RSS Reviews

Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Returns

Early access mod review

It's the restoration project, but with 6 terribly designed "new" maps (maps from the leak with enemies, items, atomic healths, fire, atomic healths and more atomic healths added. the unpatched maps genuinely feel better to play than this and are more playable too). The "new" screenshot series is literally just the previous screenshot series but with a different spawn point. Not even the EDF soldier and the car are new.

The "update" done a few days ago is just embarassing. All that was changed was that the folder's name no longer has spaces. This was done because UE1 has problems with long file paths. There were no changes to the code done to ACTUALLY fix that problem, and considering most people will probably store the game inside another folder (like their desktop or a games folder) they will still experience problems with saves and crashes.

Some people even thought this was the restoration project with a new name, but that's wrong. They have pretty much nothing to do with this, other than Spider-Man copying their build and adding his own maps (made by him during his time with the RP team, countdown to destruction was even shown in the youtube channel in a deleted video). It pretty much seems to only exist because the creator of this got kicked out of their team for reasons that are understandable if you decide to try this.

Stay away from this. Just wait for the Restoration Project or Director's Cut if you want DNF 2001.


Duke Nukem Forever: Restoration Project

Early access mod review

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seems very cool :D