - Combat Update 3.0 (Visual Insight GIF Format)

We smoothly move on to the most important part, when it comes to the update, Combat Update 3.0 and all the new things that are coming.

Let's start with the origins of Combat Update:

The first Video appeared with update 2.0, which can be seen in the Video section or previous articles. I promised to improve Video 2.0 to the full version and upload it on mega/priv yt video, unfortunately, after switching to the new operating system, I lost access to Video and I simply don't have time to update old articles. Sorry Commander.

So from now treat all previous articles as outdated and follow the progress with new ones.

Combat Update 1.0:

Combat update 1.0 wasn't even worth recording and mentioning, as these were marginal changes when my programming skills were still minimal, some changes to the velocity, damages - in short, nothing fancy.

Now, with a wider range of possibilities, I can present revolutionary changes that will replace the standard capabilities of the Jedi Academy engine.

What you saw in the articles and experienced in previous Showcase Build, it was just a warm-up.

Here we go.

Full 1.0 Update & Combat Update 3.0 for the upcoming Showcase Build with Liberation Mode DLC!

Brand New Menu Design & In-Game Enabled Functions

Main (GIF Speedup Compression)

3 menus

In-Game (No GIF Speed, Quality Loss Compression)
3 menus ig

Complete reconstruction of the Main Menu, splash and loading screens. Moving away from Holographic Tiles and replacing them with a new, circled menu, with even greater responsiveness and AUDIO-VISUAL quality. The huge advantage of switching to the circle menu is full display compatibility during the game and option to switch settings in-game, which was originally a huge drawback, thanks to engine changes, and Recreated_GL Compatibility, all functions work again.

3D Projectile Rendering & Lens/Glow Simulation + Swing Sound

Another new feature is the spot rendering of 3D blasters with directional swing sounds, thanks to raised MD3 limits, when EFX rendering starts to fail, either due to fps drops or effect saturation, the 3D render begins to mask the imperfections of EFX and 2D. The combination of 2D and 3D effects with lens simulation and glow, gives a new dimension to rendering effects.The more EFX limits are increased, then more crash frequency appears - currently no solution to fix/enhance it.

Clone Trooper Unit ID Animations
2 breath anim

75 new animations for Clone Troopers and a new rank system. Depending on the Rank, the clone runs, shoots, or holds a weapon differently. A breathing effect through armor and a slight kama simulation has also been added (GIF Speedup Compression). Few images of new animations below:

Z6 ROTARY CANNON- SIGNATURE ANIMATION (ModView image quality compressed)










SALUTE V2 (finger weight) & COMMLINKS




Attention to Detail Shoot Animations

1 animations 1

Finger Weighting made it possible to create animations with great detail such as pressing a gun trigger. Depending on the Rank, the weapon's recoil strength animation is different.

Weapon Display & Crosshairs

8 weapons

A new feature is an improved weapon display system. The crosshairs are divided into weapon categories - from pistols, rifles, sniper rifles to rocket launchers etc. The parabolic graphics of rockets, grenades and mortars have also been simplified - The Scrolling also has been restored and classified weapon switch has been removed.

Cover Shot 2.0

5 cover shot duals

A number of changes and improvements to the Cover Shot function. From now on, every shot from behind cover is a manual shot (no crosshair), they are also more inaccurate, but preferring such a shot rewards you with additional damage points and gives extra protection, a new feature is Cover Shot for Two Pistols, which has also undergone changes in terms of accuracy and mechanics that i'll describe later.

Holster 2.0
6 holster update

Added precise holster detection for two pistols, originally they were not holstered, now the engine detects when you use one pistol, the other is holstered - A significant change is the hanging of the weapon on the hip line with the interaction of the torso, which gives the wiggle effect - Still trying to reduce model clipping, but its hard to keep it realistic.

Removable Holsters

11 removable holsters

Another key change in holstering a gun is that when our weapon has no more ammunition, it disappears completely from the holster. Previously, this function only worked for blunt weapons (grenades, mortars, rockets) - now, thanks to vector coding and shortening, this system works for all weapons.

Realistic Turning & Foot Bones Detection

10 realistic turn

One of the revolutions in movement is the realistic behavior of the character when turning. The engine uses foot bones detection, not the outdated "root" system, which completely killed the immersion and kept the animations stiff. Movement takes on a new meaning, each turn, especially a sudden one, forces the character to correct the balance and accuracy of shots, a slight deviation can sometimes be crucial in a fight, so choosing the right position is now much more important than constant turning and angle switching.


12 rolling

Rolling changes. Each roll uses a different camera angle, and side-to-side rolls are not in a straight line. Rolling also slightly reduces the damage taken.

Grenade Counter

13 grenade counter

The Droid Poppers and Thermal grenade counter will be visible in the right corner, you will know how many grenades you have in your reserve, without interfering with changing weapons, it will also help you when performing super throws - you will not only see the missing grenades in the holster, but also in the interface.

Grenade Screen Indicator

14 grenade incidator

Each thrown grenade will be highlighted on the screen(on close range). You will know approximately where the grenade is located. This works for grenades thrown by the player, friendly and enemy units.

Grenade Indicator Icon:

indicator grenade

Z-6 Rotary Cannon Recharge & Overheat

15 recharge

A number of changes to the Rotary Cannon - From now on, it overheats after firing over 25 rounds and a full package (100 rounds) with Hard Overheat(more sparks, splash and smoke from barrel) that stops automatically firing. Activation of the Cannon takes about one and a half second, additionally, when standing, shots are 2x more precise, while walking, shots are more inaccurate and less effective. The ammo capacity has been changed from 200 to 400.

RPS-6 Incendiary Launcher

9 launcher 1

The RPS Incendiary Launcher has received a new animation pack, the number of rockets has been changed from 2 to 5, fire damage has been increased and the duration has been increased from 7.5 seconds to 10. The fireball effect has been changed for optimization purposes and deals more damage.

CQC (Close Quarter Combat)

36 cqc mini

36 cqc rifle

One of the revolutionary combat methods is Close Quarter Combat, by pressing, or holding Q button we can use hand-to-hand combat using heavy, medium and light classified weapons. Knocking down a lower-ranked opponent in one hit. Thanks to the new range of animations, randomization code, in addition to striking with a weapon, we can attack with fists, head, push, solid push with camera effect - a guaranteed effect of satisfaction - Animations have been speed up to maintain the principles of a TV show and not disturb the dynamics of combat during intense clashes. Random animations count : 20

Precise Zoom Aim

40   precise zoom

New weapon zoom integrated aiming system. Aiming with zoom solves the problems of the so-called first imprecise shot, due to the new animations, it could happen that the first shot did not go according to the sight and starting animation frame, and in this case every shot matters. Additionally, aiming in place changes your stance to a slightly more tactical one. The Precise Zoom Aim can be activated in all states: Standing, Walking and Running - Crouching automatically sets your weapon stance into aim mode and animation that guarantee 100% first shot accuarcy without issues.

Crosshair Hit Confirm Pulse,

Tap-In Sounds, Headshot Confirm & Enemy Health Bar

7 healthbars

I am presenting something that I have dreamed about from the beginning since i played Jedi Academy in my childhood. From now on, the fight takes on a new level. Each hit on the target is registered, displays the opponent's health indicator, headshots turn the crosshair to yellow, so you can be sure that you have dealt critical damage. Additionally, there is sound in the form of short clicks (5 random tap-in sounds), so shooting at the enemy will be even more exciting. (Screen capture before Unit ID & Crosshairs Update)

New Weapon - Throwable Knife

image knife



Weapon Active Icon:

w icon KNIFE

Non-Active Icon:

w icon KNIFE NA

A new toy for carrying out assassinations, originally the knife was intended only for hand-to-hand combat, but due to the new CQC mechanics, using the knife in a classic way is simply unnecessary but also possible. That's why the knife throwing mechanic is introduced. Improved physics trajectory and vertical angle of throwing the knife allows you to attack at a medium distance completely avoiding detection, powerful discharges in the vibro blade destroy the opponent with one throw. Additionally, visual support via holster mechanics and indicators. In Game GIF's below:

Knife Holster and All Throwable Indicators:
37   knife indicator

Super Throw Function + Discharge effect (on vunerable surface)

38   knife throw

Throwable Indicator Icons (Inventory & Super Throw):

perk icon st thermal

perk icon st emp

perk icon st knife

HUD Update
39   hud

Complete HUD update for the throwing weapons panel. If you have a thrown weapon type, the HUD will be filled with an additional transparent background to fill in the gaps between the graphics.

ARC Investigation Map Overhaul (GIF AIO Screen)

A map1

A map2

A map3

The map has been completely rebuilt to the standards I currently outline and I am able to achieve. The skybox has been revamped, textures more consistent with TCW style.

It is not the end! We go to Liberation Mode, in which I will also present a new function, Cover Shot+

Part Three: - Liberation Mode DLC (Visual Insight GIF Format)

And here, to be honest, this is the most difficult moment for me. On the one hand, I would like to show everything here, completely spoiler-wise, but I will refrain so that you can see for yourself what Liberation Mode will offer. Therefore, this part will be reduced to a minimum when it comes to the map, outposts, starting perks, all of which you will discover by playing this mode. I will reveal the most important details and things that were not in the main band of Combat Update 3.0

Forward Operation Base (F.O.B)

16 fob

We start the adventure in FOB, the only base that was not occupied after the surprise attack, using the starting perk we can change the gameplay, attack planning, base defense, etc. I will reveal only one of the perks.

F.O.B Starting Perk - Integrated Menu

18 perks2

New integrated perk menu and Perks Divided into the Categories. Main(20) and Special(16) perks. You click the choosen perk and the engine does the rest. I'm only discovering the second part of special perks screen.

The Cavalry Has Arrived

19 badbatch

One of the starting perks I reveal is the summoning of Clone Force 99 "The Bad Batch" - Due to the fact that this is quite an early stage of the Conflict, Clone Force 99 has its own unique gunship, not the Marauder Omicron-Class.

However, there are some flaws with these units when landing and I have yet to adapt new animations for each of these defects. This perk is a tribute to The Bad Batch series. And since the Liberation mode has literally no rules, I think adding them as a support unit was on point.

Note: The moment article has been published, the animations are already done and adapted for TBB.

Items Loot

21 case opening

As I mentioned in previous articles, this mode is very demanding. We start with only a pistol and the weapons are randomly in crates. In this case, I managed to find a DC-15a rifle, which gives a very good start and increases the chances of retaking the outpost and deal with clankers. However, as a reminder, sometimes we can find empty crates, looted by droids. The loot is divided into categories: from common to rare - one of the rare items is the revival pack.

Pistol Mechanics

22 pistol ammo 1

The pistols have received changes. The key one is that the primary fire are infinite, and EMP fire consume ammo, has little bit unaccuarcy factor and require recharging. So there is no reason to worry about running out of ammo, it is also intended to highlight the primary weapons, which are omitted in so many titles, A lot of people have asked for this, I'm listening and trying to adapt and balance things. We are all learning here.

However, in order not to be so OP again, EMP require 100% precision, otherwise the target will be resistant to this type of shot. Another big change is the inaccuarcy of the shots while walking. And little bit unnacuarcy for dual pistols in overall - previously all shots were 100% accuarte and linked to crosshair that caused massive problems with proper aiming at the target - now its fixed and randomized.

Cover Shot+

27 cover shotplus

24 cover shotplus rifle

One of the new features is Cover Shot+, a feature announced in the previous article. We can lean out from behind the wall (or any object) without having to expose our entire body to fire and take more damage. The controls are very simple. Hold the G + directional key - This function is very difficult to master, and requires many hours of learning to master the swing distance and shooting angle, so I will certainly prepare a new package of training missions and interactive tutorials about new movement, that will highlight and encourage the use of new mechanics. Cover Shot+ uses similar mechanics - manual shooting, camera angle switch depending on side you lean out, and no crosshair + 2x more damage than Cover Shot. Worth to master this new mechanics. New citadel training arena training integrated missions are coming.

Outpost Weak Points

23 towers

By using blunt weapons, we can damage outposts and guard towers, changing the enemy's attack & defence strategy

Liberation & Defence

25 outpost battle

26 abordage

Capturing a strategic outpost heralds an enemy counterattack, in a variety of ways, from doubling units in the area, to hunter droids, or to boarding the captured outpost. WE CAN LOSE THE POINT WE HAVE CAPTURED, AND ALL ABILITIES.

Ally Weapon Loot

28 case open npc

And even more immersion, after taking over the outpost, our allies must go to the base, loot crates to get weapons, previously weapons appeared out of nowhere - Remember that not every video I share is the final edition. I prefer creating videos that are in production phase - just like i did with hyper jump and briefing, even if it will bring less views and quick Judgment.

Toydarian Support & Open Battle

30 liberation

31 liberation 2

32 liberation 3

Capturing outposts increases the sympathy of the Toydarians, and recruits more and more support units, thanks to which we can conduct an open assault, any type of tactic is possible here.

Ally Revive 2.0

33 healing 1

34 healing 2

When your ally is injured, an indicator will appear, no more wandering around the map looking for a wounded Clone Trooper.

Shadow Company DLC

A shadow comp

In Liberation mode, you will have the chance to test your skills as the Shadow Company, this is a preview of Unique Units for the last DLC for the final Build 1.0 - This is not just a visual change, this unit has unique skills


A azi

A azi weapons

The Shadow Unit has the unique AZI-2 droid. We can order special perks. Each perk has it's own Cooldown. As Long AZI Unit is not Destroyed, we can requests Perks all the time. The problems start when AZI is destroyed(but you can order AZI repair perk too), because we can't get weapons from crates. - This is a change of events, and the droids have completely looted the crates. We cannot count on the support of the Jedi and the rest of the Team. We plan our activities as a Shadow unit with the Phase II prototype.


A shadow order

A shadow order 2

We can give orders - "Stay" and "Follow me"

"Stay" - Clone switches to sniper mode and starts to cover us from a distance.

"Follow Me" - Clone switches from sniper mode to combat mode using the DC15-LE heavy rifle.

Toydarian Support & Advanced Combat Skills

A shadow cover

A sideshot

A toydarians 1

The Toydarians are eager to help us retake the planet and their skills are improved with Shadow Unit Training.

Advanced combat skills allow you to conquer areas 2x more effectively, one of the new features is Combat Stim, which quickly puts you on your feet and protects you from headshots, as long as you have it, critical shots do not have as much power as usual.

The full version of Shadow Company will be in the last, tenth DLC for the full Build 1.0 called "Operation Shatterpoint", an Arc consisting of Two wide-band missions.

Operation Shatterpoint

And that's all about the new things I'm still preparing for you. This is not the end, we are moving on to a very important chapters.

Part Four: - A new Hand & New Formats

New Logos And Overall Design

There is no doubt that the project is being transformed in a different direction than other basic projects. One of the changes is a new logo. Simple, no fuss, simplicity is the key. This is not related to the "shutdown" drama, which I will also describe here. Controversy sells, I'm going to take advantage of it.

splashmoddb recreated

recreated2024 splash

As I mentioned, I have no intention of cheating, Star Wars is still rotten to me. For many reasons. And after the trailer, the name of which I will not mention so as not to make an advertisement, this rot has intensified even more, what remains is sentiment and respect for cartoon animations and my childhood and the game i was raised, Jedi Academy, nothing more. This doesn't mean that I rely only on this, I approach what I do professionally, there is still that childhood fire to do it, and recent events have only fueled it - but more on that later. Of course, a new logo also attracts the attention of new recipients, and that's the point. I like controversy and I intend to expand on that controversy.

New and old Formats return:

Yes. I listen to your voices, especially those in the survey in which you can still participate. New formats are coming, even though Build 1.0 has been fully presented, there is still a lot of room for new things.

These will be formats in the form of updates - on an ongoing basis - what I am currently doing.

New Recreated Shorts format - Up to 15 seconds videos(Not because of the current trend that is awful with brainless scrolling, but because of the long expected rendering time of the platform, which is why most people have no idea about new updates), Which will show some gameplay, production phases to encouraging you to wait for the full build.

Moving away from the SW Logo also results in a change of template - All new updates and presentations will receive a new visual template. Matching the new Logo.

Part Five: - Dramas, My Identity & Letter

A new dramas to my collection.

The controversy surrounding the drama "Shutdown" continues. I address these words to several groups.

To people who have concern:

I learn from the mistakes of other creators and projects, I don't plan to remaster Jedi Academy just to get struck immediately. I don't use sensitive names that can conflict with Companies future gaming plans. I am in contact with several large companies, including those from my country, that have connections to the Star Wars IP and WD. If there is any risk, you will know it from me. The last project that failed and has been shut down was in 2016. Find out why. I have no intention of breaking contracts or the law. I know many of you have high hopes and are doubtful due to the closure of other projects. There is no threat to this project. I repeat, no threat. That's why, for almost 11 years now, I've been creating all this in the shadows to avoid the stench that's happening now.

To the people who wish me all bad:

I'm not going to respond to you the same way you respond to me, I'm going to throw hot coals of fire at you over your heads. I wish you all the best, have a good life, and I thank you for the hate, you have fueled a machine that cannot be stopped. Once again. Have a good and blessed life.

I'm closing the drama.

My identity & Short Testimony

The echoes of controversies related to social media not going away, which is a good thing. Many people also accuse me of using biblical rhetoric and using scriptures on the maps. Very good. For me it's a reason to be proud. My Goal was to shake the Spirit. It is no secret that I am a Christian Developer, many people has recognized it but this time i say it in public, and for me the Bible is a life compass and a filter to the lies of the world. I'm not ashamed of it. I also said that I came here to make a difference. That's why I'm creating a project separate from the standards that prevail in games. Less brutal, harmful, blood-share, occult etc. Life is real Star Wars. Especially in the spiritual realm. That's why I'm ready that many people will leave and it will be a small group of people who follow the Project. That's the point. It's about the Quality not the Quantity. I try to walk the narrow path, although I don't always succeed and i stumble. I also want you to know me from a human perspective, know me better, my values, not a souless and spiritually dead machine who only creates something. In today's corrupt times, it is shameful to talk about the Bible, about God, how irritating it is, because people do not want to hear about the good news of Salvation.

Deleting social media(X, Reddit etc) denying the modern culture, partying, drinking, smoking, hanging out with bad companion and giving up bad habits was the best decision and Blessing in my life.

If you want to do ambitious things, throw away social media and ugly websites like corn(name changed on purpose), it will remove the fog from your brain, less distraction, time waste, life force depleting and increase concentration and creativity - Oh, now there will be hate. Very good. - This time I didn't write it for controversy. It is to shake the Spirit and will of change. Thanks to this statement, I met many people who overcame problems and their struggles and took up the fight, including Christian Modders, with whom I will form a team for Build 2.0 - Developer Zero. The idea is developing dynamically, but with the 1.0 BuildI will go solo without a shadow of a doubt.

Reject the world modernity, embrace the purity.

87d40717 db1a 459b bbb4 db94b965

It shakes the Spirit....makes flesh weaker...

Pray for me if you are also a Christian(non-religious) and you are reading this, because my life is not as simple as many may think. However, if you do not agree with my values that I represent, then keep your fingers crossed for me in what I do and what I want to do.

Therefore, the truth is, if this project is threatened, it will not be at the hands of companies, but by people who hate me and my life Godly standards i am trying to follow and people who's persescutes me in real life - i am not perfect and i have tons of imperfections i have to fight and deny myself daily - Spirit over the flesh And this project, purpose also helps me to fight with the strongholds i deal with. Thats it. My Iidentity has been Revealed.

Pharisees and religious people who will soon throw a stone at me and accuse me of how I can make a video game as a Biblical Christian. Nothing is perfect here in this broken world, including video games. That's why I warn you not to let it take control of your life. Games also release dopamine, I'm aware of that. Because I know psychology and is my profession besides the project development, so i take a partial responsibility. That's why this game is not based on a quick reward trigger, but on patience, which improves cells and brain function, just for the sake of awareness, for many people games are also an escape from the problems of everyday life, thanks to my influence, many people have overcome other addictions, problems They forgot about diseases of the daily basis and improved the way of seeing how spiritual person can have influence on lost and lonely people who's seeking the truth or will of change, find the missing void. It also helps fight sins, strongholds, wordly temporary pleasures and other escapism forms. So if you consider yourself a perfect, sinless person - Throw a stone at me.

Im Closing this letter. I hope this short testimony will inspire You and brings the Conviction.

Accept it or Rebuke it and Leave. Free will. Quality over Quantity.

Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is lawful for me, but I will not enslave myself to anything. Cor 6,12-20

May the Peace and Blessings, God Mercy be With You All.

This is the first and last open letter sent to all people, I will not respond to further dramas, personal attacks, trolling and other shutdown dramas. I have already explained everything I could, everything I wanted. This was necessary because I want to be honest with everyone here, without any division into left and right or being in the middle.

I'm closing the dramas, controversies and rumours who i am Once And for All.

Now back to the project informations:

Part Six: - Overall Conclusion & Future + Backup Plan

One Year on the MODDB platform

It's been a year since I've been here, and I wholeheartedly thank everyone who especially supports me in difficult times, who respects my decisions and values, I have exceptional respect for these people. If you don't agree with my values, respect me as a person, I am here today, I may not be here tomorrow.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Mercy over Judgment.

Unreal Engine:

Moving a project to Unreal Engine may have consequences, I'm not talking about closing the project. Costs and companies are not favorable. Either way, this is a long-term project, and maybe something will change in the future to the benefit of indie developers. Currently its better to develop Recreated_GL that can provide better experience than UE - with proper coding and engine overhaul, and thats what i am planning to do - so i will reveal some backup plan.

- Planned Engine Migration - 2027/28

Goodbye to the Vanilla Jedi Academy Graphics:

Update 1.0 and Final Full Build will no longer be supported for the default Jedi Academy graphics, Recreated_GL will be supported and will be continuously improved. This is an irrevocable decision. The content is increasing,a also i plan to increase Season 3 mission count and some missing arcs, A regular engine will no longer be able to hold and keep the stability for such new features, especially the entity limit and core support with 32 bit code structures.

Migrating Recreated_GL with OpenJK

I would like to create an engine compatible with OpenJK that could handle all these new functions. Unfortunately. at the moment this is impossible. I stand by my words. On the day of the release of the full Build 1.0, the code will be released, but I am not responsible for any damages or bugs that this engine will cause without combining the Recreated_GL [Recreated Graphics & Game Library] code.

Recreated_GL It is an exclusive build based on the IME license non open-source. That's why I'm announcing the key engine phases:

Phase I

OpenJK Code Release with basic Recreated Enhancements - Day One 1.0 Full Build

Phase II

Recreated_GL Engine - Full Code Migration

Phase III

Crash-Free full Debug Engine

Phase IV

Fully Optimized Engine for low and med spec PC's

Phase V

Fully Compatible Engine with ENB Series - (Unreal Engine Backup Plan)

Phase VI

Recreated SDK - Including .map files, scripts, extra code and all necessary tools to take inspiraton from it and learn

This is what the release, improvement and migration phases of the engine backup plan will looks like.

Entity Limits & Enhanced Surface Renderer.

As promised, I am posting some photos from the closed testing of the new limits (Outdated Images - before Update 1.0 and Animations & Graphical Update)

openjk sp 2024 01 20 01 21 04 01

openjk sp 2024 01 20 01 21 07 79

openjk sp 2024 01 20 01 21 13 57

openjk sp 2024 01 20 01 21 18 56

openjk sp 2024 01 20 01 21 24 66

Part Seven: - Clone Trooper Phase One Expired Licenses for 1.0 Build & Roadmap Update

Many people complain about the Clone Trooper models that there is something wrong with them in the first phase. Correct. No License for the original asset of the first phase of the clone trooper, modeling my own asset, textures, UVWS's will take me months, I prefer to use this time to improve the engine and the overall project. Therefore, Build 1.0 will use a hybrid Clone Trooper model. Besides, I'm not a fan of the look of the Phase 1 armor. At the end of the day, it's my project and it's up to me to decide what will and won't be included, apart from licensing issues.

There have been a lot of changes to the roadmap, unfortunately due to my inattention and bad file connection, for a long time the entire threshold of operation in the Liberation mode was visible, with details - which should not have happened - mainly, the roadmap was created for me, due to the multitude of responsibilities and things that need to be done, and you could get lost more than once, now everything has been updated. Therefore, the roadmap will remain in the correct format, especially for new people who do not want spoilers. Regular visitors, I apologize for this mistake.

Part Eight: - Ending, Important Information & Overall Status

Products for supporters (Patreon future benefits).

If everything goes according to plan and several contracts are completed, I will start with packages for top tier supporters Including T-shirts, high-quality posters, desktop wallpapers, mugs and much more.

my shirt sampleA

We are slowly approaching the end of this article.

Finally, very important information. There are no illusions that the project will be delayed, the original dates were true, but something was missing, it still felt like it's Jedi Academy, and I want to give you the best product that I as an lone Developer can make. Also i am still upgrading my programming skills (C++/Vectors) I'm sorry that I was in a hurry, so there will be no new dates or release annoucements now, follow the progress, visit the page, send it to others. Update 1.0 is almost Done and the Final Build will arrive this year but the day and hour is unknown.

The overall status for Update & Liberation Mode is around 93% One thing is sure. It will take me additional time to port everything to the Final Build. So thats why Update 1.0 will arrive, to cover the awaiting time and give you the best experience, with fully prepared Engine.

Thank you for your understanding. Thank you to everyone who made it to the end. The caravan moves on.

I love you all and thank you.

And one more thing. Please don't make an Idol of me, I am dust and all the glory goes to the one who gives us breath in our lungs.

"In Him we live, move and have our being"

Acts of the Apostles.

Not ashamed of who i am and Who i do my best to follow in Spirit and Truth.

Thank you again, I enjoy writing, sharing the updates for you and make a difference that this fallen, sinful and full of hate world cannot offer.

Be the Change, be the Light.

To learn more about project, read all previous articles of overall development process.

Visit my Socials

The project does not earn a penny by selling method, the project and contribution are supported by donations via Paypal. I won't throw a big banner in front of your eyes, the link to support is on linktree. If you appreciate my hard work, please consider supporting me and be a part of the project. Thank you.


Update 1.0 Is Coming. For all of You.

Peace And Blessings.

Post comment Comments
CloneHunter5 - - 24 comments

You nailed it!! Absolutley nailed it!! I dont have a words to describe this update

And such a beautiful testimony and bravery, Congratulations. More people like you and this world would be better for sure. God Bless

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Beskamir - - 7,041 comments

This mod is incredible! That you're also an awesome human in an increasingly messed up world is even better. You're certainly making me really want to join you in working on this project, but my Jedi Knight modding skills are currently nonexistent. Though I do have some experience with UE so I could maybe help out with the eventual porting to that if you'd want some help with that.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Amanda_SSG - - 5 comments

Insane! I love this update and article from start to finish.

Don't worry about the people, they always complain. I will pray for u because i had similar situation. The moment you give up old wicked ways the "friends" showing their true colors. Stay Strong!

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Guest - - 694,857 comments

Thanks for the update, that's a great news to see the project grow.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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