RSS Reviews

Raising the Bar: Redux

Early access mod review

This is a review of the first chapter release.

I've gotta be honest, everything from the introduction until you get the crowbar kinda blows. While the maps are pretty good to look at, they are a pain to navigate. It really feels like I'm just fumbling around, somehow going in the 'right' direction, but it never FEELS right. It's like I'm going through a Beta amusement park rather than an actual world that's lived in. Same goes with the NPCs, they just don't feel like they're present.

But everything after Kleiner's Lab is absolutely 99% top-notch. The new weapon models and animations, the level design and enemy placement, all of it clciks just right. The combat feels great and the levels designed around it DO make sense. The narrative aspect... not so much, but it definitely was fun.

I also wanna give props to whoever's making the soundtrack. These tunes are very faithful to that industrial Kelly Bailey style while sprinkling some sounds of their own.

You guys are on the right track and I hope I see more.


Dark Interval

Early access mod review