We are a group of volunteers that took over the maintenance of "Savage2 - A Tortured Soul" developed by S2games. Our task is to keep Savage2 alive and add content to it so that others can experience the epic gameplay that this new genre has to offer.

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Kelrog's Bane

Kelrog's Bane

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul Multiplayer Map

Small sized multiplayer map featuring short route to enemy base, guarded by a dangerous NPC.

Lava Plains

Lava Plains

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul Multiplayer Map

Medium sized multiplayer map featuring large areas filled with burning lava and inhabitet by dangerous creatures.



Savage 2: A Tortured Soul Multiplayer Map 5 comments

This is far from done.. but would like some constructive criticism. I'd like to think this map is about 20% of the way there.