A base mod for Source 2013 which expands and improves the toolset available to modders, augmenting other maps and mods for development purposes. It contains new logic entities, new I/O and keyvalues, a custom implementation of VScript, custom shaders, countless fixes, and enhanced FGDs all in one single package. Mappers would create their maps based off of this mod and larger mods with their own unique changes would draw from Mapbase's code and assets.

RSS Files
Mapbase Release Build

Mapbase Release Build

Full Version 12 comments

This build includes the main 3 folders involved in Mapbase and a README.txt with instructions.

Mapbase Beta Build

Mapbase Beta Build

Full Version

This build contains the upcoming Mapbase release for testing purposes. Use the "Mapbase Release Build" instead for the latest stable release. Includes...

Mapbase VScript Samples

Mapbase VScript Samples


Sample scripts which demonstrate how VScript can be used in Mapbase.

Mapbase VScript Beta Build

Mapbase VScript Beta Build

Full Version

This build is a version of the release build which contains Mapbase's experimental VScript support. Please report any issues to the comments of this file...

Mapbase Compile Tools

Mapbase Compile Tools

Mapping Tool 6 comments

Custom map compilation tools (vbsp, vvis, vrad) needed to compile Mapbase maps. Slammin' Source works as well.

Mapbase Multi-Tool

Mapbase Multi-Tool

Installer Tool

A special, experimental tool used for miscellaneous Mapbase tasks, like creating tool shortcuts or converting VMT files to the new shaders.

Mapbase Demo Maps

Mapbase Demo Maps


BSP and VMF files for the maps seen in Mapbase's media. These started as showcases of Mapbase's features, but they aren't true "demo" maps anymore as...

Mapbase Mod Templates

Mapbase Mod Templates


Lightweight mod templates designed to run directly off of a Mapbase installation in the adjacent folders.