A developer of realistic sim games including Buckshot Roulette.

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Buckshot Roulette — Community Spotlight and OC contest results

Buckshot Roulette — Community Spotlight and OC contest results

Buckshot Roulette

Today’s post is a bit special, since we’ll be announcing the results of Mike’s BUCKSHOT ROULETTE OC Contest from Twitter.

Buckshot Roulette — Multiplayer Teaser, Summer Sale, New Bundle and more

Buckshot Roulette — Multiplayer Teaser, Summer Sale, New Bundle and more

Buckshot Roulette

Been a while since we announced that we’re working on multiplayer, huh? Well, today we intend to fill the Dealer-shaped hole in your hearts with some...

BUCKSHOT ROULETTE — Q&A Session with Mike Klubnika

BUCKSHOT ROULETTE — Q&A Session with Mike Klubnika

Buckshot Roulette

Answering your most burning, fascinating and slightly unhinged questions, come take a look!