This mod turns DooM^3 into Ultra-Violent Thinking Man's Shooter

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Overthinked Doom^3 is a brilliant mod. It slightly shifts some of the mechanics of normal gameplay--for instance, if you reload, any remaining ammunition in the magazine you just dropped stays in that magazine. It's gone. Already, you have to start thinking about your reloads--when do I drop this mag? Can I still use it? Is it worth losing half a magazine to put a full one in for this next firefight? Oh, and you have to load the shells into the shotgun, one by one. As in, you hit R eight times.

The crosshair is gone. You have two to three options for most of the weapons, as far as aiming is concerned. You can aim down the sights--CoD style for those who are more acquainted with the concept. There's also a laser sight. Aiming down the sights has its own benefits--and the laser sight has its. Once again, you've got to start thinking: do I need the zoom and focus of the ADS, or do I need the larger FOV that the laser sights give me?

It also seems that hitboxes have changed--headshots do seem to mean something. Not EVERYTHING, but I've noticed that a shotgun blast to the head and upper torso will take out an imp. A mid-torso blast won't. Sometimes, the endurance of the zombies is a little alarming; I swear the on-fire galloping ones are damn near invincible. Four shotgun blasts. Four.

The key word in each of the points that I've made is THINKING. You have to constantly strategize around your ammo, the lighting, the exact location of that medkit you passed eight minutes ago. You've got to pay attention to the cues as to what's coming next--and figure out a way to pwn and not have to traipse back to that medkit after the firefight is over. The damage dealt by your enemies is not very forgiving. So don't let them damage you. You're smarter than they are. The best weapon, the best stance, the best position, keep this magazine or drop it, laser sight or iron sights or no sights at all, a grenade might be easier--and here they come. And you win. Because you're thinking.

This mod is fantastic because it forces you to think that way. And, by thinking that way, you're rewarded with moment after crowning moment of awesomeness. Play it. Savor it. Overthink it. ;)


Best Doom3 mod ever! My favorite!

Hard but fair, had a blast playing it!

Awesome mod, makes the gameplay so much more rewarding and scary

Very good mod, if you like the more focused horror aspects of DOOM 3 over action

Utterly fantastic mod, turns into a first person Resident Evil mode.

Very good mod for all survival horror lovers. The gameplay will be slow and tactical, and every situation will be well thought 'cause every enemy can pose a threat.You will be saving/managing bullets and thinking which weapon is the best for current situation. All weapons can be used so finally even pistol can shine. Give it a go it is very good mod!


This mod has everything the original Doom 3 lacks: ironsighting, leaning round corners, weapon awareness, lights on weapons, secondary attacks.


This mod tries to tune Doom 3 into a realistic survival horror game with an emphasis on cautious gameplay and ammo management. It also corrects many logical issues with vanilla Doom 3. Some of the gameplay changes are for the better - you can store medkits and adrenaline for later use, melee with any weapon, ammo isn't so ludicrously abundant, and the final battle in the Hellhole is epic. Unfortunately, I found some of the alternate firing modes of the weapons awkward, noticed that monsters ignored weapon-mounted flashlights, and definitely found the volume of weapons firing and footsteps either too quiet or way too loud. So this mod could use some further tweaking of .def, .script, and .sndshd files. Furthermore, I think the Sikkmod options should be adjusted so that the image doesn't look so high-contrast and washed out.


cool *** mod just wish the demon bodies never disappeared or disappeared after a really long time like in perfected doom 3. at least they don’t disappear instantly like in vanilla doom 3.