Hello there, stranger. You can call me Tosox. When talking about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. modding I love to create small QoL add-ons.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 309)
Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

I believe so, but I was unable to replicate the crash

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Faster sprint

Yeah sorry about that weird comment of mine. But I would still really recommend that you use MCM.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Yeah, these little addons are mostly just little scripts, they won't break your saves

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Btw, there are more infos about this crash now. Check out my discussion with BlackPiligrim below

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Well, if you have 'mbo_arena_pe_patch.script' attempting to call 'item_exo_device' then you have the powered exos patch installed. I get a crash after exiting the arena which is due to MBo Arena not giving the items back but I am working on a fix for that.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Incorrectly as in he installed the Powered Exos patch but not the Powered Exos addon

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Faster sprint

This genuinely sounds like a skill issue. MCM more like *helps* with all the keybinds. And this here also helps if you are in doubt: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/mcm-key-wrapper

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Do you play with Outfit Animations and the moveeffects addon? Someone posted a similar error in the comments of the Outfit Animations addon. He got an answer from the author who provided a patch for these two addons: Drive.google.com

I also read that you should just try to update Outfit Animations if you haven't already

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Yeah, the items not being on the player after reloading the save is actually a bug I need to fix.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Can you tell me exactly how I can replicate the bug? Because I've been trying various things but I am unable to replicate it.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Autocomplete Tasks v2.1.4

Well, you can always add tasks to the blacklist. But it sounds that you are searching for this addon: Moddb.com

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

I am unsure because the author seems to be still active

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Items dont stack

So, I edited the code in the comment. Now it should work.

Good karma+2 votes
Tosox - - 310 comments @ Items dont stack

Ah wait no, I am retarded, that's wrong code. Give me a sec

Good karma+2 votes
Tosox - - 310 comments @ Items dont stack

You can probably also just monkey match the FindSimilar function like this (no need to overwrite the original script anymore):
utils_ui_UICellContainer_FindSimilar = utils_ui.UICellContainer.FindSimilar
utils_ui.UICellContainer.FindSimilar = function(self, obj, sec)
if (not sec) or (stackable_items[sec]) then
return false
return utils_ui_UICellContainer_FindSimilar(self, obj, sec)

Btw, I would also recommend to just remove the "local" keyword from the whitelist in case modders want to access it.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Autocomplete Tasks v2.1.4

Nope, it doesn't remove stash coordinates as rewards

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ [DLTX] Activated Charcoal v1.6.0

Не за что)

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ [DLTX] Activated Charcoal v1.6.0

Hahaha thanks :)

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

See my reply above

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

These errors have nothing to do with "Auto Equip Gear". You just installed "MBo Arena Rebalance" incorrectly.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Nothing special, just a little hotfix. The changlog is in the first comment ;)

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

It's probably best you ask the author himself

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

There isn't since it is probably regulated by the engine. All I can do is change up the values a bit.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Hover over the option to see the description. It transfers the weapon to the inventory if the addon "Weapon drop on bodies" is installed. Otherwise it makes the NPC drop the weapon.

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ [DLTX] Enjoy Cigarettes v1.1.1

I planned on adding this for cigars, tobacco etc. but I need to finish another project first

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

I don't think it quite fits into this addon, sorry :/

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

Thanks, I'll check it out :)

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

It's a standalone, so you don't need the original version ;)

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Tosox - - 310 comments @ NPC Wound Tweak

Yeah. This addon only adds scripts and not shaders and is therefore available for all DX versions.

Good karma+2 votes
Tosox - - 310 comments @ Autocomplete Tasks v2.1.4

No problem)

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