Dei Agminum (Armies of God) is an ambitious mod project aimed at becoming the premiere Medieval II Total War Crusades mod. Its origins can be traced back to the Broken Crescent Submod "Jersualem Rising". It will use the Crusades campaign from Kingdoms as a base but will in time morph into its own distinct entity. For now I will concentrate on revamping the Crusades campaign through this mod. This will include renaming existing units, settlements and factions with their historical names, introducing historically accurate buildings and new units and completely remaking unit art/UI (models, textures, banners, screens and etc.) and introducing other assets. For now these are the mod's main priorities.

Post news Report RSS Dei Agminum - Developer Blog 02/10/2021

Post Version One Release news such as progress on the armor system and the next factions to be worked on.

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Hello and welcome to the first post Version 1 release Dei Agminum developer blog.

I want to start by thanking all of you for your continued interest and support for this project. The first release has already clocked in at around 200 downloads and I am really happy about this. I am glad that the major bugs that were discovered were quickly fixed and I want to encourage you to keep up the good work with the bug reporting. Concerning some housekeeping here, please carefully read release notes and these developer blogs to understand where this project is at before complaining about things that I have not been able to get to yet and if you have any questions and need further clarity, do not hesitate to PM me. Lastly if you are enjoying V1 don’t forget to spread the word about it and to leave a good review!

Next check out the forum area, I’ve set up a basic forum for us to continue the discussion with respect to development, bug fixing and other things. I think this will be a great way to create better community engagement and to grow this community.

With those things out of the way, I want to talk about what I am working on currently. As you may know, I am dedicating almost all of my efforts these days to developing the new armor system. As I suspected, this area of the mod is now steadily growing in scope. I no longer want to give graphical armor upgrades to just elite units, but professional units as well. And for the models/concepts, I created so far, I have in the last 48 hours gone back to the drawing board to redo them as I want to bring more detail and historical accuracy to them. All of this reworking and tinkering will probably double the amount of work I need to do in the next few weeks, but I’ll stick to the path no matter how tedious and frustrating it may seem. Once I finish these armor levels I can finally say that Jerusalem and Antioch will be officially complete.

To kind of give you a preview of sorts, I’ll show you what I’ve come up with for the Templar knights I’ve been working on. These knights have two armor upgrades: plate reinforcement (renamed from reinforced mail) and partial plate. Plate reinforcement will essentially be small plate attachments bolted to a knight or sergeant’s surcoat and other small additions of plate armor throughout the body. With Partial plate, the idea is to encase almost half the body or more in plate armor. From the 1200s to the 1400s, which is the mod’s timeline, these armor concepts were the most common which is why I am developing them.

Here we can see the standard Templar knight with his starting armor.

Capture1 2

With plate reinforcement, he gets a few pieces of plate added to his surcoat and some pauldrons.

Capture2 1

With partial plate, his limbs are almost entirely encased in plate and he dons a heavy brigandine jacket.


I am extremely satisfied with the above concepts and I want to adapt them to the other units who will be receiving these types of upgrades, but the kicker is we are talking about an additional 10+ unit types (imagine the work involved :P).

Finally, looking even more into the future, I want the next two factions to be Ayyubids and the Zengids; the two powers who surround Jerusalem and Antioch. I have a lot of ideas for them and I hope I can get to them in the next 3 months' time. I am really praying that I don’t get bogged down with this armor work. Additionally, I am thinking of reintroducing gunpowder and one new faction to the planned factions list: the Timurids. Cheers, and stay tuned for more updates.

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Edna1 - - 1,632 comments

Take your time and bug fixed have prority !

I looking forward to the future ^^

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0TheLastTemplar0 Author
0TheLastTemplar0 - - 399 comments


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