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Comment History
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Brutal Monsters

Okay, thanks for the reply :)

Good karma+4 votes
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Meatgrinder Co-Op mod (version 2-C)

Same problem here, I just played "No rest for the living" and the autoshotgun use the vanilla shotgun sprites and animations (and Doomguy use the pump of his gun like a monkey filled with ectazy).

Good karma+1 vote
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Brutal Monsters

This mod doesn't work with "Meatgrinder", the last mod from the creator of Brutal Doom.
I have the following error message :

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "brutalv21_monstersonly.pk3:lostsoul.txt" line 338:
Script error, "brutalv21_monstersonly.pk3:lostsoul.txt" line 338:
Tried to define class 'LostSoulBlood' more than twice in the same file.

Good karma+3 votes
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Just test on vanilla, no problem : I create 6 squads, I reinforce them to 6 members, then I add leaders to 3 squads, I wait until T3 to add leaders to the 3 others. In both case I was able to add 2 leaders (or 2 drones).
Then I send them against ennemy fire, and when 1 of the 2 leaders die I can create him again.

Another problem that I just spot (and I think that's a vanilla issue) : in some games my army produce no sound (like squads calling their statues or when the ennemy is first spotted). Also there are no icons on the left side of the screen when a unit/building/research is finished.

Edit : Just found another issue. Since I install the Dark Angels mod, Kasrkins and guardsmen (including Steel Legion units) have a sound issue when firing their guns : they make the same sound than DA Scouts ("pew pew" like). Also happened to Fire Warriors randomly.

Good karma+1 vote
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Yep I have all the latest patches installed.

For the Tau, I create 3-4 squads of Fire Warriors, reinforce them to 6 members, build their researches barrack then I can add 1 leader and 1 drone.
When I'm at tier 4, I create new Fire warriors squad and I can add 2 leaders to these squads, but not for the others I created before. Also when 1 of the 2 leader die I can't create him again.

I remember that happened also with older version of this mod (the 4.5).

Good karma+1 vote
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Hello Brother Gambit

I found some bugs when playing Tau/IG :

- Skyray firing their missile barrage by themselves
- Trouble with reinforcing guardsmen squad (normally you have 10 members at T1, +3 at T2 and +3 at T3. Sometimes I can't add members at T2 and I have to wait until T3)
- Same with Fire warriors squad : for some squads I can add 2 leaders, and for others I can only add 1
- The "Hero wargear/upgrade" option for Survial : how does that work exactly ? When I go with my IG Command squad on the spot, I don't found anything

Thanks for replying and for this amazing mod ;)

+++ Thought of the day : Faith is all that matters +++

Good karma+1 vote
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare

I've got a bug at the end of Map 08 (Final Outpost). In the final room the boss don't spawn when I take the soulsphere.

Good karma+3 votes
Agent_Canoe - - 8 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I've got a problem when playing Survival against Chaos Daemons (with Tau), a SCAR error appears every time within 10 seconds.

Good karma+1 vote