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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 99)
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Recovery

Just wanted to ask a quick simple question, are the Race X teleports going to be colored green like in Opposing Force, or will it be a purplish pink-like color that some mods have been doing like Field Intensity, for example.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

I am not quite sure if it is early to ask this, but you mentioned before that Kovac has Black Operative Training as part of the mod's tutorial. And considering that the rest of the mainline characters (Gordon, Barney, and Shephard) have training on separate days before the incident, what day would Kovac's training take place?

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

Ah well that's great man.

Good karma+3 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

Sorry to be asking this cause this has been probably said tons of times.

But when do you guys think the next media update will be put up on here?

Good karma+4 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

When do you guys think you'll start development on Part 2?

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep


Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

Quick question, will you guys at some point make a prologue chapter that's a remake of the original's Going for a Walk chapter. You know the one where you can go to the Hazard Course or meet Kate and fight off some terrorists.

Good karma+4 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Walking to Inbound Extended

This is truly giving me vibes to the sequel of Alien.

Good karma+4 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

"The first is users who specifically create the pages to lower the ranking"
Well to an extent you are right, there are a couple of reviews that don't give well articulated points or any criticism for that matter. But other than that i have not seen too much to back this point. Plus as well it doesn't really effect development, sure it may discourage you but at the end of the day you can't please everyone. And that's something you seem to have a little bit of a struggle with. You are not gonna please everyone with this mod, and over the past nearly 3 or so years this has indeed been the case. So if i were you i would stop attempting to please (per say) fans of the original AS, since usually their defense is that it was a joke mod and was more experimental with it's presentation, and some people like that better which is fine.

"The second, users who can not accept the fact that we have moved away from the original idea of modifying AS 2003"

I have not seen that at all on this page or the Steam Workshop page, i have no clue where people are saying that. And if they are saying that on this page or at the Steam Workshop or anywhere else. Then all i can say is ignore those people, if you moved on from it and aren't interested then fine.
Since the idea of an older version of this mod sounds uninteresting to me and would be pointless to modify, especially since we already have this version and imo it is much more interesting to me and is fun(for the most part).

"Third, many faced with problems caused by very frequent Black mesa updates over 2 years, from here I came across feedback about bugs that were not related to our work"

Now to an extent this is a fair point, many bugs i came across were due to the 1.0 update. But that still doesn't mean that there isn't any bugs that are not caused via 1.0. And as well if you are getting a lot of feedback about a certain bug or glitch. Then you should probably try sorting it out, because if you don't then well people will eventually at some point perceive you as a bad, lazy developer and trust me no one wants that.

All in all i don't exactly see these as acceptable points, especially since two of them can be ignored and the third one can be done if you act with some responsibility in mind. Not saying that you should fix every little problem but like i said if there's a ton of people messaging you about something that they feel like needs to be fixed, then well you should try to fix it.

But despite that i am looking forward to Part One Extended and Part Two, and keep in mind BlackPriest i am not saying you are a bad person but like i said i don't think these are good points to justify why the development is slow.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Image 1

This to me looks more like if the engine from Borderlands 1 was used to create Half-Life.

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

Quick question. Will the Opposing Force weapons be implemented at all in Part Two, or will they be a very low priority?

Good karma+3 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

Okay you have a point there.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

This may sound like a nitpick, but i feel like the Apache in the beginning of the mod that crashes into the parking lot. I think it needs to be a different type of helicopter, rather than a military Apache because according to Half-Life: Decay. The military hasn't arrived at all before the incident and the incident happens right then and there in that parking lot.

And in Decay, the two doctors(Green and Cross) and Rosenberg get to the surface and call for the military, about an hour or two after the incident initially occurred.

So why does a military Apache crash in the beginning area when the incident has occurred a matter of seconds ago, and not like for instance an airline jet or some other type of helicopter?
Again it's a small nitpick but i still feel like asking this question.

Good karma0 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Quick Rage

I have a question regarding the title, in that why is it called Quick Rage?

Good karma+3 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Recovery

Well i believe Randy did say that Colette got taken by the G-Man, whom of which preserved her.

Good karma+4 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Desertion

Well i mean you don't have to do custom voice-lines or models or anything like that.

What i meant was in terms of map making, and storytelling. Cause there are some decent or even good mods in the Half-Life series that just use pre-existing lines to form a story.

And while most use custom made models and textures, you could theoretically make a good mod without the use of custom made stuff entirely. So all i can say is that, i think the two main things you could do are. Improve the map making and detail and once you've done that you can then build upon the plot through the gameplay.

You don't have to think too hard enough.(I mean this is Half-Life after all.)

Oh and btw my suggestion to you when making your maps, is that you make the base design of it with brushes, then once that's completed you then add the entities that are fitting with the design of it, and then you can try your best to piece together some scripted sequences. Lastly add some final touches if you need to.

Now i'm not saying you should do this like you're making a huge theatrical piece, no take your time and do it as hobby. It's what i do anyways, and by then i'm sure you'll do great work.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Desertion

Personally from what i played, i think you may need to delay the release. So that you can finish it in it's entirety, as opposed to releasing a version that'll be potentially unfinished.

I mean i do wish you the best of luck, but i feel like you should take all the time you need to finish up this mod. Be it a year, two years or something.

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ collete hands for Decay

I have a question, would you ever consider making a LD version. I'm not saying you should, but if you had the time. Would you do it?

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

Idk if this question was already asked but, are you guys considering implementing in the cut enemies from Half-Life 1? (like the Stukabat, the Panthereye, the Archer etc)

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

"You can use everything that is useful to you in your project"
So wait are you saying that other modders can use the models, textures etc etc from BM: Azure Sheep in their own mod as long as they credit the people who made that stuff?

Good karma+3 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

Well i meant what i said as in after you guys were done. I probably should've stated that.

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

That's because the Marine AI from 1.0 hasn't been implemented into this mod yet.

Good karma+5 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter

Since this mod is being touted as an official expansion similar to the Gearbox expansions, and since people have used Gearbox's maps and even weapons and models for their mods.
Would it be considered fine by you guys for other modders to use the new content(including maps) in Dark Matter for their mods?

Good karma+1 vote
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter update - 19/02/2020

Yeah after seeing this video just recently where at the 3:07:12 mark. Freeman enters the portal to get hired by the G-Man and it happens during the middle of "The Package" chapter. So yeah that indeed might just be the case(granted the Opposing Force footage is sped up but you did say that Earth and Xen times aren't in 100% sync so screw it) and also yeah i don't expect a crossover.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Half-Life: Dark Matter update - 19/02/2020

Little nitpick but i'd imagine the Gonarch's Lair chapter takes place during Crush Depth, and Interloper takes place during the rest of Crush Depth and probably the entirety of Vicarious Reality.

But with that out of the way, good luck on the project man.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ New features demonstration

I think there should be a custom pickup sound effect for the armor vests and kneepads and maybe even for the keycards.

Good karma+8 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

I have to ask this question cause i feel like this needs to be asked.

Will the Science Team in the Lambda Core Level A area all be dead?
Cause i'd like to imagine them still being alive in order for those ammo supply pods to be teleported into Xen to aid Freeman throughout his entire venture in Xen, from the moment he arrived to his battle with the Nihilanth.
Cause wouldn't they have to manually mark the location on where the supply pods should be teleported to?

Then again i don't know when Part Two will take place, i'd just imagine that when Barnes arrives at the Lambda Complex it i'll be during say mid or late Interloper so i felt like asking this.

Good karma+4 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

"I'll start with a very difficult topic. Fast headcrabs, this is the white spot of the canon. There is no mention that they are somehow related to the alliance. The only thing I found was that the poisonous headcrab was invented back in the days of the creation of hl1, but it could not be added due to the complex mechanics of the game."

Yeah but still though.

"Textures have been fixed with a patch. Did you install it?
Also in the patch the black ops soldier was fixed"

Oh okay, no i have not yet.

"Pete drone is considered a cameo. He performed his role in the demo version, but I would not want to cut the work of this user. I respect any contribution to the modification. In the future, we wanted to make another situation that makes sending to OF"

Okay that's fair enough.

"By the way, I want to say that you should find me in the Steam, there I try to quickly collect information and communicate with fans

It’s much easier there, you can immediately show a screenshot with a problem place"

Well okay i guess i will, but i'll do it later that is if i even care to do so.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

I'm gonna mention some bugs that i noticed on my later playthroughs that i think need to be fixed as well as three things that don't make sense to me, but it's just my opinion keep that in mind this comment is not here to be rude.

And i was gonna mention this stuff in my review but i ran out of characters to use, so this comment will be like an addendum that i'll use to explain a few of these bugs I've encountered.
-There is some odd glitch where the security guard you meet in the cliff area in "I'm Coming Kate" teleports whenever you go up to him before he moves after saying "Wait...don't shoot!".
-And there is occasionally missing texture blocks in the wall or the floors. And also in the beginning of the railway section in "I'm Coming Kate" there is some sort of what i assume a pipe in a security office on the top part of the railway that also has missing textures. Idk if this is because i don't have a certain texture folder, but i'm certain i have all of them so i don't really know.
-In the beginning of the chapter Black Mesa Entrance, there is a cart that has what i assume is some sort of vent on it. And whenever i touch it i either get injured or get insta-killed and flung out of the map and i have no clue why.
-In the second map of the chapter "Where Are You Kate?" there is what i assume a potentially dead Black Ops Zombie. But the thing is he doesn't have animations or anything so he's just there in an a-pose awkwardly.
-Also in that same map, there is this battle with Houndeyes, Vorts, Alien Grunts and Suicide Houndeyes. But there is a point in that battle where a few Suicide Houndeyes spawn in at the door that lead to the area, and they all spawn inside each other as a result.
-And this next thing is small, but when you pick the M9 up in the beginning, and your character then proceeds to pull the back of the gun in the pickup animation. I am pretty sure there was meant to be a sound effect but for some reason there isn't.
-In the second map of the chapter State of Emergency, there is a Security Guard Zombie that is against a door near the area where you obtain your first shotgun. And when i opened the door he phased through the door for a few frames and then went back to his current position. This is a small thing but i felt like it was worth pointing out.
-In the second map of Walking to Inbound, there is a door that leads to the construction area with Marines(one of which has an RPG) and when you traverse back to the area with the Assassins. The door that goes back to that said area starts glitching out and acts like the area is now gone and there is a leak in the map, but you can just go through and voila you are now in that area.
-And for the Snark pickup animation, there is no hands for the pickup animation so it looks like the Snark is getting angry at nothing.

Now these next couple of things are just gripes that i hope will be changed when Part Two comes out.
-Why is there a Pit Drone in one of the maps in "I'm Coming Kate", didn't you guys said it was a test?
And if so then why is he still there and also quick sidenote. Why does he bleed red?
-And also i know the Fast Heacrabs have been mentioned before by others including me, but i have now realized that not only is there Fast Headcrabs for no reason. There is a Poison Headcrab in the area you get the Hivehand from.......whh-why... just why?
I think you once said that these enemies were added in Black Mesa's .fgd file meaning they would incorporate stuff like Fast Headcrabs in Xen. But we now know that isn't the case, cause from my memory there isn't a Fast Headcrab or Poison Headcrab in Black Mesa Xen.
So like i said before(and i don't mean this to be rude) just replace them with regular Headcrabs or even Baby Headcrabs.
-And finally in the second map of Walking to Inbound, there is a Half-Life 2 supply crate that has a Beretta M9 in it and
i have to ask again........why?
And it's not like an easter egg or in a secret area, it's seriously out in the open next to a corpse, and the door that leads to the construction area with Marines.

And that's it, let me know what you think.

Good karma+2 votes
Samuj - - 99 comments @ Black Mesa: Azure Sheep

"On the same map of "I'm Coming Kate" when we reach the room where a vort and an Engineer is dead, there's a healthkit I can't take it even that i have less than 100 health"

Well that's because the medkit is actually empty from what i can remember.

Good karma+1 vote