It's always better to be married, than dead.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 237)
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Russian Volga

Awesome update! Love it. Just one small correction. BM-27 is actually the "Uragan" (or "Hurricane" in Russian), while "Smerch" is BM-30. And "Volga" looks a bit like the "Uragan-1M" (or "Tornado-U", as it was known for some time), only mounted on that awesome MAZ-535/537.

Good karma+7 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ ROTR announcement - 2024-04-20

Man, that "Volga" MLRS looks awesome. It's the "Smerch" we never got. Although that thing looks a lot like the newer "Uragan-1M", only mounted on MAZ-535 (or maybe 537).

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I see. Oh well, we'll live I guess. Any plans for updates on other models (Su-57, for instance)?

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I love the new Chinese MiG-23, but I feel a bit conflicted, because the J-7 is equally awesome and iconic. Will the model be cut completely or will you guys keep it in some cosmetic form (tech air strike or something)?

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Is there any possibility that the BMP's "Berezhok" module (4 ATGM launchers) will be kept? It looks great, so it would be a shame to scrap it. Couldn't BMP/Mauler's ATGM rate of fire be reduced as if it just has one launcher, but still keep the "Berezhok" module just for looks? Mind you, this is not a suggestion, just asking.

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ TU-32 Boar

This is awesome! And I can only imagine what else you've got in store for us. Also, the lore update is great!

Good karma+4 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ 4 Years of RDS - ROTR 1.87: Fan-Made Russian Orlov Mission 1 Rerelease

Oh, this is fantastic! I keep replaying your missions every once in a while. They're the best single-player missions for ZH. By far. EVER!

I hope we see more from you. I suppose you're busy with RL and everything (aren't we all), but I really hope to see more of your missions. They're nothing short of amazing!

Good karma+4 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Russia T-90A Vladimir Tank

Fantastic! Looking forward to it!

Best regards and keep up the great work!

Good karma+2 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Divide and Conquer


So sorry, I only saw this reply just now. It's been months since I checked my ModDB account. Yes, I figured it out in the end, although seeing this would've definitely helped at the time. XD But thank you very much for your reply!

Best regards and keep up the fantastic job!

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ 3rdShockArmy

Jbt, ja tek sad ovo vidim. Izvini, brate. Posle 3 godine. XD

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Russia T-90A Vladimir Tank

This looks nothing short of amazing! I also like your old T-90M model quite a lot, but it's been scrapped since. Will we ever see it return? With your skills, an updated T-90M will be the best-looking tank ever.

Good karma0 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Divide and Conquer

Hello from Serbia, team!

First of all, I would like to thank you for this fantastic mod! My brother, our childhood friend and I have been having a blast playing it for all these years (usually in multiplayer). Every time we thought you can't possibly go better than this, you'd prove us wrong. It's like wine. It just keeps getting better and better. Can't wait for the next version.

Now, the reason why I'm posting this is not just to thank you. I'm a bit of a "modder" myself. This is just for myself. I've never really released anything. Basically, I'm editing anything I can by using Notepad++ and, once in a blue moon, I'll edit a unit in MS3D. I usually do it to make a dismounted sword/mace unit by removing its lance. Sadly, I haven't figured out how to properly add a weapon since it always ends up being buggy (I guess it has to do with the skin, although I'm not sure if that's the reason, nor do I have the skill to fix it). Anyway, I digress.

So, my question has to do with Hin e-Daur. I was going through the EDU file and couldn't help but notice that they actually don't have a bp attribute at all. Which is really strange to me, since I thought the only way to make a unit's weapon body-piercing is to actually give it the bp attribute. So, if it isn't a secret, how did you really do it? Does it have to do with descr_projectiles or some other file?

Best regards,

Good karma+3 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Zero Hour Missions Conversion

I love the missions. Especially that you implemented the campaign from the menu. However, I have a problem. I virtually always get stuck at Chinese mission 4. After wave 5 nothing happens. I've been playing it for two days already and nothing happens. Restarted at least three times and waited but no joy so far. I've tried everything. I've built stealth detection everywhere and built a shitload of troop crawlers, sent them all across the map and still nothing.

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Generals: Annihilation

I can't believe I just discovered this. Absolutely fantastic!

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Fan-Made Faction Challenge vs Russia

Awesome! Is there a chance you'll revisit old Red Revolution-based maps and remedy the crashes?

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Updated ROTR 1.87 Fan-Made Aleksandr Act1 Mission5

Maybe it's just me, but I can't train Mercenearies after accepting the GLA deal.

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ ShockWave 1.201 Hotfix v6 Addon (Updated)

Which nuclear weapon was actually changed? The nuke as in superweapon or something else? Because I don't see any differences.

Good karma+1 vote
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Reply to Guest
It works in Windows 10. Just set the compatibility on Windows Service Pack 2 or 3 and it works perfectly. At least it does for me.

Good karma+2 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds


Good karma-4 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Reply to Guest
Well, kinda both. It's still being developed, but you can get a prerelease version, 1.87 Public Build 1.2. Download it at the SWR Forums. You need to have an account in order to download it.

Good karma+5 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Reply to mauritos
I never tried editing that, because messing with .inis will get you banned on SWR net. I use gentool instead.

Good karma+2 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

No problem. ;-)

Good karma+3 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Yes there is. The easy way is to install Gentool and just set up the resolution. The hard way is to go to the Documents/Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data and open Options.ini file and simply type in the said resolution.

Good karma+4 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Generals Missions Conversion

Thanks man. Keep up the good work. :D

Good karma+3 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Generals Missions Conversion

Well, I'm not sure if it's because of MiGs, but it definitely crashes when I get to the Chinese part of the base. I don't know. Maybe the problem is on my end, but it does crash every time I get to that point.

EDIT: BTW, great work so far. I've been having a blast playing the campaign after a decade or so. :D

Good karma+3 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Generals Missions Conversion

I found a bug in Desperate Union. When the rouge Chinese General is revealed as working with the GLA and the MiGs appear, the game crashes. Happened to me a couple of times already.

Good karma+3 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Reply to @[vipertherun](members:vipertherun:2074600)

Good karma-2 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Generals Missions Conversion

Well, aside the bugs you already mentioned, I didn't find any other. Great work overall!

Good karma+5 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ Generals Missions Conversion

Fantastic! Thanks, man! Always wanted to play both vGen and ZH campaigns in RotR. Sorry for not being modest enough, but will you make all other missions as well? I don't know anything about modding maps or campaigns, but I could try if you need any help.

Good karma+12 votes
3rdShockArmy - - 237 comments @ 3rdShockArmy

I'm great, my friend! Sorry for the late reply. How about you? :)

Good karma+2 votes