The year is 2063. You play as a "Lovac Unit" named Sam Cooper. A special police unit made to do the Global Police Departments dirty work.

After 10 years, The only good thing Haven city has given Sam is his girlfriend, Sarah. A reporter, A northern star, Dead.

When Sarah is murdered while looking into a story, you begin your own unofficial investigation. Going against orders and powerful unseen forces, Sam must put aside his plans to leave Haven behind for good and play Judge, Jury and Executioner one more time.


Fight your way through Haven cities underbelly and find the truth:

Through a 15 map campaign, Discover the dystopian world of Haven city. Influences from many famous cyberpunk properties can be seen in this glowing metropolis all while telling a completely fresh story.

Utilize a powerful new arsenal:

Enjoy a completely overhauled arsenal of weapons with custom models and gameplay.

Check your corners:

With tweaked gameplay, you're not wearing power armor anymore. Lovac uses a risk/reward gameplay structure with tweaks like:

Increased weapon damage output for both NPCs and the Player

Quick melee and Quick grenade function.

Some other secret special abilities

Experience a finely tweaked story:

Starring a fully voice acted cinematic mod with voices from other big mods such as Entropy Zero 2

Featuring a completely original OST:

Created by the talented TINCTURE, Lovacs story is accompanied by a full cyberpunky OST.

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RSS Articles

Lovac Update 2023!

News 4 comments

Good Evening From Haven City!

6 months ago I uploaded the "Final Lovac Update" and it wasn't really meant to be a misleading title. The mod was very much approaching THE FINAL TERMINUS. However, as we were closing in on our last few levels the Voice Actor for our main character quit leaving us with a character who had about 85% of his required voice lines. This was a little annoying but it gave me a second to step back and look at the story. I would have to get a new VA to do all the lines again and I wanted to make sure this was the story I wanted to tell. And I found it wasn't. 2022 was a very bad year for me for reasons I will not talk about here but I was very depressed and the only thing that I felt gave me some worth was my good work on this mod.

But during this time, I was also rewriting the story a lot to be darker and darker I think it might have been a reflection of my mental state. Reading through it was an absolute depressing slog about themes of regret, guilt and a yearning for freedom.

I was close to releasing THIS version of the mod but after Christmas I had some time to clear my head and I decided No. This was not what I wanted the world to see Lovac as and this was not what Lovac was to me. So digging back to the oldest roots the mod had I took my favorite elements from my late 2019 Lovac script and mixed them in with a new tale. One that used a lot of assets and locations from the old script but with new context as to not waste previous work done.

Anyway I am glad to announce today that I am very happy with the current script. It's a serious story about revenge and love but It's still fun. Not afraid to indulge the campiness of typical Cyberpunk Corporation or Hardboiled Cop tropes.

Right now, I'm sitting in a comfortable spot with the mod. I have more done than not done. Alot of what needs to happen is just Voice Work, but I usually work around my actors' schedules so It's kind of at their pace.

So yeah, I just need to give this thing some more time in the oven. Looking to release this before the year is out and It's looking pretty likely so be sure to look out for a trailer.

Oh and PS. Please do not expect a traditional Half Life mod with LOVAC I am very much treating it as Its own thing and haven't been a part of the Half Life modding zeitgeist for a long time. This is a thing I'm doing which just happens to use Half Lifes engine a some of Its game elements.

So expect Cutscenes, Different Gameplay Mechanics and some stuff you've never seen before. Cool? Cool. Let's take a look at some screenshots!


I've been playing with Blender lately and plan to release the mod with a city full of custom-made skyscrapers. Here are a few of the ones I've already made.

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Introducing a new weapon: The KA-74. This will be the main rifle in Lovac.

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A screenshot from an underground section in one of the new maps.

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City streets that were built over after the war.


Work In Progress Mech Enemy Type Model. Chester Young for scale.

And that's It. Please keep in mind that everything shown here is subject to change so it will probably all look a little different on release. Anyway that's all from Haven city for tonight!

Final LOVAC Update

Final LOVAC Update

News 2 comments

A comprehensive update for LOVAC to let you all know where the mod is at in Its cycle. Spoiler alert we're pretty close to being done.

LOVAC October Dev Log

LOVAC October Dev Log


Hello everyone, Curmoji here with another Lovac update. This is shaping up to be my last Dev Log before the release of Lovac so sorry if a chunk of this...

Cutscene demonstration

Cutscene demonstration


(Spoilers for an early story moment) A showcase of an early cutscene in lovac that shows off our character models, voice actors and scripted sequence...

LOVAC May 2022 Update

LOVAC May 2022 Update


Happy May 2022 everybody. Please enjoy our newest update for the mod and let us know what you think.

RSS Files
Lovac: 2063 Alpha Hotfix Build

Lovac: 2063 Alpha Hotfix Build

Demo 2 comments

Lovac: 2063 is back and more bug fixed than ever! This is the definitive way to experience Lovac for the first time and maybe even the second time due...

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

My techno how many years had past? Any updates?

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

Since the story rewrite, how much is developed?

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Sam_Cooper Creator
Sam_Cooper - - 22 comments

Hello quite a bit. Development has slowed down since It's really only me and I'm going through some big life changes (New Job and Youtube channel) I'm sitting on Lovac until I'm stable but I have been doing stuff in the background. I've worked on levels to update them to the new story and worked with the VAs to get a majority of voice lines done. Within the month I should have all Sam Cooper lines.

Once I have those It's literally a matter of time till this thing is finished so no release dates yet but mod Isn't dead.

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

Ah what a story. I believe you tooked a good desision.

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

Wow, almost 6 or so months and I didn't receive any calls!

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

Almost 3 or so months. What's going on with the maps? How's the progress going?

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Sam_Cooper Creator
Sam_Cooper - - 22 comments

Hey there. I haven't updated the Mod DB in a while just because it would be a bit of an eye roll fest. I want the next bit of news to come from Lovac to be the trailer or something close.

Short of it is that I was super depressed last year. With a terrible workplace environment and my obsession of developing this mod taking over my life things got really bad for me. I'm getting better now but that doesn't really change what happened last year. The isolation and mindset I was in at the time led me to continuously rewrite the story of Lovac to be darker and just reading through it is such a chore. It's all just so so bleak and dark and It's a miles away from what I wanted Lovac to be when i started making it which was a Cyberpunk detective story. Back in 2020 I switched the story backdrop to take place exclusively in a corporate tower because I thought I was running out of time on the mod due to my new career that was soon to begin (I figured that it would be easier to map interiors rather than all the city street environments). After I got back I just kept working with the tower story all the while trying to make the story bigger and better. Anyway as mentioned before the story just got too bleak and too big for its own good and when I really thought about it I admitted to myself that the game that story would become would not be something I'd be happy with.

So after a short break I've rewritten the story for a final time. This story uses many elements from previous iterations and alot of elements from the first ever Lovac script idea. It has many more levels set in the streets of Haven and while still following Sam Cooper as a Lovac unit, The player will embark on a very different journey, One rooted in a city wide conspiracy and revenge.

The good thing about this switch is that the newscript allows me to use pretty much all assets from the previous version of the mod, Maps included. All the assets and maps are just being used in a different context and order. The new story has only required 2 new maps which I've already made and I've just been working on renovating our existing maps to fit the new stories context while I get voice work done.

So yeah I'm kind of chugging along on this thing. Rewriting the mod is the best thing I've done in a while for the project. It lets me take the characters I have been writing for a year plus now and reinvent them in a new scenario. I don't really have a release date in mind yet but it will be out this year. Focus is to get the Voice work and scripting done then play tests. I'm a bit of a perfectionist but I know that I'm going to have to eventually bite the bullet and just release this thing.

Anyways that's about it. Don't worry Lovac is my baby, It's gonna come out and you'll know when Its going to. I've got a big promo campaign planned and with in universe videos and everything!

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

Woh what a story you've got into me. You're absolutely right, isolation during the development process, especially when combined with continuous rewriting, can be a risky and potentially detrimental factor. Isolation can lead to a lack of outside perspectives and feedback, which is crucial for maintaining a balanced and objective approach to the creative process.
Collaboration and seeking feedback from others can help ensure that the story remains aligned with the creator's original vision and prevents it from becoming excessively bleak or deviating too far from the intended tone. It's important for developers like you to actively engage with a supportive community, share their progress, and seek constructive criticism.
Additionally, taking breaks and allowing oneself to step back from a project can provide valuable perspective and prevent burnout. Stepping away allows for a fresh look at the work and can contribute to better decision-making and overall project quality.
Overall, maintaining a healthy balance between creative solitude and active engagement with others is crucial when developing something like a mod or any creative endeavor. It helps ensure that the project stays on track and aligned with the original vision, while also safeguarding the well-being and mental health of the developer. And also, Being a perfectionist can certainly pose its own set of challenges during the development process. While striving for excellence and wanting to create the best possible experience is admirable, it's important to find a balance and avoid getting stuck in an endless pursuit of perfection.
Perfectionism can lead to a constant dissatisfaction with one's work, which may hinder progress and prevent the completion or release of a project. It's essential to recognize that no project will ever be flawless and that iteration and feedback are valuable parts of the creative process.
I'll Encourage you to seek feedback from others, whether it's from fellow developers, playtesters, or the community. External perspectives can offer fresh insights and help identify areas for improvement. It's also important for you to set realistic goals and deadlines, allowing themselves to reach a point where they feel the project is in a good state, even if it's not perfect in their eyes.
I'll also Remind you that the pursuit of perfection should not overshadow the joy and satisfaction of creating and sharing their work. Encourage them to embrace the journey and learn from each project, taking the lessons learned to improve future endeavors. Remember, imperfections and challenges are often what make a game or mod unique and memorable.
Ultimately, finding a healthy balance between striving for quality and accepting that perfection may be unattainable is crucial. By doing so, you can move forward with your projects, release them to the world, and continue to grow and improve as a developer. You have the potential and know you shall do it.

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KovacIsABizarreSir - - 8 comments

Kovač is gonna play Lovac. Funny!

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luiscarlosgm - - 237 comments

I know right I know right?

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