Play as one of 11 Factions of Middle-Earth with more to come, fight in huge battles with new and familiar heroes. The Elves, Dwarves and Men must fight together against the forces of Darkness and drive them back to the shadow. Will you fight with the Elves of Lorien or Rivendell, the valiant Men of Rohan and Gondor, the mighty Dwarves of Erebor or will you crush the Free People with might of Mordor or take it for yourself with Isengard, Harad or Dunland? The fate of Middle-Earth is in your hands

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BFME Campaign Bug First Mission (Games : Battle for Middle-earth : Mods : Return of Shadow : Forum : Return of Shadow Support : BFME Campaign Bug First Mission) Locked
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Aug 11 2017 Anchor

First of all, I'm very thankfull for this mod, I know that its been a lot of hard work since 2009 and 2013 where ROS mod begun. Thank you very much.

I'm playing the campaign at the moment, and I found that in the first mission of the good campaign, the heroes Boromir, Legolas, Gimly and Aragorn spawn behind the walls, on the black surface that is behind the rocks, making impossible to finish the mission, because when you reach the tomb (the one where Gimly talks), Gandalf says "we leave none behind" and the event doesn't start if only the hobbits and Gandalf are there.

The question is if there's any way to bypass this event? or there's is any way to bypass this mission? if not, which file in the .big files, controls the position of units of the campaign maps?

I really want to play the campaign again and i'll be very happy if someone can help me with this.

Aug 16 2017 Anchor

Same happens to me, and when i try to play the evil campaign it says something like isengard has a second economic form that cant be considered an "Upgrade" or something like that.. so i cant play any campaign sadly..

Jan 7 2018 Anchor

Hi parkiet15, i’ve recent begun to play BFME rod mod again and I’ve got the same error. Did you fixed it by now?

Jun 5 2018 Anchor

Another thing I noticed is that when I'm playing the evil campaign the bugs out after the entrance video. I hope you'll be able to fix this.

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