DROSS is a first person Co-Op Xeno-Horde Procedural Rogue-like. Featuring unique procedurally generated Levels, huge swarms of endless Xeno bugs, powerful weapons and gear, and a brutal perma-death. A tough Roguelike in a first person horde shooter perspective.

Report RSS DROSS demo // Update v 0.58

Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce the release of v0.58 of the DROSS demo! This update adds a lot of new stuff to the demo, it reimplements some previously disabled content, and fixes and polishes pretty much everything else.

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Update v0.58 is the most stable and feature complete update for the DROSS demo to date.

Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce the release of v0.58 of the DROSS demo! This update adds a lot of new stuff to the demo, it reimplements some previously disabled content, and fixes and polishes pretty much everything else.

I have been busy working hard and quietly on DROSS. Currently I am only focusing on the major parts of the demo. I want the demo to be really solid once it is complete. Then, I will focus towards the full version of the game. But I do like to share how progress is going, as well as get all the great feedback I get from everyone trying it out in it’s pre Alpha state. Your feedback has really helped me improve the game daily, and this update is largely thanks to that. So, thank you.

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New Stuff Added:

Bigger bugs & armor:

A few different enemy types have been reimplemented back into the game. These are the armored drones, and the Swarm Guards. They both have gotten fresh updated art and animation, as well as custom sounds effects.

Both these types of enemy bugs have parts that are armored. You the player are encouraged to fight these enemies differently by attacking their weaker spots. Because otherwise, they’re really difficult to kill. Where as the smaller and softer armored enemies are more vulnerable to weapons such as the shotgun and high fire rate, low accuracy weapons, these bigger bugs are probably taken down quicker by a few well placed shot from weapons like the pistol.

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Bug blood & gore:

I have also added more effects for bugs getting hit, and dying. Parts will now break and explode into pieces. There are new effects where they are hit, as well as a different effect if an armored part is hit. And some rather cool blood effects are left on the floors as well.

It has been a rather long time between this dev log and the previous one. So there is probably a lot of new stuff that I’m honestly forgetting to mention. Pretty much everything has changed, and all the new stuff is really helping the game finally take shape to how I see it being.

swarmGuard HeadExplode

Polish and fixes:

The tutorial:

I have been working and reworking the tutorial to make the game easier to get started in. I have been working on even adding small cutscenes where we finally get a bit of narrative between the player and Vanth. She seems more adamant to get new players knowing how to survive inside the ORCUS facility, for whatever reason she may have. I have yet to detect what input the player is using, game pad or keyboard, but that will be added to help with learning what all the buttons do.

Gameplay flow:

For the demo, and for the first steps into the game, it starts off just a little easier. Now, I’m not making the game easy, no. Or making the first level really any different from the others gameplay wise. But it is smaller, and more streamlined than anything else. There’s are now only 9 rooms on floor 1. With everything marked rather clearly on the map. There is one supply room, for an upgrade. And one armory, for a new weapon. I stripped out anything that may be too much at the start. And all the stuff that would be a distraction or take away from the most basic core of the game. Get loot, get to the exit, and survive to the next floor.

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The Rest Area:

Between the first and second level there’s is a small safe area. This area has more story, and more tutorials to teach the more advanced techniques that aren’t needed before completing the first level. It is hinted at there are optional objectives to complete in the levels ahead, as well as explaining how upgrades to the player or their weapons will work and stack together. This rest area appears less frequently after the first visit, but the player will be returning here or to similar looking areas. This is where they can also save and quit without losing progress.

A lot of other things have been changed and improved. But like I mentioned before, the list is so long, and goes back around 2 months ago, I have forgotten more of what’s changed than what I can remember.

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What’s next to do:

Weapons & and their polish:

Next to be added back into the game would be all the different weapons and their upgrades. I have been reworking and rethinking how those would work, and I do have a solid idea on how it will be. However, it has required me to disable a few of the weapons as Im working on them.

I intend to do a major visual overhaul on all the weapons. This involves completely redoing the artwork, as well as creating moving parts and animations to go along with them. The jump between the old bugs and the new ones was very large, and they look so different, and so much better now. Expect the same drastic difference between the weapons as they are now, and how they will be once they’re done.

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Player upgrades:

Currently the item pool for potential upgrades is rather small, and that just will not do for a solid Roguelike where the goal is to find and collect powerful upgrades to improve yourself. I intend to work on adding many interesting and unique items and power ups to the demo before it’s completion.

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The other Bug Variants:

I have to reimplement both the spore bug, and the spitter bug into the demo. These will fill out the missing parts to combat. It will add a lot to prioritizing targets, keep the player mobile, and counteract any overused or overpowered strategy. I am mostly holding back on these to let the player get stronger with the new upgrades and weapons being adding and reimplemented. Because while the demo is winnable in its current state, it certainly is not easy. I hope to balance it more into the players favour before adding even more different and dangerous enemies.

Ideally, I want the demo to be as feature complete as I can. With the major limit being that there’s only 3 levels to it. But I’d like the fact that there’s will be a lot of content, to the point it’s not possible to see it all in one play through.

swarm fight

Getting here has had some major hurdles and growing pain along the way. I am glad I have been able to keep updating the game, and sharing progress sooner than later. Even if sometimes it breaks, or something is missing. Or looks bad etc. Just having everyone try it out has really helping shape the game into something better than it’s ever been.

I have a long way to go before I can even say the demo is done. Thank you to those just coming into the game, and for everyone who has been here along the way. I really appreciate the help and support that I have received during development of DROSS. it’s only me creating art, writing code, making the game more or less. But I’m not making it alone, and I probably couldn’t if I was. So, thank you again. For reading this, for trying out the demo.

It’s turning into something, and it’s going to be great.


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