ZombieX is a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer modification. You can choose between two team: The Hunters and the Zombies.

RSS Reviews

conker015 says

Agree Disagree

Would rate 9/10 but I just made an account and am not able to. Pretty fun mod though, it's like KiLL3R's world at war ZombieX mod but different zombie types, more killstreaks, and in cod4 and a couple other things. I only have 2 problems though. I live in the USA and the only server that hosts this mod is located in France, the result being 170-200 ping. Also, it's not very populated most of the time, maybe it's cause of the timezones, but idk. If this was populated at a reasonable time for me and had an NA hoster I would definitely be playing this mod every hour I could. Good mod, love it.


BenAbdallah says

Agree Disagree

it shows a bit of work ... but the whole idea of the Zombies in CoD4 was done before, twice, once better than the other ... but sadly they made this mod seem like a portable version of them, lacking in some extend but worth a shot


medve says