Long-time mapper and indie game developer.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 187)
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish 1.7.9 • Updated 1-12-21

It must be an NBlood bug; I haven't changed the file since 2021 and it works in DOS.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Black Tower has a lot of changes for v2, so hopefully you like the new one when I'm done (outer and upper tower replaced with new stuff).

One of the big gameplay changes for v2 will be better use of the 4 Cultist enemies and more activation triggers based on either position or other enemies you've defeated (which should become even more clear on replay/reload).

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish v2.0 Halloween Update 2023

Well that entire section is gone now, although I did add something new in Episode 3…

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Thanks! Still working on making the next version even better :-)

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

I have a few maps done already, but there's so much new content in the original 3 episodes that it has taken a while to get back to it. I'll be wrapping up the Ep3 updates in the near future.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

I post updates weekly on X/Twitter:

I am currently making a new E3M7, with the old one being folded into E3M8.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Thanks for the update. I always test in DOS, so usually weird bugs like that are port-related.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

This is an intended shortcut for people who know how to TNT-jump. There are others ones, but they don't cut out as much as the Urban Decay example. The exit button was originally key-locked, but I've removed speedrun impediments like that over time.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

v2 isn't done yet. v1.7.9 is available in the Files list.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

That's made clear in v2.0. I didn't have time to incorporate a lot of story elements in the previous versions, but this time around there's a lot more for people who want to go digging. All the story and lore stuff is still going to be optional but should fill things out for those who desire more substance.

Good karma+3 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish v2.0 Summer 2023 Update

No release date yet.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

I'll leave this to someone else since I don't want to work backwards. Jumpscares (like the one from the old Black Tower) are already gone from the v2.0 iterations of the levels.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish v2.0 Summer 2023 Update

No, it won't be done that soon. I've had to deal with some stuff (after I made that estimate last year) that's higher priority than my multiple gamedev hobbies, but progress is still steady. Episode 3 has also gotten more drastic changes than I originally planned (with E3M2, E3M6, and E3M11 being essentially brand new), which has also eaten up some extra time. Episode 4 already has 2 completed maps and 3rd that's mostly done. Ideas I originally had floating around for Ep4 were used for the E3M6 & E3M11 redesigns.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

I think I may start doing that (requiring an account to view tweets is a relatively recent development). I've also been working on an original FPS a lot more recently, so there hasn't been as much on which to report. When I start to dig into E3M5 I'll try to post an update on both here and Twitter.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Currently on a break to do some modeling for an original FPS game that's still in the early stages. I recently did a run through DW on Extra Crispy for testing, and next up is the revisions for E3M5 (Duck & Cover).

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

It is compatible with the original game running in DOS and does not add new art/sound assets, so it will work in any port that accurately runs the original game. For that reason, it should work in DOS, Raze, NBlood, Fresh Supply, GDX, etc.

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

What port are you using? I've haven't run into these errors. The expansion works in DOS so most errors are installation or port related.

You may want to check the installation instructions in DW README.txt to make sure everything is set up correctly. That green cultist thing is an error I've never seen before so it sounds like a port issue, almost like it doesn't have the Plasma Pak elements enabled.

Good karma+3 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

On what version are you playing?
In v1.7.9 you need to open the outer door by shooting an octagon-shaped switch near the ceiling (above the door). The inner door requires the Dagger Key.

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish 1.7.9 • Updated 1-12-21

Yes. Anything that can run the original game can run DW.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish 1.7.9 • Updated 1-12-21

That entire section has been replaced in the upcoming v2.0. Thanks for the notice, though!

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Still working on it when I have the time (between family and an original FPS that's in early development). I post a lot more frequently on Twitter: @BloodDeathWish

Recently, I have been updating E3M4.

Good karma+4 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Thanks! There's still a lot left to do but I'll finish it eventually.

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

I've never heard of that before. Does it happen if you try to load it individually as opposed to through the campaign? I don't use any custom assets so I don't know what could cause a problem like that.

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

You can't select the maps individually from User Maps - you need to load the INI file.

Place all files in your Blood directory. Navigate to your blood directory in DOSBox, type dw, hit enter.

Put all the DW contents in their own folder, and place that in: Blood > addons. When you start FS, go to Options > Manage Addons > Death Wish

Place all files in your Blood directory. Choose dw.ini from the launch window when you start nblood.exe.

Place all files in your Blood directory. Set path to Blood folder. Under New Game, go to User Content and select "dw.ini"

Place all files in your Raze folder. Drag and drop dw.ini onto raze.exe. The game will start up like it normally does, but now the Death Wish episodes will appear under New Game instead of the original episodes.

Good karma+3 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

That's the plan! I'm implementing a lot of changes I didn't have time to make in the past, so the upgrades to the old content will be more significant than in previous updates.

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

The door to 102 is a simple event trigger used I in dozens of other places, so I'm not sure why that wouldn't work unless nBlood did something to the Black chest item. For the 2nd issue, it sounds like you're jumping over the Life Seed, since it's just a simple placement (Mapedit doesn't allow respawning items).

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

This update is enormous so it's taking extra time. :)

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish for Blood

Enemy invincibility is a FS-exclusive bug (I'm not sure what causes it). The v2.0 version of DW won't be out until next year.

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Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish v2.0 Progress Update

No, they won't work (entirely). I believe the save system in Blood works by saving a copy of the entire map with the changes you've made during gameplay flagged in the file. Because of this, any changes to the map you're playing won't show up, but they will in the NEXT map because it's loading a new map file.

This update isn't like the others I've done in the past. Every map is getting big improvements + new story elements through special items and a few other things.

Good karma+2 votes
Bloatoid - - 187 comments @ Death Wish v2.0 Progress Update

It should work on all the ports just like v1.7 does.

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