A Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod that greatly improves the user interface without compromising the original style.

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Sub-zero skill points (Games : Fallout: New Vegas : Mods : Vanilla UI Plus : Forum : Support & Feedback : Sub-zero skill points) Post Reply
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Aug 14 2023 Anchor

Is there a way to disable the UI registering sub-zero values in the skills? I use some mods that reduce skill points; default behavior is to bottom out at 1 but with VUI+ the values can fall into the negatives.

Aug 15 2023 Anchor

They are shown as negatives in VUI+ because they are considered to be negatives by the game. Eg, if your Int is -1 and you take a mentat it will go to -1+2=1. But the unmodded game shows 1, and you'll be thinking that it will go to 1+2=3 which isn't going to happen.

My mod fixes the display so that you can see the real values.

Edited by: Axonis

Aug 15 2023 Anchor

Yes and that's one of the things I really like about this UI overhaul. Don't get me wrong, that fix is great, I'm just trying to figure out a way to get the aforementioned mods to work with it. Strange, I looked at the scripts of one mod in particular and they seem sound, should not put skills in the negatives. Not sure why.

Anyhow, thanks for the response and for the best UI overhaul out there!

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