Hello, I am an indie game developer from Korea, currently working solo. I have created my first shoot 'em up game and would love to hear what fans of the genre think about it. I've added a unique twist to the traditional shoot 'em up concept. I am eager to know your thoughts and evaluations. Thank you very much. To all the game enthusiasts and fellow developers out there, I support and cheer for you!

Post article RSS Articles
 Newly Released Food Fight M on Google Play Store.

Newly Released Food Fight M on Google Play Store.


Hello, I am an indie game developer from Korea, currently working solo. I have created my first shoot 'em up game and would love to hear what fans of...

Newly Released Food Fight M on Google Play Store.

Newly Released Food Fight M on Google Play Store.

Unity3d Discussion

Hello, I am an indie game developer from Korea, currently working solo. I have created my first shoot 'em up game and would love to hear what fans of...