I'm just someone who loves gaming, art, drawing, technology, gadgets, electronics, soldering kit, building and fixing computers, etc.

RSS Reviews

Resident Evil 2 - Seamless HD Project v2.0

Mod review

This is an amazing mod! I just tried it out yesterday! It took the original Resident Evil 2 and enhanced the visuals and prerendered backgrounds with beautiful details in HD aka High Definition! The character models also look pretty good! I consider this the unofficial definitive remaster of the original RE2 1998.


Resident Evil 2

Game review

This is a classic retro survival horror game that improved from the first Resident Evil game. For a sequel, it's a very successful game that's really good in gameplay, scares and good creepy soundtrack!



Mod review may contain spoilers

This is one of the best Half-Life 2 horror mod I've played. It has several different aspects that make this game unique. The house has its own exploration type of gameplay with puzzles, ghost hauntings and other goodies. The game also has that prison area where you must fight to survive from zombies. There's the other area where you must go with a SWAT team to fight terrorist. There's the dream state where you play in the nightmare type place and there's also that underground sewer tunnels with it's own story. There's different gameplay variety with this so it's a mixture of action, adventure, horror and survival mixed into one.



Mod review

It's a pretty creepy game and I love the atmosphere and environment design. I love the monsters and creatures in this. The music and sound design is pretty good in a horror kind of sense. As a survival horror fan this was pretty good. I can't wait to try out Remorse the List later. I remember playing Grey back when it came out several years back. I'll try out hard mode later and see if it's different.


Silent Hill-Heather

Mod review

The game is short and fun. It did crash a couple of times but I manage to make this work. The gameplay has me cracking up because it's pretty janky. I'm pretty impres with it though. The monsters are pretty hard to deal with because they can reduce your health to zero in a matter of seconds so you gotta be quick when shooting. Heather moves kinda funny but she's way faster and can jump in this game. So her mobility compared to the actual Silent Hill 3 game in this faster. It would be funny to see Heather doing slow mo dives while shooting similar to Max Payne though.


Nightmare House 2

Mod review

This game really did a good job of scaring the crap out of me so I gotta give it credit for some of its scare jumps and suspense! It uses the source engine so you know the whole Half-Life 2 mod deal. The game has random monsters and enemies to deal with. Some are grotesque like and some are zombie like. The puzzle sections aren't too hard or over complicated. It's not one of those types of survival horrors where you are completely helpless and have to go run and hide. You basically have to either use a weapon to bash, hit, or shoot your opponent with whatever weapon you got in hand so that's cool! It gives off that survival horror vibe with a creepy atmosphere, dark areas, silent hell-ish, etc. mix with some action combat! It's a must play for fans of the horror genre in general in games!


Silent Hill: Alchemilla

Mod review

Good job with this game! It was very faithful to the Silent Hill universe! I was totally immerse despite the lack of monsters! I'm liking the atmosphere! Hope for future updates and more stuff and content! It would also be cool to have monsters, combat, guns, menu system, maps, etc. Also different difficulty levels with puzzles and monsters like with the older Silent Hills like easy, medium, hard, etc.