GMDX is an award-winning large-scale modification for the 2000 PC classic Deus Ex. GMDX addresses the many flaws of the game, polishes it to a very high standard, and adds new layers of depth that one would have hoped to see in a sequel. GMDX is executed with the strict parameter of staying true to the original design principles that define Deus Ex, and seeks to improve all aspects of design excluding the plot and soundtrack. The cumulative result thus far is said to be, and aims to be the "definitive Deus Ex experience".

Forum Thread
Feature Requests (Games : Deus Ex : Mods : GMDX : Forum : Final Version : Feature Requests) Locked
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Jan 11 2015 Anchor

Here you can request features to be implemented in future versions of the mod, if there is to be any.

Requests from user Vyticoz:

Someone wrote: -Augmentation Switching. (Being able to switch out augmentations at a Med-Bot)
-Alternate Fire
-Thermoptic Camo, Tech Goggles and Rebreather can be equipped and unequipped and only use battery while equipped
-Ballistic Armor and Hazmat suit only deplete when taking damage
-Auto-switch to Lockpick/Multitool if key or code is unknown or unavailable

Aug switching: in the vanilla game it was very intentional that you could not switch out augs, skills, weapon mods etc. This intention is called "Choice & Consequence" design and I stick firmly by it. Choices have more meaning/significance & the game has great replayability potential as a result.

Environmental Training Tools: I agree for the most part. I have plans for those (system overhaul) but Ideally I need artists to create new models etc.

Auto-equip picks & tools: I've been considering this for a long time with mixed thoughts. I'll have a think some more.

Edited by: |Totalitarian|

Jan 15 2015 Anchor

- ADS aug for Walton Simons? I know I've said it a couple of times xd If you think it'd make the battle too hard, then only add it to the hardcore difficulty.

- Gunther should have a heat vision or something like that. Since both of his eyes are augmented one would assume he has at least a smart vision or something like that.

- Anna should run a bit faster.

- Jojo Fine, Jordan Shae, Guy, Rock and the rest of them should have real augs instead of them only having a couple of wires painted on them. Maybe consider adding a couple of more augged people or turning some regular citizens into augs. I always felt the game is missing this "augmented world" feeling.

- I think the energy shield should be nerfed vs the Plasma Rifle. I know the energy shield must be good vs the Regeneration, but this 80% defense makes the plasma fire, probably the most iconic weapon in the game, a complete joke. I was just standing in one spot shooting Simons with a pistol while he was spamming plasma bolts at me like a motherfucker, yet it barely scratched me and I was playing hardcore mod.

- If you're cloaked and you "bump" into someone they should notice you.

Actually I have a bunch of ideas, but I really don't want to spam them here, because as you said a week ago or so that 7.0 release might be the last one, because you're lacking a proper team to keep on going.

Jan 16 2015 Anchor

I have 1 incredibly minor request (well 2) could you add a couple of pixel high lines of space (the same amount which separates each skill box) onto the bottom of the stealth skill box so that it looks like it fits properly in the skill screen. At the moment it kind of looks like you can scroll down and see more skills if you know what I mean.

Also, could you make the Power Recirculator Aug come on automatically when needed or possibly make it passive, I found the lines of code in Yukichigai's Shifter mod which makes this possible, so I could do this myself but I think alot of people would appreciate this, as I remember thinking it was odd that it didn't already work that way even back in 2000 when the game came out.

Ps I noticed that adding the laser sight to the USP, pistol, crossbow or rifle does nothing, the laser sight mod just vanishes, also: is it possible to bring up the inventory screen and exit it with the same button like in system shock? instead of having to hit escape or click on exit? and whilst I think of it how about doubling the size of the binoculars view, its way too small as it is.

Edited by: deathclay

Jan 18 2015 Anchor

Just letting you guys know stuff is being considered, others implemented :) Keep em coming.

Jan 18 2015 Anchor

Integrating the deus ex challenge 3 mod would be great, I really liked the idea of that one and gave it a go but due to the nature of how mods work on deus ex, it seems to be an all or nothing thing, so theres no HDTP, bug fixes or other good stuff if you use DXchallenge 3.

It adds a lot of replayability if you know its game over if you kill people or set of an alarm. It would be neat if you could alter them mid game as well not just at the start, then you could keep a save game at the beginning of each level to try different challenge combinations.

Would it be possible to make the hardcore mode save boxes slightly smaller overall so that you can see the top of them? this is just a personal preference really, so it looks more like a cube and not like 4 walls if you get my meaning.

Edited by: deathclay

Jan 20 2015 Anchor

- When you open a door then you shouldn't be able to close it immediately, but wait a second or two before you can interact with it again. This would prevent me and probably other players to fuck around with npcs when they are chasing you and want to enter the room you're hiding.

- 20mmHE ammo should be removed, because I think we already have enough explosives in the game. Instead you should implement a spiderbomb similar like the one in the TNM mod. Also, after every shot of a spiderbomb or an emp bomb one would have to reload the rifle. I also think emp bombs should be a bit more common. I mean more enemies should have them.

- When an MJ12 Commando is killed you should be able to salvage some ammo from his body. Some 7.62 (the sound of the assault rifle would be cool too. Don't worry about the different damages. Since it has 2 arms one can say he has 2 assault guns) ammo and rarely even a rocket or two. I also think occasionally they could "carry" different weapons. I mean, sometimes instead of their regular 7.62 guns they should have a plasma rifle or a flamethrower. I also think think in later stages some of them could use cloaking technology. I mean, they are augmented after all.

- When I emp bomb an mj12 elite when they are cloaked, then it shuts off, but in 10 seconds or so they turn it on again. I thought it supposed to turn it off permanently. By real augged enemies it's fine, because one can say they use a biocell to recharge their biolevel.

- In later stages you should add a new mj12 sniper npc. He could look exactly like other elites, but they should always be cloaked and should occupy dark windows where they are even harder to see. You could add a few more of them into the game, but well hidden from the player's sight. Like for example in Vanderberg. The female scientist says in the beginning there are a lot of snpiers here, but in reality there's only one. What a let down.

- Since you borrowed music from 2027 you might as well borrow that large augged soldier as well. He could be the heavy gun aug who would only carry a gep gun or a plasma rifle (maybe flamethrower in the catacombs).

- The crossbow should automatically come with a scope and both the crossbow and the sniper shouldn't have crosshairs forcing the player to use a scope to fire them. Also the crossbow should only have a 1-shot-clip, but you could make it a bit stronger. I also like the approach tranq gun in dx:hr. It's when you hit an enemy with a tranq bullet they don't notice that, but after a couple of seconds they just fall over. I think that's a cool thing. The Sniper also needs a smaller clipsize with a slower refire rate, but a bit larger damage.

- As much as like the new ps20, I really think it should be more like a one-shot P.E.P.S. with blue bolts instead of green ones that would cause a large non-lethal damage. I always thought the original dx doesn't have enough non-lethal weapons so this would be a cool thing to have. The police could have it as a standard weapon in their inventory. You should also be able to stack it upon each other aka carry more, than one.

- Now that the baton has been upgraded I kinda feel the prod charger is fairly useless. When you're not trained in melee weps then it's okay, but last time I've gone for a melee-only playthrough and I thought the baton was just as powerful as the prod, but I didn't have to reload it or find ammo for it. Again, in HR the prod gun had a range so turning it into a small-ranged weapons would be a good idea, but then you'd probably need a new model.

- Augged npcs should carry biocells.

- Killing Howard Strong is still a joke. I know he's just a mad scientist, but sniping him from above feels kinda cheap and requires no skills whatsoever. Maybe put some kind of fence above him so you must actually go down and fight him.

I got a couple of more ideas, but now I need to do a longer phonecall so brb in a couple of hours xd

Jan 28 2015 Anchor

HellCaller wrote: I always thought the original dx doesn't have enough non-lethal weapons

Too true. There used to be a mod (unfortunately, I can't find it anymore) that added 10MM Rubber Bullets for the pistols. I would like to see that added. Also, Bean-Bag rounds for the shotguns and if it's possible a Rubber Buckshot Canister for the 20MM Grenade Launcher. Basically, a super sized shotgun that fires non-lethal rounds (wider spread, more pellets, significantly shorter range). Also, IIRC, that same mod also added Flash Bang Grenades. They were basically recolored EMP grenades but enemies within 10 feet of it were instantly knocked out and enemies with 20 (25?) feet were blinded. That would come in pretty handy too. Just more non-lethal weaponry in general would be nice.

Jan 28 2015 Anchor

A couple days ago I added I mode-switch option to the PS20 so you can toggle between non-lethal kinetic energy and lethal plasma.
I'd consider adding bean bag rounds, but I'd need models (bean bags) & textures (bean bags, ammo pickup, ammo inventory icon).
I need an artist to continue working on the mod post-v7 release ideally.

Jan 31 2015 Anchor

Flash bang grenades would be great, but that would knida defeat the purpose of the gas grenade. I'd rather see the gas grenade have this knock out ability from the start instead of having it only on the master level. It could start out with a small KO range, but could get bigger if you keep upgrading the explosives skills. If you really want a flash bang thingie added to the game, then add it as an ammo type for that pistol category machine gun (forgot the name sorry xd). I kinda don't like the fact that it uses the same ammo as the assault rifle, so I'd add a 9mm ammo for it or something like that and would simply remove the ability from it to use 20mmHE ammo (although I'd remove that ammo type completely tbh which I already talked about so I won't write it down again). It would kinda work like in Deus Ex 2. You know, that SMG with the flash bang launcher. I think it'd work.

Also, I thought about the Prod Charger again. I played a bit with Deus Ex 2 and thought it would be kinda cool to have the Prod Charger have a ranged attack like a spider bot. It would only be like 2 feets or so, but it would kinda give it a purpose again since I've mentioned that the baton now pretty much makes it useless. Giving it more damage wouldn't help much, since I can knock out almost everyone with a baton on master low-tech level. It would deal the same damage, you'd have to find ammo for it and reload it BUT! It would have a small attack range.

Pepper Gun should have a bigger range on higher levels. But don't turn it into a sniper rifle or something like that xd Just give it a feet or two range every level upgrade or so. Also, on lower levels it should blinden an enemy only for 2 seconds or so and only on master level should it last for 10-15 seconds.

I think bots should be pretty much immune vs bullets. The only way they should be killed are with either explosives or emp weapons (which would give these things more importance). I kinda think it's stupid that I can blow up a huge-ass robot with regular bullets.

The flare dart should be replaced with an emp dart. The purpose of these would be to temporary shut down a robot or a camera and so on. On lower levels it should only shut down a robot for a second or so, but on master 5 seconds should be fine. It shouldn't do any permanent damage only allow the player to run past it or quickly toss a grenade at it. Of course this idea would ideally work with a mini crossbow having only 1 shot per round and having a higher reload time. Of course the bot shouldn't attack you afterwards, but continue its patrol like nothing happened.

I'd add a new robot to the game using that unused bot model. It wouldn't be a very tough bot and would only have a flamethrower but could be pretty dangerous in narrow places such as the hideout of Smuggler or the catacombs.

I'd also use the same model (but the yellow of it colored blue) as a police bot. It could use that non-lethal kinetic energy gun as a main weapon. Dunno, I kinda see the police in this game as a non-lethal force, that's why I keep adding them (in my head I mean) only non-lethal weapons mainly. Like machine pistols with rubber bullets and flash bangs and so on.

Npcs with full face helmets shouldn't be affected by gas like pepper gun. This means those swat policemen shouldn't get knocked out by pepper gun. Or nfs troopers with helmets which brings me to my next point that nfs troops should mainly be without helmets. If you really want to mask them, then give them ski-masks. But it kinda looks stupid that you can blinden them with pepper spray through that thick helmet.

I still have ideas left, but I need to take a breath now so brb in a couple of hours/days xd

Regeneration shouldn't have any counter, but should rather be a simple upgrade. Even Jaime Reyes said that some augs are just simply upgrades, but with others you have to make a permanent choice. This change would prove his point and wouldn't make him look like an idiot xd

Light Aug should have a level 2 upgrade that would make it use no energy plus make it invisible to other npcs.

You should get rid of the run silent because it's pretty much useless and should add it to the stealth skill. To counter the run aug firstly I'd nerf it a bit making it a bit slower plus taking away the ability to jump high or to fall from greater heights. And to counter this aug I'd add something similar to the icarus landing system which wouldn't allow you to jump higher, but would allow you to fall from any height. Of course this would mean you'd have to up the fall damage a little bit. Of course not as drastic as in human revolution cuz that was simply ridiculous that if you fell from like 5 feets you died instantly. I mean wtf xd

There should be a "neutral" npc affiliation. Some mods already did this so I think you should do it as well, because I thought it's cool again, Reyes talked about this in the training mission yet you never met any neutral npcs. Just go with the color blue like other mods because I think that's a cool color choice.

btw Sorry that I wrote this much xd

- I think the assault shotgun should do a bit less damage, than the sawed-off one. Currently there's no real reason to use the sawed off shotgun, unless you want to have +1 inventory slot. I said decrease the damage of the assault shotgun and not increase the damage of the sawed off shotgun, because I think it already does enough damage.
- On your third visit in NY when talking to smuggler before you learn about the ship you have the option to buy an assault shotgun for 7500 from him, but it's kinda pointless because it's just a regular shotgun. Here you could think off adding a modded assault shotgun for people who have way too much credits at this point.
- Now this is something big: I'd like to see a randomized inventory for most npcs. This has already been implemented in the hardcore mod (hejhujka) so I know it's possible. I think it'd be cool that you would never know what an npc has on him. You could expand this also on melee weapons, grenades, ps20s and so on. Of course certain npcs should always have the same gear for example snipers because it'd look pretty stupid having an npcs in a tower with a shotgun xd. If this is too drastic, than only add it to the hardcore difficulty (it's the only difficulty I play anyway xd)
- I don't know it this is possible, but it would be cool that if you could halve your inventory space alongside your ammo. So you could carry 50% less stuff with you (would be more realistic anyway). Not sure how is this possible, but I'd love it. I love how you can halve your ammo making you think about every shot and I'm only playing with this option now so I'd love to have a smaller inventory where I would really have to think what weapons and items I want to carry around.

- The GEP gun should do less damage by default, but should gradually get back its current strength if the explosives skill is upgraded. This would give the said skill more weight and make it more useful.
- I'd love to see breaching rounds added for the shotgun. It would only have a feet range or so, but like in real life you could use it to open doors. So if you would shoot a locked door it would become unlocked (like if lockpicked). Don't make it a very common ammo, just have a couple of rounds scattered all over the game, otherwise it'd make the lockpicking skill useless.

- I'd make attack dogs a bit faster so it'd be harder to outrun them, plus I'd give them this charge ability similar to the karkians so if they charge you and high speed and reach you they would do damage immediately. Of course not as powerful as a karkian attack, but let's be honest: A dog will only do damage to you if you stand still and let them attack you.
Also, maybe a bit bizarre idea, but I can't sleep so sorry xd In later stages I'd add mech augmented dogs. Wouldn't require a new model or something like that, just give the dobermann a visor and a couple of metallic parts (painting I mean). Thanks the visor they could see you in the dark or even if you're cloaked (from a shorter ranger), would run a bit faster, have a bit more health, do a bit more damage and if you really want to go overboard they could also have a cloaking device. Of course not remote controlled, because a dog, no matter how smart it is, will never think to himself "hmm maybe I should activate my cloaking aug! Grrr!". Let's say below 50!% health or so it would activate automatically.

- Now that you added taser darts to the game (which are pretty cool) I'd give them to the spiderbots replacing their spark guns. Of course the Big ones and the tiny ones could keep their spark guns, I'm only talking about the regular ones, aka the most common ones. I'd also love to see a lethal spiderbot having that cool robotplasmagun as weapon. Of course not as powerful as the military bot one, but I think it'd be pretty cool. Doesn't need any awesome texture. Just paint it a bit darker (more black) and give it a couple of green stripes. Done.
Now having them as optional companions like in the 2027 mod would be pretty cool, but I guess that'd be a bit too extreme for your taste so I'll leave it as a thought rather than a request xd
- Since you added rubber bullets for the shotgun (which again is pretty cool) I'd give the shotgun a flashbang or a smoke bomb (whichever is easier for you to make) as an alternate ammo. So this way you could fire a flashbang or smoke bomb into a group of enemies, temporary stunning them, then knock them out with rubber bullets.

- I don't know which mod did this, but instead medbot and repair bots having only 2 chargers they should a limited amount of health and energy points so for example if a repair bot has 200 points, then you can recharge your energy 4 times if it's only 50% depleted. It kinda looks stupid that I recharge myself two times with only 10% and the bot is out. Same goes for the medbot. Give it 300 health points or something like that. I agree that they should be limited, but not like this.

I think you should merge the two cloaking augs together and turn it into the ultimate stealth aug. To counter this aug add the energy shield which also needs a few tweeks. Like make it provide less protection (like 60% instead 80%) vs energy weapons (cuz it makes the plasma rifle look like a joke), but for example make it so that the flamethrower, flare dart and the wp rocket can't set you on fire. And of course 100% protection vs emp weapons.

The regen aug shouldn't have any counters but should rather be standalone. Even Jaime said that some augs are just upgrades while others force you to make a pemanent choice. Also, I think 5hp restoration per second should be enough.

Ballastic protection (the not passive one) should provide a bit less protection, but use less energy. I kinda don't like it when you can be a walking tank.

I think what the targeting aug can do (roughly) should be added as upgrades to the default IFF aug. Maybe it needs a new name but oh well. The vision aug should be standalone as well as the regen aug. This would further prove what Jaime said about augs.

Edited by: HellCaller

Jun 17 2015 Anchor

I particularly enjoy areas where it feels like I'm fighting alongside ai allies, such as in Battery Park or Hells Kitchen with UNATCO or Paris Catacombs with Sillhouette. It adds to the sense of actually fighting for these factions and provides some sense of attachment to them I think - it's a testament to the character and world building of the game that I actually feel some sort of remorse when allies die!

If possible I would like to see more 'faction' based fights..., perhaps temporary ai companions/squads in certain sections with simple commands? (Like with Miguel) Just a few more opportunities to engage in large scale battles between factions really.

Also, I have no idea how feasible this would be or if it would wreck balance, but perhaps ai can be programmed to use elevators/crouch and look in vents? As it is possible in some situations to simply fire a shot, then immediately hide in elevator/duck into vent, wait for ai to return to passive mode then repeat. Perhaps a greater penalty for alarms being tripped repeatedly?

Also, concerning MJ12 Elites. They provide a great extra layer of challenge, but is it intentional that once they activate invisibility they remain invisible until killed? Perhaps they should uncloak once they return to passive state to simulate saving bioenergy/camo energy?

Anyway, continuing to love the mod. The more of it I play, the better it gets - something I rarely find with games!

Currently at Vandenberg with every difficulty option maxed. The struggle is real, and so is the satisfaction!

Best wishes

Jun 17 2015 Anchor

"Also, concerning MJ12 Elites. They provide a great extra layer of challenge, but is it intentional that once they activate invisibility they remain invisible until killed? Perhaps they should uncloak once they return to passive state to simulate saving bioenergy/camo energy?"

No, it was an oversight of mine and is fixed in the available v7.0 of GMDX. Do you have an earlier version?

"The more of it I play, the better it gets"

Yeah. Just like DX vanilla itself. GMDX had to be the same.

Jun 17 2015 Anchor

I am running v7.0, and can confirm that the Elites at start of Vandenberg at least (first 7 troops encountered) do not remove invis upon losing player. Perhaps there is an issue with my installation as I had the previous GMDX version installed before. I will test Elites further on in the level and see what happens. Is it perhaps because the Elites I have encountered are injured and stuck in 'flight' as opposed to 'fight' mode?

Jun 17 2015 Anchor

Ah, yes. That's exactly it. Will fix.

Jun 17 2015 Anchor

"Perhaps a greater penalty for alarms being tripped repeatedly?"

I've already said it once, but I'm going to throw in my suggestion again.

"I always thought there should be a penalty for sounding the alarm. Like the alarm should spawn some reinforcement out of the blue making it harder to shoot yourself through the stage. This would actually reward the player if he/she manages to sneak through a base without being seen. I thought Human Revolution's idea of rewarding the player with skill points was pretty terrible. Now I just need to find a way to reward the player he/she uses non-lethal force instead of killing his/her enemies."

"Also, about sounding alarm. I thought it's pretty cool what they had in the Hong Kong Market. You know this gunshot dectectors. I don't know why they never used these things in later stages. I think they would totally make things more challenges if you combine them with my previous idea of spawning enemies when the alarm goes off. This means the player would have to use silent weapons to knock out / kill enemies if sneaking around."

I still think this is a great idea and I'm not even trying to suck my own dick xd

Also, speaking of elites. I'd like to see these level2 cameras that are currently only in area 51 from vandenberg instead. But they should detect you 100% faster than regular cameras. By the time you got to Vandenberg you got a lot of skills and augs and you really need an extra challenge. Also level2 turret that fires 100% faster would also be a good thing to have.

And of course Walton Simons needs an ADS aug! Omg pretty please!

Jun 17 2015 Anchor


Apologies, please ignore above, I was mistaken! Have just seen them go from invis to visible :)

Jun 17 2015 Anchor

In version 8 I've got extra enemies that spawn in if an alarm is sounded (high security areas only). :)

reindeer: thanks for the correction.

Jun 28 2015 Anchor

(I posted this on rpgcodex, but didn't realized you self-ejected, so I don't now if you've seen my feedback there.
I'm copy-pasting it as it is to this forum).

I'm loving your vision for this, Man!!! I've been waiting for something like this since forever. The fact that no one has ever done it before led me to believe that something like this was impossible to accomplish, and I lost all hope...
But then YOU show up with this!! ...and... OMG My dream is coming true!!!! :D

I have Questions and Suggestions:

Regarding NPCs

1. NPCs fire two-handed weapons with just one hand when crouched. Needs to be fixed!
2. When NPCs die, the weapon they were holding could fall on the ground instead of disappearing in their pockets.
3. NPCs (and JC Denton when in front of the mirror) could benefit from some strafe animations.
4. NPCs could have more death animations.
5. More foot sounds. (Paranoid civilians running around in a closed environment can get annoying due to the lack of sound variety).
6. You could add crunchy bone and meaty sounds when hitting NPCs that are laid down on the ground instead of hearing the melee weapon hitting the floor.

Regarding weapons models and stuff...

1. Weapon redesigns look awesome, more detailed than ever, but JC Denton's hands look too blocky in comparison. Could Denton's hands be better modeled as well? without square fingers, no?
2. Thugs get knifes and crowbars, but no baseball bats!? You gotta get some baseball bats! (It would also be cool to see a lot more melee weapons added).
3. You could be able to punch people when unarmed, no?

Regarding Gameplay, skills, etc

1. There's no reason why you wouldn't be able to carry more than one PS20.
2. It would make sense to be able to shoot the lock of some locked doors with low durability to open them, instead of tearing the whole thing down. (Just a thought)
3. You could be able to light up a flare and walk around with it instead of throwing it away automattically.
4. You could add a perk that would allow you to expand your inventory?
5. You could add a similar feature to System Shock 2 where by right-clicking on an enemy, a window of their inventory would pop-up and you would be able to select and drag the item's you'd want to your inventory screen. And to pick up the bodies you would just hold-down the RMB instead.
6. You could be able to hold-down the RMB to grab onto a ladder, similar to the way you do in Half-Life 2. This would solve some problems such as climbing down ladders which has always been clumsy as hell (in Hell's Kitchen, to climb up to Plaul's apartment from the outside, you have to step on a crate in order to grab onto the ladder when the ladder is right in front of you which is rediculous. This would probably fix this issue and similar situations i think).

This is more of a question than anything else but...
- Regarding physics and crates (I know ragdoll physics aren't possible in Deus Ex SDK), but, if more than half of a crate's surface is over the edge of a platform, would it be possible for it to trigger an animation where the crate would flip and fall on the platform ahead, creating the illusion of real physics simulation? This would prevent floating crates (I know nothing of programing so I have no ideia if this can be done).

And finally Oculus Rift support!! ...kidding:) (it would be nice though).

Keep up the awesome work!!!
(...btw Mantling is AWESOME! I can be a ninja now!!!)

Jun 28 2015 Anchor

I'm loving your vision for this, Man!!!

My vision is augmented.

1. NPCs fire two-handed weapons with just one hand when crouched. Needs to be fixed!

I need an animator. I have been waiting a long time. This will be my answer to a number of your requests.

2. When NPCs die, the weapon they were holding could fall on the ground instead of disappearing in their pockets.

This is already set to happen sometimes in v8.

3. NPCs (and JC Denton when in front of the mirror) could benefit from some strafe animations.
4. NPCs could have more death animations.


5. More foot sounds. (Paranoid civilians running around in a closed environment can get annoying due to the lack of sound variety).

There have been five new groups of footstep sounds added since v6.3 if I remember correctly.

6. You could add crunchy bone and meaty sounds when hitting NPCs that are laid down on the ground instead of hearing the melee weapon hitting the floor.

There already is a sound for hitting corpses, although it isn't that great and may be changed in v8.0.

1. Weapon redesigns look awesome, more detailed than ever, but JC Denton's hands look too blocky in comparison. Could Denton's hands be better modeled as well? without square fingers, no?
2. Thugs get knifes and crowbars, but no baseball bats!? You gotta get some baseball bats! (It would also be cool to see a lot more melee weapons added).
3. You could be able to punch people when unarmed, no?

Animators and modellers needed. And by the way, the improved weapon models are the diong of the HDTP mod. GMDX does a lot, but not models/anims (although more models and animations is an ambition and always has been, if only I could get some volunteers).

1. There's no reason why you wouldn't be able to carry more than one PS20.

I may get on it tonight.

2. It would make sense to be able to shoot the lock of some locked doors with low durability to open them, instead of tearing the whole thing down. (Just a thought)

It would make sense, but would take a fair bit of work to implement (going over remaking all doors necessary to add a visible lock, and then coding all the behaviour). All this considered it really isn't worth the effort.

3. You could be able to light up a flare and walk around with it instead of throwing it away automattically.

I may add this tonight.

4. You could add a perk that would allow you to expand your inventory?

No, other than the heavy weapon size I'm happy with the vanilla inventory. Forces you to make meaningful choices and more.

5. You could add a similar feature to System Shock 2 where by right-clicking on an enemy, a window of their inventory would pop-up and you would be able to select and drag the item's you'd want to your inventory screen. And to pick up the bodies you would just hold-down the RMB instead.

It is a future possibility.

6. You could be able to hold-down the RMB to grab onto a ladder, similar to the way you do in Half-Life 2. This would solve some problems such as climbing down ladders which has always been clumsy as hell (in Hell's Kitchen, to climb up to Plaul's apartment from the outside, you have to step on a crate in order to grab onto the ladder when the ladder is right in front of you which is rediculous. This would probably fix this issue and similar situations i think).

I like old school ladder clumsiness. It is a skill-based affair. Although half-life style ladder attachment is more realistic, there's no danger to it. Besides, ladder climbing is handled engine-side and is not modifiable.

- Regarding physics and crates (I know ragdoll physics aren't possible in Deus Ex SDK), but, if more than half of a crate's surface is over the edge of a platform, would it be possible for it to trigger an animation where the crate would flip and fall on the platform ahead, creating the illusion of real physics simulation? This would prevent floating crates (I know nothing of programing so I have no ideia if this can be done).

Yeah, would need animations because the collision cylinders are primitive.

Keep up the awesome work!!!

I will. Drop a review when you're done and look forward to v8.0!

Edited by: |Totalitarian|

Jun 28 2015 Anchor

Got more Questions and Sugestions regarding your mod.

Regarding Gameplay Mechanichs

1. You could be able to drop a crate right in front of you, without throwing it 3 feet away (at least while crouched).
2. You could be able to crouch or straighten your legs mid-air at any given time. That way, if you jump off of a considerable hight while crouched, you would be able to straighten your legs mid-air to prevent taking too much damage from the fall.
3. It would be nice if you could climb up vent grilles, when opened, the same way you can with ladders. Otherwise climbing up to vents on the ceiling can get extremely frustrating.
4. You should be able to shoot out lamps and light bulbs, to create shadowy territory in wich you can hide. Lamps need to be breakable, they sure can't be indestructible!
5. You could be able to climb up welded wired and chain link fences, the same way you can with ladders, no?

Regarding the Dragon Tooth Sword.

1. I never understood why this weapon takes up to 4 squares of inventory space if your'e only carrying the grip. The blade only comes out when you draw the weapon and turn it on. That being said, the blade shouldn't be visible in the inventory screen and it should only take up to one square of inventory space.

I'm thinking, for balance sake, that, since the Dragon Tooth Sword is an energy based weapon, it could have an energy bar that gets drained as long as you have it turned on. And you could recharge the power with some batteries, or even bioelectric cells maybe (which would give further emphasis on choice, which is what Deus Ex is all about. Whether you chose to spend bioelectric cells to power up the augs or the Dragon Tooth Sword itself).

It would also be cool to be able to turn the Dragon Tooth Sword "on" and "off" manually, instead of it being automatic (It should be off when you draw the weapon, so that you won't accidentally alert the enemies).

Regarding Computers, Terminals, etc

1. You should be able to exit a terminal or computer without having to log off, so that you won't have to type down the same user and password over and over again every time you get back to said terminal or computer. Logging off should be mandatory only when you've hacked a device, to avoid getting caught of course.

2. You could be able to check your Notes screen while logging/hacking into a device. Your Notes screen would pop up in a small window on the bottom left/right corner of the screen, so that you can check the usernames and passwords while typing them on the computer/terminal/bank/etc. This way you won't have to memorize complicated passwords and usernames, and It would also allow you to take notes directly from the screen without having to exit said device.

Regarding Items

1. Items shouldn't wear out by a timer.
Ballistic Armor, for example, should not wear out just by being used. It should wear out upon getting damaged by bullet's, explosions and melee attacks, cause that's what triggers the electric discharges and drains the vest's energy.

The same thing goes to the hazmat suits and rebreathers. You should be able to spare oxygen from the rebreathers at any given time, and hazmat suits should wear out only upon exposure to radioactive waste, gas, etc, and not by being worn.

The same thing also applies to fire extinguishers. Similarly to the machine-gun, you should be able to control the amount of "extinguishment" discharge while holding-down the LMB, and keep what's left of it for later usage.

2. It would be cool to see these items taking a visual impact on JC, while facing the mirror (I know it requires moddelers, but it is something to keep in mind nonetheless...)

Regarding perks

1. It would be cool to add a perk that would allow to deactivate LAMS, EMP Grenades (and so on) from a distance, no?

Regarding Mantling...

So I've been playing around with this new feature for a while now... I found it to be AWESOME!! (makes total sense in the world of Deus Ex) but a little flawed (In System Shock 2 it worked flawlessly).

1. When you try to mantle onto a surface that is a bit higher than usual, JC will give up mid-air every time, and no matter how many times you repeat the process, he-will-never-climb-the-thing!!! (I was constantly like, "get up there JC!! get up there you fucking bitch!!! Urghaaa!!!!") In System Shock 2, whenever the main protagonist could get a grip, no matter how high the platform was, he would climb it all the way through and he would not give up until he got on top of the thing.

2. Also, you can't mantle onto a vent or window if you haven't jumped from a crouch position prior, and sometimes the only way to reach said window/vent,etc is if you've jumped while standing, but if you did, when you finally reach the thing, because you didn't crouch before, JC won't fit the freaking... thing! and he will fall every time!! (Infuriating!! FUCK!!! ...sorry, I get carried away sometimes). My suggestion is, every time you mantle, JC will automatically assume a crouch position mid-air as soon as he gets a grip, no matter what.

Regarding Bugs and stuff...

1. I found some sort of bug on the New York Swears. When you fall on the toxic water, instead of your whole body taking damage simultaneously, you will instead start by losing health on just one leg at a time, and only when the toxic waste have completely damaged each leg individually that you'll start receiving damage on your torso.

2. If you get to the Smugglers Lair through the elevator, when the level loads, you get spawned outside the elevator and you need to press a button for it to come down again. Not a big issue, but immersion breaking nonetheless...

All in all this mode is turning up to be the definitive Deus Ex experience that i've been craving for since... well... since forever!!!

Keep up the Awesome work!!!!
(...please don't give up!!!)

Edited by: dxmaniac

Jun 29 2015 Anchor

Spam ideas whenever you please, I'm reading and will take away what I can/should.

"1. Items shouldn't wear out by a timer."

This is already done and will feature in v8.0:

"Mantling is shit"

It has many improvements in v8.0. You'll be able to be a true ninja ;)

Edited by: |Totalitarian|

Jun 29 2015 Anchor

Mantling has many improvements in v8.0. You'll be able to be a true ninja ;)

Awesome! I'm trusting your augmented vision on this one :D.

More Questions and Suggestions...

1. Weapon modifications such as the scope, silencer and the laser could be detachable, and reapplied to other weapons, in case you change your mind, no?

2. You should be able to lift and hide dog carcasses.

3. It would be cool to be able to disarm enemies by shooting them on the hands/weapon.

4.1 I feel that Combat Strength and Microfibral Muscle Augs could be the same thing. Theoretically, if you can lift a thousand pounds of something, throw it against a wall and shred it to peaces, your Combat Strength should be equally as devastating. What do you think?
4.2 Also I feel that objects and corpses get destroyed very easily when you throw them against something (specially with the Microfibral Muscle Aug). Maybe making them a bit more resistant, no?

5. I'm not sure how I feel about rubber bullets.
In real life they're used to inflict pain, not to knock out someone unconscious (it would take several bullets to the head, I think). Plus it would defeat the purpose of other non-lethal weapons (and potentially take a bit of the joy out of successfully knocking someone unconscious with a baton, tranquilizer,etc).

6. When you try to drop a crate near the edge of a platform, the crate gets pushed forward and inadvertently falls off, which means you have to step way back, or get off the platform to a lower point and throw the crate from there. Sometimes you can't even drop a crate near walls while facing them, because the game tell's you that there's no space. You should be able to just drop a crate in front of you (while crouched), without throwing it 3 or so feet away (I posted this issue previously but didn't explain why)

Drop a review when you're done and look forward to v8.0!

Unfortunately I'm currently very busy and unable to do a complete playthrough of the game, and thus unable to do a genuine and honest review. Though I'm contributing with feedback as much as I possibly can, given the current circumstances.

As allways, keep the awesome work!

Edited by: dxmaniac

Jun 29 2015 Anchor

I feel that Combat Strength and Microfibral Muscle Augs could be the same thing. Theoretically, if you can lift a thousand pounds of something, throw it against a wall and shred it to peaces, your Combat Strength should be equally as devastating. What do you think?

Combat strength no longer exists anymore. It is combat speed, which increases melee damage, melee speed and weapon swap speed.
So Microfibral Muscle = Strength, combat speed = Dexterity, and both are far more balanced and interesting augs.

5. I'm not sure how I feel about rubber bullets.
In real life they're used to inflict pain, not to knock out some one unconscious (it would take several bullets to the head, I think). Plus it would defeat the purpose of other non-lethal weapons (and potentially take a bit of the joy out of successfully knocking someone unconscious with a baton, tranquilizer,etc).

Trust me, it is fine. They are rare, loud, and generally unreliable for non-lethal playthoughs where stealth is key. They are meant to be used as a last resort (backed in a corner for example), and to give non-lethal players a little something extra since the AI are much more competent. The gameplay impact is near insignificant, they don't just remove the significance of stealth, baton, prod etc for non-lethal playthroughs.

Edited by: |Totalitarian|

Jun 30 2015 Anchor

More Questions and Suggestions coming up...

1. Gore (body parts and stuff...) disappears after a while. Is this intentional?
2. NPCs aren't reacting to gore (body parts of other enemies that got blown to pieces).
3. When you drop large metal crates on corpses (and maybe live NCPs, if you're on a higher point) they could get squashed (turned into pate).
4. You could be able to destroy rectangular crates the same way you can with the regular ones.
5. You could be able to rotate rectangular crates/cardboard boxes. (adds more realism)
6. The ZHL Assault Rifle when equipped, takes too much screen space. Maybe lower the weapon a little bit.
7. I feel that every light source (streetlights, etc) should be destructible enabling you to create shadows (like in Thief).

I like old school ladder clumsiness. It is a skill-based affair. Although half-life style ladder attachment is more realistic, there's no danger to it. Besides, ladder climbing is handled engine-side and is not modifiable.

8. You could be able to at least mantle onto them, like you can with everything else.

Bugs and inconsistencies...

1. A lot of the times when you right-click to grab a crate that is on a higher level then yours (above your waist) a message spams like crazy saying:

You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here
You can't drop that here

and when you step back, the crate will automatically bounce off your hands.
Sometimes it would also say "There's no room to lift that" How's that!?

2. When you first get to New York sewers, one of the terminals has an option that says "Print Code" to get the code to all the doors of that area. But the code doesn't get stored in your Notes Screen, and you won't be able to re-print the code again (the option becomes grayed out). If you didn't catch a glimpse of it the first time, you'll have to reload the last save. (small issue, but it pissed me off...)

Keep up the awesome work!
(...can't wait for the GMDX v8!!!)

Edited by: dxmaniac

Jun 30 2015 Anchor

1. Gore (body parts and stuff...) disappears after a while. Is this intentional?


4. You could be able to destroy rectangular crates the same way you can with the regular ones.

Which ones? The ones that are usually locked? Not possible (without a better engine).

The ZHL Assault Rifle when equipped, takes too much screen space. Maybe lower the weapon a little bit.

Already done in v8

7. I feel that every light source (streetlights, etc) should be destructible enabling you to create shadows (like in Thief)

Not possible (without a better engine). Thief/The Dark Engine would have had dynamic/trigger lighting strongly in mind when it was built. Unreal 1's suck.

As for the bugs, I will look into them.

Jun 30 2015 Anchor

1. Gore (body parts and stuff...) disappears after a while. Is this intentional?


Why couldn't gore remain indefinitely like the corpses?

More Suggestions...

1. You could be able to shoot through fences and floors made of welded wire, mesh, hardware cloth, etc.

More bugs...

1. I found another one. Start New game and get (edit) blown to pieces while holding the pistol (just attack Paul Denton at the begining and doge his darts until he runs out of ammo and starts shooting at you with the Plasma Rifle), start New Game again and you'll spawn with two pistols in your inventory, and one of them get's frozen.

Regarding the crate bug with the message "It can't be dropped here", I forgot to mention how this bug happens. When the crate is in a higher level then you (on top of a "solid crate", for exemple), you need to bee as close to the crate as you possibly can before you right-click on it. You'll then see the crate bounce off as you back away.

Edited by: dxmaniac

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