Just another person, nothing to look here...

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 184)
CM32 - - 184 comments @ CoronaLauncher Setup 3.1.8040.38698

This comes with english patch?

Good karma+4 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Red Alert 3 Corona

Is there an English language version? Or is it only in Chinese?

Good karma+4 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ REMIX

New version out now? So will it be on here too? Or do I have to pay on Patreon...?

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ China Desolator

I don't think Liberty Prime would approve of the Chinese Communists having power armor and Nuclear Ray Guns. :O

Nice work.

Good karma+4 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Rise of the Reds

Heya, what about the Fort Gustav?

I saw it and it looks great, but where to find???

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Rise of the Reds

I fixed this problem myself personally.

But yeah, the AI in the current test build is still lacking too.

This mod is getting more geared towards Multiplayer anyway at the moment so AI is pretty low priority for the devs I think.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Operation: Firestorm

Well Leang be available in the next big release then?

Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Operation: Firestorm

I wonder what the New Tesla Coil for Leang will be like...
(The current old one is meh TBH)

Oh oh, I also saw that Tesla Reactor Model a while back, hmmmm.....

Leang likes her stuff efficient it seems.

Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Live Stream 02-11-2014

Dat Photoshop tho!!!

Always liking the streams too.

Good karma+5 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Kodiak & Mastodon

In zeeee meantime...

(My private stash)

I owned even moar!!!

...Anyhoot good luck trying to find a way to get these two to fit in the gameplay!! :D

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Kodiak & Mastodon

Now Im just worried on how the Salamander is gonna fit through that small hole of the Airtower. :P

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Kodiak & Mastodon

Yeah I know about it...but I keep reminding myself that other games like SC2 gives no care about ship size, but meh, I decided to make it 80 percent of its original size, its not big, but not too small either. Same for the Salamander, it works for me. :D

So what of your plans for these two Awesome Models? Still planning to keep em out of regular gameplay? Or spawn via support power? (Like mine) Or like special Tech unlocked by capturing a Tech Building? Or hell, maybe just as Worldbuilder Goodies?

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Kodiak & Mastodon

Hey Stygs did you finally added the CnC4 Explosion Effect on the Kodiak?
I got mine all coded up a long time ago but I don't have this tidbit yet...

Oh if ya guys are wondering, Stygs had the Kodiak and Salamander made usable for CnC3 a long while ago... it should still be on Thundermods I think.

Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Need to ask source code for it really, though there is another way but that is also likely to be off limits.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Unreal Tournament 2004

Hey!!! Its been 10 years folks! TEN BLOODY YEARS!!! And still going strong!! W00t!!!!

Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ C&C3: Tiberium Wars

Urgh, anybody know how to add Ion Storms in maps? I can't seem to get it right.

Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Note that I did managed to get a reply from Carns about the matter, but again, that was two years ago, after the 1st year I had to give up on the request due to a lack of further reply's and I was forced to deal with my own Real Life endeavors at the time.

However, PMing for the codes is your best, and pretty much only way of getting anything, any Modder who has at least half a brain knows better than to put their valuable work online. To get it stolen and made in another one's name is what ****** off modders like me and many others.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Your best bet PUOjACKz is to PM modders for the code rather then go for a public release which is prone to being plagiarized.

I recall that I tried PMing asking Carns for the Source code, I made that request in return that I help create a new AI code for him... unfortunately that was almost two years ago... :/ I still have it in the PM outbox, but I gave up on it...

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Renegade X - Download Today!


Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.6 Beta Released!

All of these extra units are always good, but I do agree here Carns, Its sooooo imbalanced and I can surely see that this is an experimental beta, more than likey more than one of these extras stuff will be cut for the sake of gameplay.

Though having the source codes for em contents for the public would be nice, though thats just me having wishful thinking.

Good karma+2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.6 postponed!

Well crap happens in life, but we move on. Anyhoot just take ur time...but next time when you do another update I think you just make the Announce Date 'Soon' like many of us modders do. Its easier and ya don't have to deal with trolls and whiners if ya fail to meet the Date.

Good karma+4 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Rise of the Reds Update: Ride of the Valkyries

Hm... Did you guys went ahead and rip the CnC3 ZoneTrooper Animation Rigs and strapped it on the Venom's model by any chance? :O Sure am seeing alot a similarities with them movements and firing animations. :O

That and Im quite sure we can see the similarities between the Power Armors.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.6

Hey Carns?

Why not make this a regular unit?

I say this should be a mid ground t3 dedicated bomber aircraft.

This "Scourge Bomber" should be bout same speed as vertigo... that takes out armor and buildings with plasma bombs. Not as strong as the one shot bombers like the vertigo, but much more potent in taking out armor than compared to the Stormrider's puny lasers while the PACs and Dev airships are just too damn slow and cumbersome to be of any use besides direct assault.

Storm-riders are fast harassers and Air to Air and NOT Air to ground Fast attack Bombers... I don't want to be forced to use these guys when I want to take out a tank or a building and hightail out of there.

You might need to balance the blink packs and Plasma Bombs in order to make it as a regular, but other than that, this thing is what the Scrin need as a dedicated bombing aircraft.

Good karma-2 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.6

Some kind of Bomber Aircraft?

Why not make it as a regular unit?

Like A T3 Advanced bomber kinda like Vertigo.

Scrin could use a somewhat in between bomber that doesn't shoot pew pew lasers like the Stormrider or is too big and cumbersome like the Devastator.

Good karma+9 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Ballistic Weapons

Nice to hear that... and nice to see the problem is solved. Thank goodness.

But I still wanna know if we can get em links to the BWC Mods back, Im quite sure all of us here want em back.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Ballistic Weapons


Just got word from my collage that the issue is resolved...

Only problem left is to bring back those links back up... :/

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Ballistic Weapons

Yeah, but thats how life...er internet life is I suppose.
Yeah **** happens. >_> But it only gets worse if the rest of the community has to suffer because of the infighting.

Im now quite afraid of going back to their forums now actually.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Ballistic Weapons

Go ahead and read my previous posts for a detailed explanation.

Im trying to keep tabs on whats going on with the boards, but I do sure hope we can get those guns out soon without probs.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Ballistic Weapons

Thats not what I ment, I mean that the packs are taken down due to internal issues between the members of the team.

Again, I won't go into details of the situation since I don't want to know what happened or is still happening, but I do believe this problem will be resolved in the end.

Good karma+1 vote
CM32 - - 184 comments @ Ballistic Weapons

Its been a while since I was on here... but I will make this brief, its good that this is still going and while I would probably wont be able to complete any of the BW work I wanted to get done, at least I can see there are peeps that have the dedication AND talent to do so where many others can't such as myself. But sadly not all things go all too well even for them.

I got only vague news from a close associate who tracks the place and I don't really have a valid reason to check whats going on nor I want to, so I don't have the full details... but I think the main reason why the BWmod Community packs are taken down is due to some dispute between the members of the team. I sure hope this mess gets taken care of. Kukos and bless you all on making sure you all get back on track.

Good karma+1 vote