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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 53)
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

It is indeed an inspired suggestion. Vaccines and antibiotics would then be necessary, not just trauma meds...

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Hotfix 8

Hey dumb@ss (since you started it), there is a setting in-game to disable 'Hardcore AI aim' try that before throwing a temper tantrum. If that still isn't easy enough for you, there is a file available that sets the AI back to an earlier version of Anomaly in this forum post, but it is still challenging:

Good karma+6 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

If anyone interested in this branch of using the in-game antibiotics for long term (blue) health treatment add:
healhelp.antibio_chlor= [choose what you think...]
healhelp.antibio_sulfad= [choose what you think...]

Sulfa powder is used by field medics directly on wounds before bandaging, you've seen this in any war film. The game has this as pills, which maybe should be changed, IMHO

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

I was thinking the same thing, but you shouldn't do that because each of your body parts may be 100% but your overall health condition can be less than 100% and you need to know that. Yes, it appears we are sometimes less than the sum of our parts, and vice versa.

To the post above with broken legs, you need to apply meds specific to legs, e.g. tourniquet, adrenaline, etc then a med that turns green/temp health to blue/perm, glucose, tetanus,... Mod author posted this helpful guide, take a screenshot of it and keep it close:

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Huge Mutant Packs

I assume he was joking...

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ New Loadscreen Tips

No crashes (it's a simple text mod) but apostrophe ' appears as Br in my game, so StalkerBrs instead of Stalker's. Typos as well...

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Huge Mutant Packs

Thanks for your efforts. Will download and look, but please comment on whether/where your file can be tweaked for personal setting, such as simply broadening the range (1-5x) rather than a maxed out pack size. S!

EDIT: I see some mutant pack sizes already adjust by level (didn't notice as I played), but for example, in your modded .ltx file for 'zombied' the variable npc_in_squad = 6, 10 does not change by level across novice to veteran, so I must be missing something?

The line above, npc_random = seems to list the possible choices of difficulty of each AI spawned, and then npc_in_squad = selects at random from the list?

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

If I may please ask, and if you have easy access, do you know the in-game name for 'Chlortetracycline' and 'Sulfadimethoxine' (sulfa powder, what you see medics apply to wounds before bandaging in WWII films...). I see the game sometimes uses different terms for code. Thank you.

In-game description:
Chlortetracycline: "an antibiotic...has bacteriostatic effect on gram-positive and -negative microbes, rickettsia and some viruses"
Sulfadimethoxine: "effective against gram-positive and -negative microbes, pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococcus, E.coli,...some viruses, has adverse effects including headaches, digestive disorders, skin rash, fever, and leukopenia. The effects of the drug are long lasting."

And humbly admit I was very wrong about Yadulin, the in-game description indicates it is an all-green drug (no blue effect):"...based on morphine, quickly dulls pain, produces adrenaline, withstand even intense battles. Popular among Stalkers, used recreationally in criminal groups, allegedly supplied to Monolith."

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

Thank you for reply and advice to tweak HUD etc. works a charm now! And please do not misunderstand, my comments are meant as purely constructive and hope I may continue to post as such. I wouldn't be posting if your mod didn't excite the Stalker in me, LOL. This mod is an accomplishment and a terrific add on to an already fabulous Anomaly.

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

Currently H key toggles between health HUD with- and then without a graphic frame, and only then HUD off. Maybe I missed how to edit so HUD is only on or off -- I don't need 'minimal' and 'full' mode. Will re-read your notes for clues...

Given the in-game description of 'Anabiotics' as a 'zombie powder' which shuts down the central nervous system, it must have strong other in-game effects, therefore this may not be a good choice for a trauma medication (currently a powerful 100% recovery blue drug). Similarly with 'Hercules' description. Just trying to be a little more lore compatible.

Chlortetracycline and Sulfadimethoxine have 'bacteriostatic effects' and may be better choices for blue recovery meds that keep wounds free of infection (in-game they have rads and chem resistance which makes no sense...)

I understand the two-tier system but the green dots disappear very quickly, on my HUD at least, so is difficult to test blue meds. What variable influences time for green dot's disappearance, timeregen= ???

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ New Loadscreen Tips

Will give it a try, thanks. Has anyone come up with rotating load screen images? And unless I'm missing something, wouldn't deleting your file restore the original?

Can we add our own by adding to the bottom of the .xml file, or is there another edit required or limited number of entries?

<string id="ls_tip_102">
<text>"That which does not kill us makes us stronger" ― Friedrich Nietzsche</text>

Maybe you included that one in the 100 lines you added, LOL...

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

Thank you for continuing effort and update! Happy Holidays

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

If I may, further thoughts as I tweak my own game from an emergency care and physiology health theory perspective:
-Bandages would also work on head/torso, not just arms/legs, and if smaller wounds would have both small green and blue healing effects
-Yadulin as a slow green is useless, made it into slow blue
-Tetanus vaccine IRL would only help once (the vaccine has 5 year lasting immunity to that bacteria), so lower blue to maybe 1 or 2 dots on arms/legs and 0 for head/torso given how the disease affects muscle mass.

If it was possible to add any healing treatment it would be 'field stitches', but maybe that is what 'Survival Kit' would be? If so, again like bandages, stitches would treat all body part wounds but as a long term blue solution.

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

I very much appreciate your replies, thank you.

Let me understand, if you have one body part at VERY low health (one dot) and you take a medkit, then you at least improve that body part into green, but lower other blue body parts into green as well? Then to get yourself back into the 'blue' you have to take... I have not found out how long green health lasts yet, I'm afraid, LOL...

It's becoming very hard to wrap your noodle around what to do, and in a battle even more critical to get your healing 'workflow' down, but the table details meds that are barely helpful, just a few dots... Yadulin takes a long time already and so with 2 green dots is basically useless.

I really like the idea of the two-tier healing system you envision, I haven't seen anything like it in a game! Modeling the short/critical and chronic/long term recovery, but presently it is very hard (and expensive!) to figure out how to heal without setting yourself backwards on the road to recovery. Sleeping does a lot, thankfully... Much to think about :)

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

I also like the aesthetic design of the new HUD, the body is very nicely done, but IMHO unless the different parts of this body each reflect the part health (much more complex to execute), then it becomes a big HUD element that provides info that the simple bars do more effectly.

The old HUD perhaps can be arranged to mimic a body layout a little better (think stick figure, arms above torso):
HEAD [make head a short bar centered over ARM ARM]
Stamina Bar

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

Thank you for earlier replies,
Please correct me if wrong, to heal properly to static (blue) health you take green medicine that gives you temp health, then you take blue medicine that <only then> converts temp to static? Or can you take blue medicine right away to get blue health (but takes longer time)? Or are there multiple paths? I ask because I took a medkit (green) then a large glucose (blue) but saw no effect.

No offense meant, but if I want to edit my own preferences for meds effects this would be under 'local medkits={}' and 'local healhelp={}' sections of the 'player_injuries.script' file? So to make a tourniquet to a temp/green med, move it from 'local healhelp={}' to 'local medkits={}' correct? BUT, how do you get some meds to have both blue and green health??? EDIT: Ah! The med appears in both sections... doh! :)

What does "Harming" mean above the green meds in the table? That they also have side effects, like thirst or hunger? But that is not "harming" really, just a 'side effect'. Listing side effects below each med would be nice to add to the table.
¯\_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Body Health System v3.4

Enjoying the challenge this mod brings, thank you for your efforts! The medicine healing matrix is complex and adds so much to the game, but a comment here...

If I'm reading the medicine spreadsheet correctly, 'Tourniquets' show solid blue healing (temp health to static health, right?) but this is incorrect, because tourniquets are VERY short term solutions to stop massive blood loss - they shut down arterial blood flow, and would not convert green to blue health (a long term healing solution). Tourniquets need to be removed ASAP to allow normal blood flow to reach extremity tissues, otherwise hands and feet turn blue and begin to fail, muscle and nerve tissues die relatively quickly with no blood flow.

Perhaps some other revisions are required here, or again, I am not reading the spreadsheet correctly...

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Trader Overhaul Complete 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version)

Looks like updated on Dec 26th, thank you, and happy Boxing Day!

If not too much trouble please put a date in your update log for entries, just from now on, as this helps players not keeping track of version number.

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Respawn Mode 1.0.3

As other post mentioned, if possible to make respawn happen in a random location that would just be it! Like the zone picked your corpse up and is having a joke on you.

I have a hording problem LOL, so always end up with too much stuff stashed away, a favourite old weapon, one of each gun... So this mod will 'facilitate' and enable my habit just fine. Many many thanks, S!

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Revision of Icons 1.5.1

Have not downloaded yet, but looks to be a fine addition, thank you. What do the old and damage ammo icons look like? If it requires mouse hover that would be a pain for inventory management.

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ 60% weapon condition breaking point

Then don't. And with that point in mind, your post seems kind of pointless.

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Anomaly Magazines for 1.5.0 Beta Update 4 Hotfix 8

Thank you for your efforts. Terrific addition!

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ HD + DD Models 1.2.1 Beta

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but at least one bandit I killed is wearing exosuit with stalker shoulder patches. He is defo a bandit and it is defo a stalker patch.

I can role play this, after all they are bandits and may want to ambush us stalkers by this sort of trickery, so beware!

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Trader Overhaul Complete 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version)

Just realized a 'reply' at bottom of page 1 may not get noticed, so...

I agree with earlier comments that it would be more inline with game intention if traders had a random chance to have the basic, advanced, expert tool sets, and mechanics shouldn't sell them. Yes, we can ignore that mechanics have tool sets for sale in their inventory when they ask for them, but you know, when it's a long walk it's just too tempting... ;^)

Going to ask if there is any way to add random low level things to 'pedestrian' AI inventory (people walking around the zone) so they can sell. When I try to trade with them they may have some money but always nothing to sell, not even a spent bullet case, not that I want to buy spent bullet cases, but you know....

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Trader Overhaul Complete 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version)

Also agree with the above, and ask that it be changed to traders having random chance to have the basic, advanced, expert tool sets. Yes, we can ignore that mechanics have tool sets in their inventory when they ask for them, but you know...

Going to ask if there is any way to improve the types of things 'pedestrian' AI can sell, the regular person walking around the zone. When I try to trade with them they may have money but always nothing to sell, not even a spent bullet case.

Good karma+1 vote
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Remove outfit/armor restrictions

So please clarify, if other helmets you can now wear are not as good as the exosuit helmet, then it is just for fashion?

If you can now wear a backpack on a Voyager suit (which already has a huge backpack and therefore a big carry weight), this just adds more carry weight?

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Anomaly Photoreal Winter Mod

Thanks for working on patch as well!

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ Muew's Condition Tweaks (updated) v1.0

First play thru and not sure what's up, whether Anomaly itself or the mod. Maybe 20-30 hours in and I already have 4 exosuits: 1 military, 2 x bandit (bandit exosuits? should be pretty rare...), and a monolith exosuit that dropped with 90% condition... Just feels cheap to get all this so early, or am I missing something on what gets dropped depending on player 'level'?

Rather than have gun/armor condition % based on player level, shouldn't it be based on the enemy 'level', i.e. a nasty bandit leader has best available weapon/armor in his party and is a tough kill.

Good karma+2 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ 🌺[1.5.0] Better English Loading Tips🌺

Yeah, including some more varied non-game quotes is a good idea, add some fun, and could be quite applicable.
"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger" Friedrich Nietzsche

Good karma0 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments @ 🌺[1.5.0] Total Artifact and Attachment Overhaul v11🌺

Thank you for your efforts. I have your mod installed, but so far in early game have discovered apparently "junk artifacts" that list only 100% efficiency as a benefit. Is that a benefit or should I just sell to Sid? LOL...

In your mod description you say, "v3: Junk artifacts aren't useless trash anymore, now they have new properties..." Please explain Cell and Heart which appear not to be useful from game text other than 100% efficiency WTM. Thank you

Good karma+1 vote