Moves the battle away from the common Western Front focus of World War II and refocuses on some of history’s most brutal and devastating conflicts on the Eastern Front, challenging players to take command of the iconic Red Army and repel the Nazi invaders from the very gates of Moscow.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 156)

A little note to Script Writers - Eat ****.

Goebbels approves this game, because it is sample of nazi revisionism.

I don't get what it takes to give a positive review on this game. It's not even close to the successful first part.
I even don't know why is it called "Company of Heroes 2" except for marketing reasons - since all the Russian persons (except Lev Abramovich Isakovich) in the game are either traitors, either cowards, either sadists or all together combined. If you really hate Soviet people that much, if your name is Hitler, Goebbels or Ronald Reagan - than this is your game.
Probably, the developers wanted to compensate their unability to create a successful game by turning it into an outcrying Russophobe propaganda piece.

I was wating for a RTS game, but not for anti-Soviet propaganda.

Reduces Russians to a caricature by offensively reignitng cliches and stereotypes. The balatant racism and discrimination aside, the game is very similar to CoH and in some ways simpler. Low diversity of Skirmish maps. Overall meh

Jeez,looks like that THQ bankruptcy had hit Relic just as hard...
oh well, there's still hope for DoW 3


thunder19hun says

May contain spoilers Agree (11) Disagree (3)

I made the mistake to buy this game, don't make it guys.

The campaign is a boring joke (i'm not russian). Theatre of War is fun but has only a few new maps and the multi.....It's sucks. Very unballanced, most of the games are a spamfest nothing else, no tactics, few maps. Very few units and only a few build orders. Most of the units don't have non-doctrinal heavy-counter--->GG.

COH 2 is a simplified version of COH 1 atm. They had 4 years since Tales of Valor came out and they did almost nothing. The game could be released as a "DLC" to COH1.


ru.Sauron says

May contain spoilers Agree (13) Disagree (5)

Scenario of this game show only dark (or even unreal) sides of the WW2

what a ****!, I want my money back. They have me fooled using the name of Company of heroes. This is not Company of Heroes.

it has improved a lot.