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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 124)
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ war of thbe worlds

because they are mad.

Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Gmadador

To be honest, I'm not even sure what shotgun model you mean, but go ahead!

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

the screenshots on the mod page don't represent the current state of the project, but those were by me and the project was just using regular Xash3d.

Good karma+3 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Gmadador


Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ toddhowardguild


Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

I really would like to. It just makes me a bit sad, because I do *want* to work on this further, I still sometimes get motivated to make things, but overall I know this will never get done. A person who did some writing for the mod last last year has decided to continue the mod as his own, though. I'll be transfering the page over to him pretty soon. That will likely coincide with a dump of the build, and if people are at all interested, the sources for the individual assets.

Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER


Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Hyper - Rollergrubs

It clearly isn't the same map. This is an edited version of a map from the WC Mappack for testing.

Good karma+4 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Hyper - Rollergrubs

No. This is an entirely different mod.

Good karma+7 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

I'm afraid the mod isn't done yet. Give it time though!

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Kraken Base - Sub Room

I'll try.

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

Come on man, I'm literally coming home right now. You want me to send you a picture of the welcome to Florida sign? Im not killing the mod, and even if I was you are not entitled to a mod. I can do whatever the hell we want. I can go on trips with family if I want to. I'm not making this mod for you.

Good karma+10 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

Sorry for slow progress. I will be in Florida for a week before going back home, and I can't really work on things that much at all until then.

Good karma+3 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Media update - Sneak peek

It's actually a gravity gun! The design is based off of concept art of a Physics cannon like device.

Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Media update - Sneak peek

It's sort of a combination of the Wasteland Scanners and Combots, with a design based off a silhouette from old concept art.

Good karma+5 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

They added physics for HL2 in about early 2000, so it wouldn't be too out of the era im doing here. Implementing physics itself isn't a problem, as it's already been implemented into XashXT as well as into normal Xash by Magic Nipples. I just don't think I want to add it in, due to it being more of a distraction than actually being useful.

Also, what do you mean? Every NPC in half-life 1 has a death animation, and I'm an animator so it isn't very difficult. If I really wanted to I could bake a ragdoll simulation into the death anims but that would be getting out of hand.

Good karma+7 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

It's entirely possible, but I don't think I really want to for this mod. It just doesn't fit the aesthetic of the mod.

Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Half-Life 2 : MMod

DI has custom code, and that code hasn't been released, so you'd need to recreate a lot of things to get it to work.

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Hyper - Zombie


Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Kraken Base - Sub Room

Yep. It'll have some exposition with Odell about the ship, and if I can make it work you'll be able to look outside and see underwater.

Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

If you say so.

Good karma+4 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Welcome!

I'm just using Xash3D, but I'm planning on porting over certain features from XT like the flashlight.
I'll take this into account, thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

Appreciate it. Want to do something more interesting than just beta mod 5009

Good karma+3 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

The 'hyper' gallery on the site is this mod, yes. Thanks!

Good karma+4 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

Nah, I'm aiming for hyperborea->kraken base->weather control->vertigo->streetwar->citadel.

Good karma+3 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

Nevermind... For some reason it isn't on the initial mod setup page.

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

I had a previous page called 'hyper' that as you know got ******. I'd rather not deal with that, and I didn't see a way to have a different url and mod title

Good karma+1 vote
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ HYPER

Waiting for the article to be authed

Good karma+2 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Year of the Dragon

You didn't install the mod correctly. Make sure to click 'read more' on the download page and read all instructions.

Good karma+4 votes
Gmadador - - 124 comments @ Headcrab Alternate Species Models

This is horrible

Good karma+26 votes