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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 89)
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Wounds

So this Nemesis is basically a MPer map?
Singleplayer only guy here...should i show any interest?

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

With 1.9 ...the highest graphical setting of your mod is now a 'STRING NOT FOUND".
I guess cause you don't have extreme settings in your mod menu.......

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Hey Devs,

Love Mod...

Whats the reason the Rom ship Shadow can't be zoomed in like all the other ships in game?

Thanks for your work.....

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Replace the EnableMods folder from the Final Frontier that you did to enable the Mod and replace it with the stock one. I usually keep all my enableMods in a folder on my desktop so switching them is simple.

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Also there a way in the game-files to increase the time between pirate raids?

As it stands now I'm playing a mini-game called ..

"F everything I'm doing and stare at the pirate countdown"....

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Playing Roms for the first time...what ship captures neutrals mines?

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Any idea why the Fed colony ship takes forever to colonize?

Even with all its antimatter, it sits there for an extended period.
Eventually it does, but time is of the essence sometimes.....

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Did you guys speed up the pirate raid timer?
It seems like every two minutes.....
I spend more time worrying about pirate raids than the other factions..........

Good karma+2 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ trying to find a new home...

Why do I see George Jetson fly that?

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

Hi Lavo,

Just loaded up this old time friend... again.
Great Work..
Just a question/suggestion...
Do you think that the laser bursts could be shortened(by length)? they seem to be the length of most ships. Cut them down to a third of size and they might seem "right".

Good karma+3 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Second star to the right!

Did you guys pull out in fear of possible Anaxar litigation?
(or associated with)
the timing seems suspicious.......

Good karma+2 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ New Norway

Can someone redo the Hero Janeway Voyager as its usually in a million pieces anyway.... :)

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Don't shoot ... have to ask...

Death Star planet?

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ DEFIANCE

I always play small fleets cause that is what Trek is.
Growing up with TOS it was the Enterprise against all whom it encountered, except the rarest of circumstances.
I wonder what a Sins ST mod would look like if you controlled just the Enterprise and every upgrade no matter how incremental was just for every system onboard.
Sure you could face two or three enemies every so often, but a majority of battles would be One on One, cat and mouse, and every encounter would be a "Balance of Terror".
Just a thought..leaving the real work too you wonderful gentleman who GIVE us your hard work on your own time.

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ STA3 A Call To Arms 1.2.2

Any changes to the paper thin Janeway Hero ship? I can't seem to keep her alive for any length of time, to bad capitals can't be givin the scout ability of search(or can they?)
Even with its adaptive armour It's lost multiple times in a long game.
That being said, I also feel hero ships should not be resurrected, if you lose them you lose them.

Good karma+2 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

(Takes out universal translator)...

Good karma+2 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Axanar: Strategic Operations

Idea: Instead of generic pirates make them a set race that has to be bribed to F... off.

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

It was actually Card and me (Polaris) as ally's against the Rom and he went boom was a perfect storm.
I've been playing Sins so long, I remember when the stock game wouldn't build superweapons...
God I miss the TECs super gun...might have to load that up.....
To bad there is no lore for superweapons in Trek.

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

When planets are selected I don't see any brackets to highlight which planet is chosen.
Also no audio cue is given when an ally is asked to attack or defend something....
Otherwise everything else is perfect...
Had a battle the other night where THREE dreadnoughts all happen to meet up Kling,Rom, and my
Polaris...... Wow..... :)

Good karma+2 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Axanar: Strategic Operations

IMHO Your going to need more than two playable races.
I know your tied into the fan-film(maybe re think that), but games will get stale quickly if your always battling the same race.
Most players (maybe just me) always play as one race and if I'm the Feds I'm going to have that 'Klingons again" feeling every time I load up a game. I'm an OLD Trekkie from the TOS era, but not enough of a "geek" to know all the non series back stories. So if there were other races happening during your Anaxar timeline maybe bring them to the forefront to make things more playable.
If art assets are a problem, maybe make some of the neutrals from Call to Arms playable?
The race that cages in ships?
If not enough ships are available to flesh out rosters, what if one race was a 'all star team" of mixed races? Almost like a dungeon master in space where a player could spit out and mix up races to throw at the Klingons and Feds.....

These are all just ideas...

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Axanar: Strategic Operations

Ok I have what I think is a good question....
Since your thinking of only having TWO sides Klingon/Fed doesn't that eliminate the whole diplomacy part of Sins?
Why would anyone choose to invest in this side of the game if your ultimately going to crush your opponent?
Unless you have mini third party players which to use to your advantage ..

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Could someone tell me what Section 31 does?

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Axanar: Strategic Operations

One suggestion would be if less ships are involved also increase the planets well sizes as to stimulate SPACE WARFARE.

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Federation Supply Station WIP

In the description K7 star base is mentioned, might it make an appearance in Axanar?

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Rest and Recreation

Please don't let that be JJAbrams Enterprise...(Constitution Class)
TOS Enterprise was the Mona Lisa of Starships....
Only a megalomanic could think it could be improved......

Otherwise onward.......

Good karma+5 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Watchtower Class Starbase

You guys ever think of having some starbases in the 'planet" role, that are on the map needing to be captured? And fought over?
So instead of a planet model you would have a huge starbase that you discover and colonize?
Good/Bad idea?

Good karma+11 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Coming Soon 1.2.2

Yes that's it!
I'll dock my fighters and bombers to reduce lag...
At the same time since I have no "air" cover I'll lose frigates and capitals, therefore it will reduce lag..
Then I'll lose planet defenses and planets themselves to reduce lag...
Wait a minute...... :)

Good karma+4 votes
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Coming Soon 1.2.2

Could this mod get better? ;)
Who needs Sins 2 with you guys around?

All I need now is a REASON to manually dock and undock fighters(Sins engine limitation?) and I'm in heaven ....

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Wesley Crusher's # 1 Fan

Good karma+1 vote
wbino49 - - 89 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Also, beware when using the 'random' option - you're just as likely to end up fighting the Borg as you are any of the other factions.

I would love that..In a sadistic

Good karma+1 vote