Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

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New weapons (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Weapons : New weapons) Post Reply
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Mar 19 2013 Anchor

If you want to suggest new weapons, do it here.
Changes to existing weapons should be posted on the other board.

If you suggest a weapon, make a complete suggestion, by this I mean the following

Weapon type (one/two handed/polearm/musket)
Weapon stats (damage/accuracy/range/speed)
If possible, recources like textures so I can add them (be sure you have permission to use them!)

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

Question are you allowed to take musket models from WFAS ? since WFAS has many good looking eastern style muskets fits well for the Sarranids

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

Very good question, very good question indeed...
I have no clue and atm i'm working on setting the companion's gear (before you recruit them).

When 1.1 works as it should, i'll look into it, but i doubt they would allow.

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

Well some mods like 16th century included many models from WFAS

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

I would assume you can use the models from WF&S, also I looked into the NW thing, apparently everything is free to use, so you should definetly try extracting the Napoleonic Wars weapons and armor and add them to the next updated version, though you should stick all the weapons, instruments and armor you can't find a use for in the cheat menu so we can experiment with them.

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

if you are sure we can use these models then this would change everything, and so far all the weapons that are ingame but not sold in stores are still in the cheat menu. the items still exists.
you might also find a few easter eggs in there.

Mar 23 2013 Anchor

I am very sure.

Mount wrote: The latest update to Mount and Blade: Warband's Napoleonic Wars DLC releases the full source code into the wild, which should give Mount and Blade modders plenty to get their gnasgers into. Warband's been a great platform for modders, and the extra units and features added by Napoleonic Wars has only put more muckets in the toolbox. The addition of new units, more swords, longer swords and better saddle textures can only help.

The link for the article: Store.steampowered.com.

Edited by: Archie_Duke

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

If it is legal to mod in assets now with WFAS, I really would like to see some of the more exotic pistols and 17th century blades/shields/pikes added to the armoury.

Maybe throw incendiary and poison grenades too?

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

most surely like the pikes, maybe a Hellebarde to. Shields I don't know, if they were used in this era then ye.
grenades will be more difficult as this is another and completely new type of weapon.
Blades could get updated, that would be very nice actually

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

Well let's try and get the NW stuff first, that is free for us to use. I'm not to sure about the items from WF&S, though the weapons and armor from that would be perfect for the Sarranids and Khegrits.

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

it's free, if you force a cd key check. free as in "free speech" not "free beer" :s
We'll need other sources. check the staff board.

Mar 27 2013 Anchor

why don't you guys ask on the Taleworlds forum ?

Mar 29 2013 Anchor

I think when get somebody who can model and possibly reskin, we should work on making some Musketoons with the Carbines since we've got very little small musket arms.

Edited by: Nurdbot

Apr 19 2013 Anchor

it would be nice to see some blunderbusses addded at some point... but keep in mind that they fire several pellets, so it may be hard to code...

also, some real diversity would also be aprecciated, many weapons have differnt names but similar stats.

still, this is a great mod and the only i keep playing so far

Apr 19 2013 Anchor

Fair point, by the time I'm done procrastinating I'll get working on some more variety in both weapons and their stats.

Before 1.3 was released I had a discussion with a few team mates about creating clockwork firearms (inspired by Fable 2), said firearms would shoot 5 shots before being reloaded (a reletively short reload time) but they would be very weak (only 20 damage!), no reloading whilst moving, no using on a horse, no melee attack, and they would cost a fortune (5000 - 20000). Is this a good idea?

Apr 20 2013 Anchor

unbalanced weapons are always the hardest part any game/mod... and the achilles' heel of many mods around here.
but like you've explainded it, it seems pretty balanced so yeah, it could be a nice adition...

also, take a look at this, it could be a nice extra at this mod:

and this could also prove useful:

Apr 20 2013 Anchor

Yeah, I tested out my little toy, it worked to some degree, but making it only do 20 damage made it too weak.

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

well this is like a comment most than a suggestion..!

A nice weapon to add can be a hook.. you know for the sieges.. climb the walls, take the lead and flank the defenders.?? What no.? Lol.. is impossible to add that.!

Apr 30 2013 Anchor

Yes its impossible with this engine, maybe they add something nice in Bannerlord

May 3 2013 Anchor

WhiteEarl wrote: Yes its impossible with this engine, maybe they add something nice in Bannerlord

i wouldn't bet many chips on that... for what i've seen so far it seems pretty much the same thing with mostly texture and geographical changes... but let's all hope i'm wrong

May 5 2013 Anchor

Raipers,better Sabres and Broad swords

May 5 2013 Anchor

knez wrote: Raipers,better Sabres and Broad swords

There are a wide range of broad swords and sabres, the better ones rare.
Rapiers however are not in the game yet and should indeed be added.

May 5 2013 Anchor

shorun wrote:

knez wrote: Raipers,better Sabres and Broad swords

There are a wide range of broad swords and sabres, the better ones rare.
Rapiers however are not in the game yet and should indeed be added.

It just so happens that I have some OSPs that have a number of rapiers, broadswords and other light blades.

May 7 2013 Anchor

What about a spyglass.. please.! this adds a good battle environment.. of course whit battle maps a little big.. whit houses in it.. and farms.. and.. well so many things..!

Guys you have in your hands.. a really promising concept of mod here.. really the possibility's are enormous..

PD: Line Infantery shouldn't have any weapons besides the musket!!

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