WELCOME TO DULUTH. After watching her mother get dragged underneath the surface by something terrible, a young Grace Havenshroud was left scared and alone. 10 years later, Grace returns to her hometown of Duluth, Minnesota. Equipped with her dual revolvers and the sun necklace gifted in her mother's final moments, Grace is determined to find out what took her mother. Use your run and gun-style skills to navigate the treacherous abyss and rid Dululth of its monsters! The abyss features tons of items that drastically impact the way the game is played and will aid in the increased difficulty per level. Using random generation, each level of the abyss is unique and rewards different styles of play. Whispering Abyss also features collectible journal entries that help Grace uncover the mystery of what happened all those years ago. Will Grace discover Duluth’s secrets, or will she meet the same fate as her mother?

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