Experience Aliens: Colonial Marines how it should have been when it first released. This mod includes fixes to AI, Weapons, Graphics, balancing and more for the Main Campaign, Statis Interrupted and Bug Hunt in SP and COOP.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 82)

Maxen1416 says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree (8) Disagree

Taking the concept of polishing a turd to new levels: edible.


Gypsyraccoon says

Early access review Agree (8) Disagree

For the first time the game got my heart pumping. While the story still sucks, you did the unthinkable. The game is FUN... Thank you. Thank you so much.


General_Bradly says

Early access review Agree (8) Disagree (1)

I have tried every ACM mod and this is the best one!! The xenomorphs are now the terrifying, un-stoppable killing machines they should be. Really glad to see someone still modding ACM and it sounds like you will continue to mod it! Keep up the great work!! The few fans left of ACM really appreciate it!


glaspeylawson says

Early access review Agree (6) Disagree

Great mod that makes the game feel more like the E3 demo with better AI than what you would fine out of the box.


SCARxzombiex says

Early access review Agree (5) Disagree

this mod fixes the game majorly


VanyaSpagetti says

Early access review Agree (5) Disagree

Never felt compelled to play the campaign, however with this ACM overhaul by TemplarGFX i find myself making excuses to get home and fire up ACM. Even to go as far as going offline on steam for not to be interrupted, and well... to play possibly one of the worst titles ever released in solitude. I mean anyone who remembers ACM's release probably wont buy the game now to use one mod. Though i still recommend doing so. Whether i am a sucker for Aliens franchise or someone who simply cannot forget the launch and Demo, the ease at which this mod works and the changes made are a feat to remember.

Edit Notes: Made changes for grammar. July 15 2017.


splagger says

Early access review Agree (4) Disagree

I'm actually surprised how good this mod is. Curious if there is much left for the dev to do. It also fixed some crash problems for me. Made the game look so much better. Personally I didn't hate the original game (I got it for $25 on release) so I wasn't upset, but I knew it was subpar. This mod really seems to bring the quality to what was expected. Sega should hire this guy to keep an eye on QC and such.


JacobCain says

Early access review Agree (4) Disagree

A fantastic mod that makes a complete mockery of the shambles Gearbox kicked out in 2013. The AI has been completely reworked, with some truly terrifying moments of gameplay. Be prepared to die - a lot! - but the feeling of achievement once you finally triumph is worth every minute/hour of failure! Some impressive graphical fixes too, which adds more atmosphere, with additional weapons balancing and mods too, giving the overall feeling of the game a more ALIENS-like vibe..!


Lupine01 says

Early access review Agree (3) Disagree

You are a legend. I love the Aliens-verse, and played this on the Xbox 360 when it first came out. It was a good story but the gameplay let me down. You really brought this thing back to life and made it way, way better. Kudos to you!


Kurnaattori says

Early access review Agree (3) Disagree

Year ago I played ACM with my friend and our thought was "what a pile of **** this is". Yesterday we decided to give ACM another opportunity with this mod. We really enjoyed the game this time around. It's like a different game now. Awesome job. Just awesome.