A conglomeration of the big Complex Doom addons, while also presenting its own original content.

RSS Reviews

mad_dal says

Agree Disagree

No credits.txt file with the mod. where is it?


Something_1 says

Agree Disagree (1)



ate0ate says

Agree Disagree (1)

Definitely not a perfect ten, but a damned impressive effort at unifying, and even improving upon, a clusterfuck of mods of varying quality that just happen to play quite nicely together... even if the community doesn't:p

Great job guys. Now please, put that talent into something more deserving of your time, like Pandemonia:)


Pisstepank says

Agree Disagree (1)

A really great mod, it's always amazing to find out what stupidly overpowered monster you'll run into.
But the mod itself isn't as unbalanced as it seems if you use items & weapons the right way, you can get out of any situation.
That said, if you have the ressources of course. Only RNGesus will help you.
I must admit though some maps & megawads doesn't make for a really balanced experience.
My favorite to play on is Alien Vandetta, its rythm does add up really well with Clusterfuck, i suggest you give it a try!


Fraxπ says

Agree (1) Disagree (1)

Pretty good, but the community is filled with drama. Don't know how else to put it.


DissyIV says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree (1)

This is the mod that got me into DOOM mods.

I've followed this mod for a year and a half and have played its prior 3.0 version for countless hours, this is without a doubt one of the most re-playable mods for a game I have EVER touched. Just about every play-through you will encounter something new. I am incredibly happy to see the 4.0.1 version finally release.

4.0.1 is the ultimate quality of life update which also includes a metric ****-load of new content. Such as new Nemesis tier enemies, brand new re-sprites, new runes, new weapons, new power-ups, and even more! Making even veteran players like myself left with new things to discover.

If you are a fan of randomizer mods Complex Doom, LCA, or anything in between? You've got to try this mod. It's damn near perfect at this stage. At this point in time this is the last major content update for CF, and will be for the foreseeable future. Now is the time to play this!

The macrocosm awaits you.

Special thanks to Dusted and everybody on the Discord for pouring endless hours and effort into this amazing mod, love this community to death! CF for life!

Until Pandemonia. ;)


theslick59 says

Agree (1) Disagree (3)



龍 says


Morgul-Uruk says