----!! WARNING !! NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER DOOM MODS!!---- . . . From the creators of Amnesia: Key to Freedom. Doom Zero is both a celebration and subversion of the original Doom. With unique puzzle, navigational and narrative elements. The purpose of Doom Zero is to prove to Doom fans that there is far more you can do with the vanilla version of Doom II. This also means it can run on the DOS original.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 14)

Doom Zero is a classic representation of Original Doom! Taking place in between the events of Doom 2 and Doom 2016. Doom Zero is loaded with challenging puzzle solving, Interesting map set ups, and awesome atmosphere! Very well put together and worthy of a 10 in my book.


Excellent doom maps, level designing, and enhancement to sounds,demons and weapons as well. The final monster is a really good and creepy too.


Beat it and it was fan-*******-tastic!


Great project.

It takes some missteps (e.g. the end boss fight is an even worse take of the Icon of Sin), but it's still a good bet if you want some fairly standard classic DOOM.


Great WAD, fun for those who like puzzles but with enough action to keep the blood pumping! The maps are very well constructed and you could play them again and sometimes take a different path than the previous time you played them. Some fights can be really heavy and seem unfair but I made it through and loved the challenge. Awesome stuff!


10/10 Rip and Tear!


It has some great moments, like the level you start with 1 hp and no weapons, but most of the time i found myself stuck with the annoying puzzles rather than actually having fun. If a level is so frustrating that i'd rather noclip my way out, then it's not best design I guess


NESfag says

Agree Disagree

Finally a Megawad that feels like the original game and add-ons.
Great stuff!


warif says

Agree Disagree
