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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 39)
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Pigtales - beneath the scenes

O My God! Kill it with fire!

Good karma+6 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ It’s a scam!

It's just that people want there world to feel alive, with minecraft still being old school.

if you had the chance to make minecraft so real, i mean almost real looking grass etc, but still keep the most important part of the games smashing blocks etc, wouldn't you take it?

about that people are already trying to implant HD textures

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ 'Redsquare Massacre'

That's no realism, there are stories of people having over 30 bullets in there body and surviving.

Good karma0 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Panzer Elite Tanks

Why are they all in Black and white?

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Render Methods

I think edge detect and the one enxt to it should be crossed off right away, night vision should be darken'd and only work at night Monochrome should be darken'd as well, noisy should be used on creatures that rely on ears or sonar could be used with monochrome because sonar cant spot colors

Good karma+3 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ moppop

Try Dutch weed! It will make you relaxed

Now Obiously ur'e gonna say so ur'e F*ing Drug Addict, than I'm gonna say no Of course not I'm just saying you need a Chill-pill

Than ur'e probably gonna look on my profile for something you can harras me with or even better because i post this ur'e gonna say I'm a stalker or a psychiatrist

Than you go about ranting that i need to chase an ambulance say some curse words and talk about or and if i start talking why ur'e here dont dare because I'm on your profile, The reason why I'm on your profile is because I want to Pubicly Denounce you ( Civ 5 Refrence Lol! )

Oh and there's the Ambulance Do i need to go Chase it mister do i?
Or is my Attetion Span so short that i cant even follow the ambulance ahhh poor me

also about the fact that ur'e only talking about yourself yeaahhh you may need to mastrubate more often, noh i do not want to see it nor do i want to help you you dirty dirty little man

I could go on and on how simplistic your mind is, its easy to see I will recieve a rant go on old man... Try

Good karma+7 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Mindworld: Special Article #4

First Really good game music i have heard in a long long time

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Eusthenopteron

love this one :3

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Mindworld

*cough* Minecraft *cough* Haha

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ iqew

Ha no problem I really Like Mindworld Its by far out one of the most interesting things iv'e seen in it's genre

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Cybran trypod

Yes i Have Xfire : 69xxx96

I prefer Concept art but i can draw it myself, and the closest to sci-fi is the last picture haha so i'm kinda excited to start.

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Cybran trypod

My preferred field is modeling and/or textures

I have model'd for Company of heroes, and for Men of war mostly small arms

but I have done bigger projects as well, i think of stepping over to 3DS max I currently work with Google Sketchup because its so easy to use, and I currently own photoshop SC5

Few examples of the bigger projects :

These are old pictures, and i have vastly improved and work quite fast thing like the tripod will be hard but stuff like the artillery tank will not be so tough

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Cybran trypod

This is awesome also do you do this with or without concept art? and what program do you use for modeling?

maybe i could help ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Sea

One of the best Concept art i have seen, this is going to be the best mod when it comes out!

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Shit, it got real!

Lol nice

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Megalodon

haha lol at ancient shark refrence

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Concept / Environments / Biological Research

o wow this is perfect.

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Specops Render

truely epic!

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Biome Contest

Sea "Forest"
occurs: around 1,000km Depth of an ocean mostly tropical oceans but can also be expected underneath the ice of an ice covered ocean
resources: Salt water, Fresh Water, Minerals
elevation: -1,000 depth of ocean
climate: water is generally around -500 Celsius to 35 Celsius
topography: Flat.
biodiversity: Are there a lot of organisms in your biome or only a few?
autotroph niches: plants: Trees that are well developed for life under the sea, seaweed, fungus.
heterotroph niches: animals: Aquatic Bottom feeders. Aquatic carnivores, sometimes out growing the forest. Medium sized Aquatic Carnivores, Small to medium sized Aquatic Herbivores, Microbes, Sea "snakes" Aquatic organisms that are more able to swim between the branches of the trees mostly carnivores.
other: Forest under the Sea level

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

well than don't play the mod, you dont have to.

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Terracore Adventures

Awesome, Makes me think of Motherload only this is sweeter. On a side not will you be able to buy Upgrades Like longer Air so that the mole can remain longer beneath the earth or? The use of some kind of explosives would be funny, anyway nice pictures and you guys are doing a great hob ;)

Good karma+2 votes
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Warhammer 40k: Resurrection of WAR

I think it's better not to give away a Beta. This is my opinion Take a look at Modern Combat, they never released a beta and there doing great, the zombie mod released a beta, which wasn't really good for the public which really let people down i also suggest It's done when its done otherwise people are going to complain.

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Warhammer 40k: Resurrection of WAR

Ah i see, Just come when you are ready although i have seen people setting up threads with less.

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Warhammer 40k: Resurrection of WAR

Good too see a great modder, might i suggest you also set-up a thread at The relic news forums, you have started interest for your work there aswell and maybe some members will contribute ;)

RN News :

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Titans Over Europe: Resurrection

Well, look out with out jokes next time.. we might just take them a bit too serious HAHAHA ;p

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ The maus concept

I'm afraid this Maus is too Highly detailed for COH a cylinder cannot have more than 8 sides

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Titans Over Europe: Resurrection

I played it and indeed the new trooper indeed looks like hellghast ;p but still ours is cooler Haha ;p

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Shredder Ingame

O sorry, i see now but again Great work ^^

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Shredder Ingame

He's moving a bit fast, and he's not rotating properly. But i can live with that but thats it.
Awesome Job Uccido

Well Done!

Good karma+1 vote
Angelic - - 39 comments @ Thrive

Is it possible for us to get a Life-sign please?

Good karma+2 votes