That shiny mod that vilifies the use of bloom and edgy lighting since 2010.

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This blog is about the upcoming full release of C&C Generals Zero Hour Enhanced.

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Hello. We're back again, gravy mushies!

Today we'll be looking at new unique content for GIN and as usual their respective War Doctrines and General's Powers.

Gonna start exactly how I did before, you know the drill.

WARNING: This is a very long lore-filled blog even for ZHE about GIN's story and how GP's developed. Feel free to skip this one if you don't wanna read walls of text or just look at the funny pictures. I thought this time it's gonna be way shorter but nope! I'm having too much fun writing these lore stories.

Unfortunately, the old, old lore story I did a while back wasn't very good at least for me currently.
If you remember the err badly edited oversaturated maps, that's the ones but yeah, we're never going back to that EVER.

What still stands is, however, the name of the organisation cause I can't be bothered to do anything anymore. Fear not, this a dramatic retelling of the story in a completely new light and even better imo.

GIN or the Global Insurgency Network is united front against NATO imperialism consisting loosely of various international revolutionary organisations from around the globe usually anti-imperialists and socialists.

It aims to bring an end to the exploitation of the global south and the world by any means necessary. Mainly based in North Africa, GIN's first stage of its revolutionary struggle to the unification of Africa into the Socialist Africa Union.

GIN's de facto leader is none other than the esteem and internationally disgraced now General Muammar Deathstrike Gaddafi also known as the Drip King, the revolutionary leader of Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Gaddafi fashion show 2000

Be sure to let me know in the comments, what's your favourite Gaddafi drip.

Disclaimer for nerds:

Yes, I'm aware Gaddafi wasn't a Marxist. He was only inspired by Marxism and his green book rejected class struggle, core tenet of Marxism. He supposedly denounced Marxism once for his perception of it being inherently anti-religion which isn't entirely true but it was understandable due to USSR's and Albania's extreme and unscientific just cracking down on the whole religion policies at the time. Which probably was why he opted for his own version of socialism: the Third International Theory. He also apparently sent two Sudanese communists to back to Sudan during the coup to be executed.

But it's undeniable he played an important role in the international struggle against imperialism and funded many national liberation, communist and Maoist groups. And it would have been cool if he had read, understood it more and shifted his position over time towards being an actual Marxist. But he's dead RIP so I digress.

We good? Let's continue.

Gaddafi having successfully obtained nuclear warheads from the USSR as deterrent against the superpowers, never gave up the nukes until this day. While many anti-imperialist leaderships of the global south were toppled by NATO's hard power, Gaddafi managed to dissuade NATO from invading, shutting GIN operations down and destroying Libya for good.

But at what cost?

Pariah Libya unfortunately has suffered a great setback economically due to cold relations with various African nations and vast Western sanctions that of the DPRK. Ever since the fall of the USSR, Libya has been close in touch with DPRK due to their similar situations. United in their struggle, Libya and DPRK have been mutually aiding each together ever since in all aspects ranging from economics, military, technology, education and cultural exchange.

Gaddafi's historic visit to the DPRK (1980) which is renewed under current circumstances

Regardless, even though there hasn't been any major conflicts between the NATO and Libya yet, both have been covertly influencing various African countries' politics in their favour.

Nevertheless, the people of Libya still has lived a relatively good life compared to the rest of Africa in which NATO has spent billions to propagandise against it in mainstream news and social media. Libya, obviously, the underdog in this situation is shunned by the new generation of Africans while some older generation still views the country in a relatively positive light.

Whether Libya can turn the tide of public opinion remains to be seen.

Still extensively planning and waiting for the opportune time to execute its grand battle plans, GIN has been monitoring the situation closely after escalations of NATO around the globe. When the time comes, the GIN will finally unite the African people under the single banner of the masses and egalitarianism; the banner for a better Africa. And then, the rest of the world!

GIN is considered a terrorist organisation by the international community so it's already joever for them unfortunately :(

Deathstrike vs Gaddafi

If you couldn't tell vZH General Deathstrike was most likely, largely based on Gaddafi himself and the GLA was also most likely, largely based on his alleged supplement of the so-called "international terrorism" and well, the green flag.

Flag of Libya (1977–2011) - Wikipedia

Flag of Libya (1977–2011)

I mean he did backed the IRA who's only the terrorists in the eyes of the Bri'ish but I couldn't really care less. He also supposedly backed many national liberation movements and communist movements a bit later in the years. Maybe he was a deeply confused man lol.

But overall, the portrayal of the GLA was so all over the places from Kazakhstan to Lebanon to Somalia to Egypt to Libya that it could even be considered racist imho. Also, the GLA itself originally was supposed to be the orientalist African faction based on the early concept arts but they changed to be more orientalist West Asian kind of deal later for some reason (I don't know what's up with that.) So consider this staying true to the source material in some ways.

gen concept14

Original unused GLA concepts

But this is just my analysis based on my research. I could be missing something or wrong. If you're an expert on Middle Eastern or African affairs, be sure to school me in the comments.

Obviously, ZHE lore counts as alternate history as Gaddafi, if you haven't heard this news or wasn't there for it, was already killed in 2011 by Libyan opposition rebels backed by NATO. It's already joever for em IRL but not in this mod.

Tank Ambush Tactics Mode:
Enables the Main Battle Tank to be camouflaged while stationary and grants 75% faster attack speed for a short period of time

If you have played CoH before you'll probably know what this one is. When playing as the Panzer Elite with Tank Destroyer Tactics, the Hetzer can lock itself down and enter the ambush mode.

Well, this is just like that but the tanks glow red in ZHE just like what's in the trailer. This is due to how the module works and I can't really do anything about it lol.

To clarify to those who don't know what that means or looks like.

When the tank with the ability to enter the Tank Ambush Tactics Mode enters the mode, the tank will become camouflaged, stationary and glow up in colour red. That means that the tank is ready to engage the unsuspecting enemy with the firing speed modifier applied i.e. the tank attacks faster than normal.

When the tank attacks the enemy, it breaks from the camouflaged status and the firing speed modifier is removed until it enters the ambush mode again and glows up in colour red then the firing speed modifier is applied again.

Guerilla Warfare Tactics:
Utilise extensive guerilla warfare using camouflage, stealth and deception to perform effective coordinated strike on the enemy. Unlocks: Hijacker Squad, Camouflage Tactics, Camo Netting, Disguise As Vehicle

The imperialists maybe way better equipped than our warriors, but that doesn't mean they're completely invulnerable. We know our land well and they don't; we have the homeland advantage as they were never meant to be here to begin with!

Taking the lessons of the Vietnam revolutionaries, we can also utilise guerilla tactics and tunnel networks to take out the enemy without them even knowing they were there.

Grand Assault Tactics:
Utilise planning and organization to outwit superior enemy forces. Unlocks: Saboteur Squad, T-72B 'Dune Raider' MBT, Demo Traps, Scorched Earth Tactics

The imperialists are admittedly far too stong for us to face them head on in equal numbers. It would foolish for us to just engage them without any cunning strategies. By employing a well coordinated attack, we can turn the tide of battle in our favour.

Unconventional Terror Tactics:
Utilise irregular and unorthodox tactics to strike fear and destruction in the hearts of the enemy. Unlocks: Terrorist Squad, T-10 'Racketeer' ISV, T-40 'Rancher' Toxinthrower Vehicle, Anthrax Beta, Anthrax Mortar Shells

Desperate time calls for a desperate measure. The imperialists maybe deterred by our atomic warheads for now but it is a only of time before they get crazy enough and unleash fascism upon the world. We must use everything at our disposal to even the odds and drive back the imperialists back to hell where they came from.

Call in a strike group of elite infantry to ambush the enemy anywhere on the map. Deploy from: Palace

Rank 1: 1x Elite Infantry Squad
Rank 2: 2x Elite Infantry Squads

Tank Ambush Tactics:
Unlocks Tank Ambush Tactics allowing MBTs to be camouflaged when stationary and attack 75% faster for a short period of time.

Sneak Attack:
Allows deployment of underground tunnels anywhere on the map. Deploy from: Underground Citadel

Edited (11/02/2024): So I guess the closest thing I could think of IRL is the small ground concealed tunnel (with trap doors) the Viet Cong used. Obviously, how it's represented in the game still seems ridiculous to me due to the tunnel body part coming out of the ground (not the concealed trap door part.) But that's engine limitation so I doubt I could really do anything.

Cu Chi Tunnel Entry Using Concealed Trap Door

This would make more sense in defensive capacity rather than anything offensive, really i.e. digging all the way from Libya to Italy for example at least in my opinion. Obviously, this was completely represented in opposite way in the original game in extreme offensive capacity and I guess that kinda broke my perception of how one could be done IRL (I fell for another vZH propagandised material it seems smh.)

GPS Scrambler:
Scramble GPS signal within its area of effect granting temporary immunity against weapon strikes. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: Small Radius
Rank 2: Medium Radius

Edited (10/02/2024): Directed GPS Scrambler can be used to block enemy GPs from firing at where it's directed to. While the effects are only temporary, the firing is instant which is a fast way to deploy such a protective field rather than sending your upgraded Radar Vans to the location.

Mobile GPS Scrambler Station:
Unlocks Mobile GPS Scrambler Station allowing Radar Vans to be upgraded to operate as a mobile GPS scrambler station.

Edited (10/02/2024): One of the options for the Radar Van as mobile GP defense as complete opposite to the Extended Radar Capabilities option. Camouflage tactics could only go so far when your troops are literally everywhere and enemy's strike will certainly hit one of them.

Strategic Sabotage:
Call in a squad of Saboteurs to strike at the enemy anywhere on the map. Deploy from: Palace

Edited (10/02/2024): Our trained group of Saboteurs can infiltrate enemy base anywhere when given the signal leaving them completely expose to our disruption and hullabaloo. If coordinated correctly while they aren't paying attention, it could cripple the enemy for good.

Emergency Repair:
Repairs vehicles in an area. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: Light Repair
Rank 2: Medium Repair

122mm Smoke Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 122mm artillery to provide cover smoke at target location. Deploy from: Field Commander

T-292 'Ravager' Improvised Superheavy Tank:
Unlocks T-292 'Ravager' Improvised superheavy Tank. Build at: Arms Dealer

The first non-superpower super-heavy tank based on the old Soviet blueprints invented by the Libyan weapon researchers and built in limited numbers with oil money. Despite not being as strong as other contemporary designs yet, the Ravager can still wreck havoc against most imperialists.

Cash Bounty:
Earn a cash bounty for every enemy unit or building you defeat

Rank 1: 5% enemy value
Rank 2: 10% enemy value

Terror Strike:
Call in a squad of Terrorists to strike at the enemy anywhere on the map. Deploy from: Palace

Edited (10/02/2024): The bravest of the Warriors who are sympathetic to the anti-imperialist cause and ready to sacrifice themselves in order to take out strategic targets or hard to reach objectives. Their sacrifices will not go in vain nor forgotten as the oppressed will surely triumph with collective efforts!

Anthrax Bomb:
Call in a heavy bomber to drop a Anthrax Bomb at the target location. Deploy from: Command Center

Our entire air force may have already been mostly decimated by the imperialists, but we still have a bunch of cargo planes left. We can fly in and drop our improvised toxin bombs instead of using the old frail tractors. Way less risky and more effective if you ask me!

122mm Rocket Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 122mm rocket artillery to eradicate the target. Deploy from: Command Center

Rank 1: 10 Salvos
Rank 2: 20 Salvos

203mm B-4 Precision Heavy Artillery Barrage:
Call off-map 203mm precision heavy artillery to decimate the target. Deploy from: Field Commander

Edited (10/02/2024): One of the rare relics of USSR's arms that were to sent Libya before the USSR's dissolution. With the fact that they're very few in numbers and tough to reproduce at large scale, they're limited to Field Commander's fire support package.

9K72 'Elbrus' TBMS:
Unlocks 9K72 'Elbrus' TBMS. Build at: Arms Dealer

Licensed the production of the Elbrus TBMS from the USSR capable of launching atomic warheads but generally used with general purpose explosives or toxins in some cases as deterrent as against the imperialist superpowers hellbent on overthrowing the revolution and subjugating the nation.

Worker Shoes:
Give the Workers the new shoes they've been asking for, increasing their health by 12% and enabling them to sprint for a short period of time.

Have you ever wonder where do all the clothes the fast fashion industry go to when they can't sell any? Well, oh boy do I have some news for you.

Many African countries are severely affected by vast exports of "used textiles" from many fast fashion giants of the Western bloc and unfortunately, one in particular from the PRC. The countries affected includes but not limited to Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, etc. With historic top 5 record holders of net importer being Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania.

To put it simply, mass of used textiles or second-hand clothing that are donated to charities or recycled by the brands that are deemed not useful are exported as second-hand clothing to many places that isn't the global north, many items of which can‘t be sold and ended up the environment due to the sheer amount of it and the lack of infrastructure to deal with it in the first place.

With that in mind, only very few of these wastes are suitable for use especially for the Workers who must work in construction sites. And that's usually how the Workers were able to adequately function in long hours of hard labour while some were donated from around the world but nevertheless, it was never really enough to provide for them.

By continuously gifting the Workers (and by extension, their family members) high quality shoes that can be used for any activities, the Workers are now much happier than the government is actually taking care of them and appreciating them for their hard work!

And this was not the last of so-called gifts either. Some Workers even described this phenomenon as if the societal pyramid as been turned upside down with this brilliant policy.

"Free healthcare, free education, free electricity and now FREE SHOES??? That's such a great policy! I hope we can do free food next!"

Workers are so happy, in fact, that they could be seen running for miles on end in joy which ended up improving their health tremendously. If only the world would follow such a great example, we would all be in space looking for wonders of the universe by now!

A pretty good upgrade to get if you move around your Workers a lot.

Efficient Scavenging:
Equip our Scrap Yard workers with pristine tools granting the bonus: +5% Scrap Yard Deposit Rate, +100% Weapon Salvage Efficiency

The local salvage crews have gained a great deal of proficiency from their WW2 demining operations even without the aids from the colonial powers. Through their collective efforts, knowledge passed down through generations allow the people of today to sort through parts with ease and great speed.

This evidently enables GIN vehicle crew to assemble the Junk Armour on the battlefield even more quickly than before!

If you wanna maximise your chance of upgrading your vehicles, get this!

Junk Repair:
All GIN vehicle crews get extensive scavenging practices enabling all vehicles to pick up junk crates and quickly regain hit point.

Although the demining operations yielded miraculous results in such masterful salvage techniques. Lives were regretfully lost, but it was not in vain.

Using what was once considered forever lost, the people of Africa can and will rebuild again from the ruins left by the colonial powers. By utilising the salvaged materials and applying them through methodical analysis and identification system, the GIN crew can use a number of suitable parts to repair their vehicle on the field.

If you don't wanna use Combat Engineers or go to back to base to repair, this is the upgrade.

9M14 'Malyutka' ATGM Launcher:
Equips 'Scorpion' ILT with 9M14 'Malyutka' ATGM launcher, removing the need to individually upgrade Scorpions in the future.

If you like playing the Scorpion, get this!

(Tier I) Radical Jurisdiction:
The righteous path to the revolution and liberation lies with complete dedication to the one true cause. Rise up compatriots and overthrow the imperialistic hegemony that enslaves us all.

Bonus: +5% Infantry Health, -5% Infantry Cost

A nod to the Libyan al-Fateh revolution which formed the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in later years which drastically improved the nation's material conditions.

Anthrax Shells:
Equips MBTs, Light Tanks and IFVs with anthrax munitions. Greatly increases anti-personnel capabilities.

While our Ranchers can perfectly deal with the imperialist's infantry group, they can be vulnerable to enemy vehicle. By equipping many of our vehicles with anthrax munitions, they can also quite effectively take out enemy infantry.

Optional upgrade if you want more anti-infantry capabilities on vehicles.

Combat Drugs:
Distribute personnel combat stimulants that temporarily increases firing speed by 10% but can be lethal to its user and allow Terrorists to use the 'For The Cause' ability.

Although not utilise exclusively by the GIN forces that being military across the world utilises to certain extents, GIN small guerilla battle groups often find them outmatched by the Western imperialists. Improvements have been made regarding combat stimulants for military personnel but it is not yet perfected by the researchers.

The combat stimulant improves the user's combat awareness and stamina for a short period at the cost of small health lost. Using this new experimental stimulant can be lethal to the user if used consecutively.

Still, high command insists the use of the drugs until a perfected formula is made. Unfortunately, the imperialists won't wait for our cause to get everything in the right order.

Yes, the researchers' favourite video game is Starcraft, how can you tell?

Must have if you're playing infantry into mid and late game.

Camouflage Tactics:
Camouflage tactics training grants infantry squads the ability to hide themselves from enemy sight when prone.

If the lessons of the victorious Vietnamese communists in the Vietnam war taught revolutionaries everywhere in the world anything, it would the guerilla warfare tactics and extensive utilisation of infantry camouflage. Outnumbered and outgunned by the Western imperialists forces, through absolute conviction for national liberation and Marxism-Leninism Ho Chi Minh thought, the people of Vietnam defeated the imperialists and drive them back across the oceans.

NVA soldier utilising guerilla warfare

GIN infantry forces can be trained in this exact guerilla warfare techniques applied to the diverse terrains of Africa.

By engaging in the Camouflage Tactics, upgraded infantry will become camouflaged when in prone stance. This allows the infantry to infiltrate enemy position unnoticed or ambush the enemy when they least expected.

"Go forth and defeat the imperialists; our cause is just! Homeland or death, we will win!" Proclaimed the GIN high command giving speech to troops before engaging the enemy.

If your focus is on guerilla warfare and ambush, must get this upgrade!

Scorched Earth Tactics:
Enact the Scorched Earth policy enabling sabotage operation of strategic points and Combat Engineer booby trap buildings.

Well, if you have played CoH before... lmao. Kind of the same deal but it works differently.

So the player that has upgraded the Scorched Earth Tactics can completely disable strategic points through object upgrade akin to the Secure Point upgrade.

When the point is sabotaged, it loses considerable vision range, its flag and the ability to be secured. Any player that recaptures the point and wishes to repair it must spend a sum of funds.

Once the repair is finished, the point is restored to its prior pristine condition.

As for the booby trap of buildings, it's pretty much the same deal as vZH except now it's restrict to the Combat Engineer.

Good upgrade to slow the enemy down as you're retreating to regroup.

Arm The Mobs:
Arm all Partisans with AK-47 assault rifles. Greatly increases damage output.

As Karl Marx famously once said in his Magnum Opus; Das Kapital: "AK-47s for everyone!"

People driven in a dead end by the imperialists cannot sufficiently fight for their liberation without weapons. Without them, they will be subjected to whatever the imperialists have in store for them (and no, it won't be knafeh or hummus :<)

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Tse Tung said on Problems of War and Strategy, November 6, 1938.

Still relevant and applicable today! Wouldn't you agree?

As you may have noticed in the trailer I've released a while ago, upgraded Partisans will be armed with AK-47 assault rifles and fire them in burst firing mode akin to the Advanced Training upgrade from the previous blog.

This is obviously optional unless you plan to use sizeable number of Partisans in mid game and late game.

If you're using Partisans, get this.

(Tier II) Underworld Trade Pact:
This is the final struggle of our cause. The road maybe treacherous but let us gather and merge our strength. The internationale shall be realised.

Bonus: +15% Black Market Deposit Rate, -5% Arms Dealer Vehicles

Well, maybe not exactly the communist internationale Karl Marx was imagining in his drunk sleep but it's kinda similar nevertheless! Obviously, tossing a bigger net.

If there's one thing Gaddafi believed in more than communist theory itself was the internationale cause against imperialism. And that's that, the GIN in its final stage will embodiment the ideals of the anti-imperialist cause by working extensively with other various anti-imperialist, national liberation and communist groups in their armed struggles against the imperialists.

Anthrax Beta:
Replaces the current standard toxin weaponry with a more corrosive strain. Increases weapon damage by 25%

Even though the locals were able to produce a small number of anthrax to supply the GIN's cause, the imperialists could easily counter our anthrax weapons with their high tech mass-produced M50 field protective masks.

Instead of ceasing their occupation on African soil once and for all, the imperialists made the most predictable choice by further escalating their war on the African people. However, our sources within the NATO's weapon research division reveals that NATO has been experimenting, producing and stockpiling a new strain of anthrax for decades!

NATO Chemical Weaponry HQ

Named the Anthrax Beta, some of these deadly toxins are produced and stored within African soil therefore within our reach for the taking! By capturing these depots, we can obtain a large stockpile of the so-called Anthrax Beta that could be used by our forces and comprehensively studied by our researchers to be reproduced later.

Optional upgrade. If you wanna play using anthrax and offset NATO's protection upgrade, get this. Also great versus the PLA.

Hollow-Point Bullets:
Replaces standard infantry bullet weaponry with hollow-point bullets. Increases weapon damage by 10%

Perhaps not the most humane way of dealing the imperialists, but will get the job done! This is not to mention the fact that the imperialists don't even consider the African people on the same level of humanity as them.

However, we cannot divorce ourselves from the fact that we're severely outnumbered and outgunned. If this is what must be done to even the odds and free the people, then so be it!

Must have if you're playing infantry into mid and late game.

APDSFS Shipment Raids:
Launch deep raid operations on APDSFS shipments, increasing our MBTs damage output by 15%

"[Piracy] is a response to greedy Western nations, who invade and exploit Somalia's water resources illegally..."
"It is not a piracy, it is self defence. It is defending the Somalia childern's food."

Proclaimed by General Gaddafi

NATO shipments of APDSFS rounds and many more weapons are being transport through the Red Sea to South East Asia largely uncontested due the adjacent nation's poor material conditions and inability to push back against the imperialists.

United in struggle, the pirates stationed at Yemeni and Somali coasts agreed to mutually aid the GIN's cause of anti-imperialism and united Africa.

In return, Gaddafi sends many humanitarian aids and resources to Yemen and Somalia to help alleviate their poor material conditions. By launching raid strikes against NATO weapon shipments, the GIN armoured divisions will be able to utilise the APDSFS rounds, effectively countering the imperialist war machine.

Local influencer live from Yemeni coast reporting on the situation on the sea

Must have upgrade if you can afford it as other faction tanks are stronger than yours in the late game.

Improved Armour-Piercing Rockets:
Replaces anti-tank rockets and missiles with improved armour piercing warheads. Increases weapon damage by 25%

The imperialist war machines are without any doubt fat stronger than ours. They took our resources and used them to create the very weaponry that kills our people!

This cannot be allowed to stand.

By furthering our anti-tank warhead capabilities and carefully-cunningly planning our ambush, we can easily take out the imperialist armour not matter how strong they are.

Must have upgrade. Your anti-tank rockets are already great but this will improve them even more.

Mounted UB-16-57 UMP Anti-Tank Rocket Launchers:
Retrofits T-2 'Wild Dog' ISPMRL with 2x UB-16-57 UMP anti-tank rocket launchers, further increasing Wild Dog attack capabilities

A more powerful design than our locally produced ORO-57K, the UB-16-57 UMP can fire even more rockets before we need to reload the launchers. Obviously, the more rockets we have, the more enemy would be destroyed.

The USSR isn't here anymore, I doubt they would mind if we just copy their stuff!

Optional upgrade. If the enemy's using a large group of lightly armoured vehicles, this will destroy them!

Terrorist Squad Abilities:
When upgraded with Combat Drugs, the Terrorist Squad can charge at the enemy and quickly wipe them out.

Kinda like the Red Guard charge you could see in the trailer although this is uniquer to the Terrorist squad. Obviously, they don't have bayonet to use so this is more of a one way trip kinda deal and evidently more powerful even against tanks.

Even more effective at terrorising the imperialist invaders. That will surely send them running back home!

Saboteur Squad Abilities:
When using the Sabotage ability, the Saboteur will no longer disappear into the building! Instead, they will be put on a recharge timer then they could once again use the Sabotage ability. When in prone stance, the Saboteur can silently use the Sabotage ability and not alerting the enemy in the process.

Hijacker Squad Abilities:
Maybe a downgrade to some, upgrade for others; the Hijacker when using the Hijack ability will now have a small animated delay before disappearing into enemy vehicle. This is obviously just a visual upgrade.

Demo Traps:
Controversial change alert! Demo Traps are no longer buildable by the Workers. They are now instead deployed by the Combat Engineers when using the Grand Assault Tactics.

Upgrading individual Combat Engineer will allow them to deploy the Demo Traps the same way as how the anti-tank mines are laid.

Like the NATO details blog, there's no "elite" infantry to speak of. So enjoy the Rebel and Fanatic squad for now!

But at least, they don't need the paradrop animations so they won't look too awkward when called in.

On closing thoughts regarding the GIN faction; if you haven't noticed, I've also already upgraded the old GIN buildings I did a while back to make them visually more consistent with the more recent stuff.

This includes even rounder golden domes, rounder barrels, rounder fans, rounder columns, updated gun racks to use Rebel's AK74, updated Stinger model, updated SCUD missile model on the SCUD Storm and updated apolitical posters.

Also new Demo Trap model is here but that's not very worth my time covering it.

Well, and that's the end of the 2nd long ass blog. That's a one hell of a wall of texts alright LMAO.

And like before, if you've really read all of it, then you're the REAL DEAL! And I really appreciate you taking the time read it even if you don't get everything mentioned here as well <3

And that's it, I guess. Take care!

Post comment Comments
GDI_Amiya - - 244 comments

I'm very happy to see this. The new GIN technology tree makes people can't wait to experience this warrior camp in the desert against the international Western powers.
But I might want to say something politically related. In my impression, Gaddafi’s plundering and invasion of other African countries also happened many times. I think he is more like an authentic warlord than a socialist revolutionary... But fortunately, we can reshape his personality in the fictional world and make him a leader and leader in exploring another kind of regional socialism. Resistance to imperialist colonial practices.
But in view of this, I am a little worried about your shaping of the next plot of PLA...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Yea, I really like how that new tree turned out to be. Although, at the moment, it's still pretty challenging to play as the GIN due to the lack of good static defense, long range AA and CIWS.

I'm pretty sure the only serious war Libya under Gaddafi was involve in was the Chadian-Libyan war over the land strip dispute where France also joined in on the Chadian government side. But I'm not an expert on Libyan history and maybe I'm missing something important.

I don't think you have to worry much about the PLA. The NATO one was honestly probably the spiciest story I've ever written...

Reply Good karma+6 votes
GrechHerald - - 207 comments

for long range AA, you could go with early large AA missiles like the S-75 Dvina which is still used by many north african countries or the 2K12 Kub for example, CIWS though, I don't have much of an idea

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Yea, that sounds about right. I do have the S-75 Dvina already noted down but not the 2K12 Kub which could be good fit.

For CIWS, I'm also having a hard time on. It's a tricky one since it's not as universal and it's a rather new technology.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OfficerGray437 - - 6 comments

S-300 family
NATO reporting name:
SA-10 Grumble, SA-12 Giant/Gladiator, SA-20 Gargoyle, SA-N-6 Grumble, SA-N-20 Gargoyle
for Long range AA

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
eil - - 893 comments

Why not adapt some double-/quad-barreled tech as a CIWS? Not too hightech yet capable shooting down missiles.(like Shilka brrrr)

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

I don't think Shilka could ever be used effectively as CIWS tbh lol. I think you need high rate of fire to actually hit small projectiles coming from afar.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
eil - - 893 comments

Well it depends. If compared to modern systems it can't be considered a CIWS, still 3400RPM is impressive, plus "GLA" uses exactly outdated tech.
Or actually you can make wise-versa = give them any modern western-system(say some jews one) and call it "black market sneaked, 'cause capis will sell anything to anyone".

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
GrechHerald - - 207 comments

still an interesting read, do wonder what you'll post about china when that comes

I think I like the visuals you got going in game even if the use of bloom is a tiny bit criminal, I hope there will be a way to adjust it; patiently waiting for the release

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Glad you found it interesting. Don't wanna spoil anything yet but it'll be quite similar to this one as in having to work with the vanilla elements.

Yea, you can adjust the filter effects in-game using live editor (the new version uses Reshade.)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
GrechHerald - - 207 comments

not sure if I'll be able to use reshade since I use gentool and the two are apparently incompatible but that's good to know

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Lord_Mordja - - 462 comments

Maybe=/=may be.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments


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Guest - - 706,911 comments

Good job,just wondering where are you from?

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments


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kianak424 - - 8 comments

I'm looking forward to how you describe my motherland's tactics. :P

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Oh dear lol

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Guest - - 706,911 comments

Tell me, what kind of mod where the Gatling shot just at a huge distance?
A mod similar to Artageddon.
Perhaps it is old (mod). I can't find it anywhere.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Not sure if any mod I know does that.

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Strogglet15 - - 1,473 comments

"Be sure to let me know in the comments, what's your favourite Gaddafi drip."
Too many to choose, I like the Ushanka most but also the two red ones.

Also, it's true that Karl Marx said "AK-47 for Everyone!", because the AK came out in 1847, not 1946 like many still believe in. Wake up, sheeples!

Also in all seriousness...What the ****? They actually had ideas to add that "Mutant"? Would be too ridiculous and getting closer to Yuri's Revenge as well as C&C.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Yea, it was apparently very different in early concepts and not at all super realistic. Maybe much closer to RA style kinda deal. I'm guessing the imminent Iraq invasion changed the direction somehow. Controversial marketing and all is probably not new. Would be interesting to hear the actual story one day.

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Constellation - - 1 comments

Cool upadte and look forward to the first release.

Speaking of politics, this blog isn't quite convincing as your last one. Many african leaders of last century disguise themselves as socialists because of their desires for political support and economic aid from soviet union, while their domestic and foreign policies have nothing to do with marxism.

Do bear in mind: anti-America/anti-west alone doesn't mean anti-capitalism or even anti-imperialism. Have look at those enemies of America, China--a bureaucratic capitalistic state hidding under the cover of so-called "Socialism with Chinese characteristic" since Deng XiaoPing's "Open and Reform". Iran--Islamic conservatism, and Russia.

The very logic of exploitation and alienation of capitalism triumphs not only in US and its allies, but also in its enemies. We humans are staggering in the darkness and the furture is still nowhere to be seen.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Yea, that maybe so. Like I mentioned, I'm not an expert on said region. I'm still learning from what I could find that seems reputable. Not sure where the disguising as socialists thing comes from but if it means they could get aid from the USSR and develop their economic to the point of industrialisation, that would be great. Nasser and Gaddafi were never Marxists to begin with, like I mentioned. Sankara seemed to be one though he was assassinated quite early on.

I don't really agree on China being just capitalist in ideology. Obviously, caution is good. China's superstructure is socialist at least at state level and their base is mixed between somewhat socialist and capitalist so I would say they're still shifting away from capitalist mode of production as they claimed. Whether you believe that or not is up to you. And I do not view Iran and Russia in the same light, no; just to be clear.

Yes, capitalistic elements are still prevalent even in China. I don't think anyone should claim that China as it is today is a socialist utopia. I can only hope they're still true to their goal. I'm not a Chinese citizen so I could only watch from afar with what is presented to me and think about it. Still, I think it's good to still find optimism as one can in this day and age and not spiral into doomerism. I understand people are on edge and unfortunately, I doubt a lot more could be done about it without state power and strong economic to support and uphold such policies to help all people.

Thanks for the critique. I appreciate this kind of constructive critique.

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GDI_Amiya - - 244 comments

I like your assessment of China, it hits the nail on the head.
To be honest, since the 1980s, Deng’s policies have led to a series of chain reactions. It wasn’t until we joined the WTO in 2001 and entered the low-end production chain of global capitalism that things slowly got better. During this period, more and more people abandoned the ideals of socialism and internationalism and turned to nationalism and tradition. ists, this is really frustrating.

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eil - - 893 comments

Global Insurgency Network = i was actually surprised you picked "insurgency", cause it's well known in "western propaganda": good "freedom fighters" = rebels, bad "terroristic mercs" = insurgents. Guess it's "Insurgency" exactly as a kinda trolling of those "western naming"?

Unconventional Terror Tactics = little bit disappointed the old human-kamikadze are still here. In times of vZH that could be "authentic", but nowadays, with cheap demo-drones used in conflicts here and there - Bomb Truck can easily become a remote controlled car(even voice lines could sound with radio noises); vZH Terrorist switched to some RС car with TNT ducktaped to it. You said yuorself, GIN is not goofy portrayed GLA, with hundreds of goons from Serious Sam, running screaming to death and fun of vZH US players.

Kinda strange you didn't know what to write about Sneak Attack Tunnel amd call that absurd = look at palestinians making tunnels of dozens kilometers long, and able to stand against nazirael only due to those.

Efficient Scavenging = did i understand it right, that this upgrade allows to get lvl2 scrap upgrade from single junk pile?

"ruins left by the colonial powers" = link is dead.

Some "elite infantry" was mentioned, but why nothing mentioned about some snipers, which are definitely a "must have" for guerilla forces. You actually could even add some special call PTRD squads, with WWII Soviet AT-rifles.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

It was an old name I picked for the new GLA a while back. I'm not sure how much "insurgency" is demonised as much as "terorrist" as nowadays I mostly only hear the latter. I guess I didn't pick up on it now and also back then. Also, English is not my first language and I didn't do extensive research to write deep lore back then. I has always thought of it as a more neutral term tbh meaning like Star Wars Rebels but Global Rebels Network sounds kinda dumb lol.

I guess drones could also make sense in some modern context. But, from what I've heard, kamikaze style warfare when deployed is not taken lightly when fighting the enemy as it was deemed that it has propaganda value as well so it was never as pointless as one might think like in 1984 US embassy bombing in Beirut iirc.

In the mod, it's somewhat reflected by making the option harder to acquire especially in early games. I guess it's also heavily depends on the subfaction as well where drones would make more sense like you suggested. You don't really wanna build them in mass too in the mod, it's a lot harder to use than just running in blindly and killing everything. You need a good way to get them in close.

What I meant was that the Sneak Attack thing is kinda absurd as in it just pop up out of the ground out of nowhere. Obviously, this is much different than building actual tunnels (Tunnel Networks) imho. I think of it like a huge tunnel attack box just pops up in the streets with openable doors. I don't think I've ever seen something like that IRL ever. Only Tunnel Networks actually seem more grounded tbh.

Efficient Scavenging increases the chance player can get a salvage upgrade. Technically, if one's lucky, you could get 2 upgrades all at once.

Elite infantry thing is a placeholder for when I actually get to add them in. Right now, I can't be bothered to do much more than that. Infantry is a pain to work with.

Also, I had to remove the link. Including it breaks the moddb webpage lmao (it's too long.) Thanks for letting me know and for the comments!

Edited: Also I rewrote the Sneak Tunnel part, I think I can grasp what's at play now. Thanks for the critique! (I wouldn't have thought of it later otherwise)

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eil - - 893 comments

>I has always thought of it as a more neutral term tbh meaning like Star Wars Rebels but Global Rebels Network sounds kinda dumb lol.

Hah, exactly, that's why is SW they are called Rebels - 'cause in western prop it's good guys. Just check how during Soviets in Afghanistan, Taliban were rebels, and when NATO came in "somehow" very same Taliban are "not rebels any more".
Speaking about side's acronym, how about this variant: Global Rebellion International Network = GRIN - sounds close to GIN, close to "green"(muslims colour), basically means a wide smile(like a daring psycho one); no "insurgent" prop factor in name; direct naming of Internationality of this side.

> What I meant was that the Sneak Attack thing is kinda absurd as in it just pop up out of the ground out of nowhere. I don't think I've ever seen something like that IRL ever.

I'd say it is popping-out in game in vZH simply for an effect - technically it's simply a tunnel that was build beforehand and just suddenly opens for large scale attack. And you definitely do know about this strategy IRL = tunnels of brave Vietnam fighters are totally same! Just without dumb opening door in the sight of enemy. Yankees were thousands of times surprised to find themselves attacked from behind, exactly from such sneak tunnels.
So it's up to you to change this GP into smaller size model, no big fuse when opening, stealthed to depict that it's actually "sneak one", and very weak(so no way to use offensively, opening in the middle of enemy's base).
You can even make this faction tunnels accept only infantry, if you really want to make those "more realistic". Though again, IRL HAMAS seem to be able to transport even some vehicles through their pre-build tunnels.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,208 comments

Not sure about naming. Honestly, I would hate to change it again. I guess the insurgency bit is fair when sourcing Western news but I was never under that impression to begin with. I guess I can only hope it gives it a more positive sentiment this time around.

Yeah, the popping out bit was what get me questioning its ground on reality plus its use in aggressive manner whereas the Vietnamese use it exclusively in defense.

I have some ideas to better mimic the IRL counterpart but that's gonna have to wait for later. But I do like the big tunnels though :>

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rohdenmagnus139 - - 136 comments

Hooooooly shiiiiiiiit! This doesn't even look like it's in the zh engine anymore o_o

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