My goal is to use ModDB as a mirror and generate a compilation of Battlefront addons (mods and maps) which are difficult or impossible to find elsewhere. Each different map or mod will be uploaded as a different file. Mi objetivo es usar ModDB como plataforma para subir addons de Battlefront (mapas y mods) que son difíciles o imposibles de encontrar en otros lados. Cada mapa o mod se subirá como un archivo diferente. " Un projecto de BattlefrontESP "

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Hi, mi name is Mayorcete, better known as Revan Shan on English forums and here, on ModDB. I was modder once, but now I'm just a youtuber from Spain, owner of MayorceteGamingTV and BattlefrontESP. I was asked by my suscribers to reupload the "Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack", the biggest Battlefront pack ever. Battlefront fans couldn't find the pack anywhere else as the links died apparently. That's why I started with this project: BATTLEFRONT FOREVER.

I had the intention of uploading not only the "Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack", but also other maps and mods difficult or impossible to find elsewere. Years ago the Battlefront fans could easily find tons of mods out there in forums or upload sites, mainly GameToast and Filefront. But nowadays it seems 99% of the addons created by the BF modders got lost and all we can find is a bunch of dead links.

I think the Battlefront community diserved something like this and I feel that links here will last much longer than those from other webs. I trust ModDB and I want all of you to enjoy what modders have worked on throughout the years. Spread the word, share any maps and mods that might got lost and overall... ENJOY!

DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL "STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II: ULTIMATE PACK" (Steam version only?) - It includes 50% of the best global mods and new maps made by the BF community:

Note: I take no credit for the making of any of these mods. I'm just making them avaliable for the masses here, on ModDB.

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Hola, me llamo Mayorcete, aunque por estos lares me muestro como Revan Shan. Fui modder una vez, pero ahora soy solo un youtuber español, dueño de MayorceteGamingTV y de BattlefrontESP. Mis suscriptores me pidieron que resubiera el "Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack", el mayor pack de Battlefront que hayamos visto jamás. Aparentemente los fans de Battlefront no podían encontrarlo porque los links para bajarlo estaban caidos. Así es como decidí darle caña a este proyecto: BATTLEFRONT FOREVER.

Tenía la intención de subir no solo el "Star Wars Battlefront II: Ultimate Pack", sino también otros mapas y mods difíciles de encontrar en otros lados. Hace años los fans de Battlefront podían encontrar fácilmente toneladas de mods por ahí en foros y plataformas de subida, esencialmente GameToast y Filefront. Pero hoy en día parece que el 99% de los addons creados por los modders de BF han desaparecido y solo nos queda un puñado de links que no llevan a ningún sitio.

Creo que la comunidad de Battlefront se merecía algo como esto y creo que aquí los links durarán mucho más que en otras webs. Confio en ModDB y quiero que todos podáis disfrutar los que los modders se han currado durante años. Pasad la bola, compartid cualquier mapa o mod que creáis que ya no se peude encontrar por ahí, y sobre todo... DISFRUTAD!



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Jedi Vs Clones Mod Order 66 by Delta-57

Jedi Vs Clones Mod Order 66 by Delta-57

Full Version 8 comments

mod made by Delta-57 (I am only one person who uploaded the link for the enjoyment of all of this mod as it is hard to get and I am not responsible for...

Mos Eisley Spaceport by Rends

Mos Eisley Spaceport by Rends

Full Version 4 comments

map made by Rends (I am only one person who uploaded the link for the enjoyment of all of this map as it is hard to get and I am not responsible for what...

Jade Moon by Jaspo

Jade Moon by Jaspo

Full Version 2 comments

map made by Jaspo (I am only one person who uploaded the link for the enjoyment of all of this map as it is hard to get and I am not responsible for what...

Birth of the Rebellion

Birth of the Rebellion

Full Version 6 comments

This mod was created by AQT. This mod adds 1 new map and 1 new era for that map. Note that the new era can only be played on that map. Enjoy :)

Special Mappack #2

Special Mappack #2

Full Version 24 comments

This is another package with some very special maps. Give it a try, they're also worth playing :D

Saga of the 607th by Xavious

Saga of the 607th by Xavious

Full Version 11 comments

This Mappack features 8 custom made maps, which are playable as 607th Legion. It was made by Xavious, NOT BY ME ;)

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 123)
HeRp-A-dErP-a-NErp - - 5 comments

This comment section is full of a lot of old controversy huh? Well from what I can tell some mod creators don't like the fact their mods are in this pack and most of the public seems to not understand why. If you created a mod or anything in general that you put hard effort in, and then see someone take it and reupload it only to get more success than you did, you would want it gone. It doesn't matter if the person reuploading your mod gave you credit or not, you created it and you have every right to want it removed. It doesn't matter if the original mod doesn't have a download anymore, the mod creator has every right for what happens to it. If the reuploader asked permission to reupload the person's mod, then they can do it but from what I'm seeing this RevanShan reuploaded a pack someone else made who didn't get permission from mod makers. However, because this pack can be easily modified, mod makers still have a right to want their mods removed.

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Joshbotts - - 39 comments

Any mods that change it to the TCW TV show models, I know there is some mods in development. but I managed to download mod that changes some maps to some legions, So I was wondering if there was any mods that add it in that available to download

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Guest - - 693,655 comments

I think there's one included in the ultimate pack which (luckly) is back up.

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FeehTBL - - 501 comments

Post Pax Empiricae :)

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FeehTBL - - 501 comments

its possible to you post a mod from galatic civil war like it birth of rebelion?

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Psyqhical - - 173 comments

GUYS! I've found a link to a mirror server for Game front!
This is the time to take advantage of the mods, maps, skins, and other goodies while you can!

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Guest - - 693,655 comments

what is this mod?

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Darth_Magnus - - 162 comments


Why are you stealing other people's mods? Many, many of us have our own ways of distributing our mods and don't want people to jumble them up with other mods.

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HeRp-A-dErP-a-NErp - - 5 comments

This person didn't steal the mods, he just took a pack some one else made who stole the mods. The thing is though since the pack can be easily modified, RevanShan should remove mods that mod creators don't want and since he isn't, it is theft in a way. These people using arguments like, "Your mod got more attention in this pack than the original" and "He put your name in the credits" just shows how idiotic people are and don't know how it feels to get something you worked on stolen. Then you have people who whine that this mod is reviving mods that don't exist anymore and then use the argument, "Why would you create the mod only to not want it to be played?" which also shows their idiocy.

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MrBlueJayWay - - 2 comments


**** off ****** ur mods **** anyways kys **** and stop bitching about ppl taking your work no one gives a **** about or u ****** mod ******

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noguez117 - - 4 comments

I think you're a good observer ... you can tell me where It is mentioned that He wants to steal the modifications???... I'm sorry but I do not see where says "I want to steal" or "I robbed the mods"

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Skywalker23 - - 22 comments

If you see her videos, he have permission of the modders of these mods, and he not have gains for post these mods, if he put a linkshort, adfly etc, he are "stealing"

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noguez117 - - 4 comments

That said, everything changes ...
that an action is supported by a good intention, not guaranteed to be good ...
Why not try to contact he and ask you kindly to grant the credits corresponding to the mods? without resorting to fight...

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Darth_Magnus - - 162 comments

He does not have permission from the modders. Take AQT's mod, for example. He asked him to remove it and it is still there. He has no proof of permission from these modders, as most of them are no longer active.

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Alex&Mike - - 90 comments

I do not understand your point of view is counterproductive. Why you do not stop cry and you try to be useful to the community and reach a useful according to Mayorcete?
I don't see the point of this war, he is not saying this mod is from him. You don't have rigths from this mod because there is no patent in your work. Same can say Star wars to you because you are using star wars name, in a game that you don't created.
I'm sure that if you talk with him tu put your name somewhere and some links there will be no problem. In total war there are meny mods that use other mods and there is no problem because the important think is to give more life to the game.
You can take profit a very good profit(not economic obiusly) if you change your main.

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Skywalker23 - - 22 comments

If you want credits por create the mod, ask to her, but more people play your mod (Sith Wars) thanks to the mod pack.

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Skywalker23 - - 22 comments

Man, the people play more the mod pack than the mods for separate, some mods the people dont know it, are better because he are promotion of the mods of other people and he not have lucracion for do it (Sorry for mi english basic haha).

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noguez117 - - 4 comments

if there is no problem
I can talk to him about your request
I speak Spanish

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Vladiskov - - 384 comments

tell us where, because most of these just dissapeared from view...

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Darth_Magnus - - 162 comments
You should find the author of the mod and ask for permission, and refrain from stealing the hard work of others.

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marcocarlo - - 2 comments

The uploader never claimed they had created these mods, and outright states that they are simply compiling them for easier access. If someone didn't want their work distributed for free online, why allow anyone with access to a computer the ability to download it in the first place?

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Darth_Magnus - - 162 comments

First of all, he is not simply reuploading them for easier access. He is combining mods into addon packs (as well as shipping early versions with a pirated copy of the game). Say you are an artist. You wouldn't want your art to be put in a book of other people's art WITHOUT your permission, only to have your name somewhere in the back of the book. Every single mod here has been uploaded somewhere online by the author, where they intended it to be stored, and can be found with a quick google search.

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Guest - - 693,655 comments

OK, well I didn't know about the pirated versions. However, regarding the mods themeselves if an artist is giving free prints of his artwork to anyone and everyone, he can't hope to control what people do with it afterwards. Trying to micromanage the internet over free content is likely to lead to a stroke.

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Darth_Magnus - - 162 comments

That's why many modders, including myself, have a readme in the file with permissions: for example, "please don't rip assets from the mod and do not redistribute". He can't control what people do for personal use, but when you redistribute, that's a whole different story.

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deathtrooper900 - - 780 comments

I can see two sides to this argument, and I believe that in this specific case RevanShan is in the right. Every upload that I checked at least made an attempt to give credit to the proper creator.

Now I also agree that redistribution is usually not good, but in this case the redistribution is to serve an otherwise unserved player community.

I've been a member of ModDB for years now, and its pretty much my exclusive mod site. I used to use filefront years ago, but now I have found that I cannot access those files anymore.

And since I play alone I have never heard of or seen another website that uploads battlefront mods of a high quality. As a result half of these maps and mods are completely unknown to me?

And its because of that that RevanShan is in the right here. Those modders did not do their job as modders in an attempt to get their work to the greatest amount of people.
That's why they shouldn't be mad when someone attempts to spread their work to a new group of players, basically attempting to make their mod more popular.

Now those same modders would ask that their only iteration of their work on this website be taken down, and thus causing its loss to an entire community of potential players. In this case I believe it is the modder's fault for not making their work easily available to a mod consumer like me.

Modding is a service industry, a free one, but still a serivce industry; this means you go to the customers, not the other way around. As such i believe that there are only a few cases where a modder can legitimately demand that it be taken down.
1. If their mod is properly represented on this site, in which case their presence here is un-needed.
2. If proper credit is not established, in which case RevanShan would either remove the mod or give proper credit. The modder should put their mod up on the website as well.
3. If the mod developer or team is doing so for profit. either by selling the mod or by revenue from visits to a specific website. In this case the mod team should make a page and direct the ModDB users to that website for the download. And RevanShan should remove the mod from the compilation.
(as to #3 I know of at least one modder who does this, Nommada Firefox who always directs people to to get the download, but still keeps a page here to generate interest for the mod.)

Now Darth_Magnus is the creator of the Sith Wars II mod here on ModDB, and his (and/or his team's) work IS represented here on ModDB. As such I believe that if that content were part of RevanShan's uploads then it would be a misuse of the work and un-needed; and in that case RevanShan should take it down.
This is (to my knowledge) not the case.

As to the accusations of shipping these mods with a pirated copy of Star Wars Battlefront II; distribution of pirated software is illegal (and a personal hatred of mine), and if it were true (I don't know myself) then these should be immediately taken down, or at MINIMUM the pirated copies of the game removed from the downloads.

RevanShan is providing a service, and giving proper credit to the modders. I guess though, it really comes down to would you rather have more players playing your mod, or less players playing YOUR mod?

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Darth_Magnus - - 162 comments

All fair arguments.

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AspiringCreator - - 50 comments

And if you want my personal opinion, while it's understandable why modders would want to include these terms and such in the readmes, I've always felt that this has been more detrimental to the modding scene as a whole and that it paints the creators as being somewhat stuck-up since modding itself isn't exactly a squeaky clean business.

Because most of them still use assets from one game and/or other games. Yes there are edits made but ultimately, these things still use other content to turn it into content that's not at all theirs. Of course then the argument is "Well we give them credit and acknowledge this work isn't ours with the exception of the edits except for when it isn't." and yet when the same argument is used for this, suddenly it's "Don't care, I don't want my non-profit mod used in a non-profit pack that really isn't that incriminating." and honestly, it's quite frustrating.

To me, the whole idea of any modder saying that no one can use their work without permission is understandable... when it's a mod that's for profit and/or there's no credit provided. But in the case of the Ultimate Pack where it not only includes the creator's name in a credit list but also the link to the mod and a note asking for people to support these creators AND includes mods that are made not for profit, it to me is just fine and I feel that the complaints about it are just kind of petty (at least in my opinion.).

Especially when considering this kind of act is a necessary evil to even expose people to more of your work and also keep some mods circulating when they've long since disappeared. That's why these modpacks exist and to me, they're not bad so much as they're great starting points for those who want to get into mods and experience the best while also keeping certain mods that may have disappeared active.

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AspiringCreator - - 50 comments

Actually, as someone who has used the Ultimate Pack, I went out and got The Sith Wars II after playing that little taste of it that was included because I loved what I played so much and wanted to support the original author and so when I saw the credits that were included, I went right in.

Personally, I feel that's mainly how modders should view packs like this. It exposes more people to their work (which is non-profit) and for many, if they like what they see, they'll go out and support the original author.

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Vladiskov - - 384 comments

Actually all that text wall resumens in something simple: There are pages like gamefront and gametoast wich were taken down, these files dissapeared and cant be reached, how i (a fan of these works) is suposed to reach it?

(its even an obvius rule of internet breaking down, "there's no way a file can totally disappear from internet, to the most embarrassing video on youtube, to the most ****** "paid" mod from steam"...)

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